Union City, NJ
age: 50
after a hard day of work for you and you female partner, wouldn`t if be great to have oral sex with each other every nite to gear down?   

District Heights, MD
age: 36
U really need to get some. Give it up. Didn't anyone tell you kids are better seen and not heard  

Union City, NJ
age: 50
kids im almost old enough to be your father LMAO

District Heights, MD
age: 36
Is that right? Huh?

Tracy, CA
age: 29
If i have had a long day at work, then got home and i started engaging in oral sex, that is not gearing down a damn thing! That is putting in more work than i put in on the job!
Wait! You must be new to it!
[Edited 9/19/2007 9:04:27 PM]