10/3/2008 2:35:42 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Findlay, OH
age: 51
ok how did you 2 meet and get hooked up,,,,,,,,for me my late hubby used to be a neighbor and was divorced at the time we met and asked me to come and work with him at his job and our relationship progressed from there,,,,,,
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10/3/2008 3:50:08 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |


Nampa, ID
age: 62
for me, it was just about a month out of my divorce and had gone to the bowling alley to visit a friend and there he was. just teased with him a couple times, left alone, and then saw him again 3 nights later at a bar close to my home. he rescued me from 3 that were trying to decide who was going to take me home, I was not included in the debate! and from that night on, we both just knew it was all good. made it almost 28 years, and it was great.. he was my life  
10/3/2008 4:40:15 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Freeman, MO
age: 41
Okay..for me, I had this friend who lived with this guy who like to help kids out by giving them a place to stay..he invited me to come and live with him to help him clean the house, etc..We were 'negotiating' the terms of the arrangement, with a neighbor being my 'legal advisor' and I was joking about fringe benefits, what I would get out of helping him..when all of a sudden, this gorgeous guy with his hair pulled back in a ponytail poked his head in the door and said something..I don't remember what, and I immediately pointed toward the door and said, "Can that be one of my fringe benefits!!?"...and not to soon after I moved in, I got off late and he stopped by and took me to a bar and the rest..is history..
10/3/2008 6:47:37 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Findlay, OH
age: 51
hi both of you ,,, just brings back good old times for us all here ,,,kind of interesting,,thanks for the reply  
10/3/2008 8:13:58 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Stateline, NV
age: 56
For me it was working together. We did that for a little over a year and became good friends and then it was like something just clicked. We did more and move more in our short time together then a lot of other people do in a life time. And I would not of changed it for the world, except to have him here with me. We were only married a little over 4 years, but we had the kind of marriage we both had been dreaming of. And we continued to work together even when we left the place where it all started from.
10/3/2008 8:35:11 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Wheat Ridge, CO
age: 66
I drove truck for Coors Beer in Golden, CO. in 1976. One night I went to sleep at the truck stop in Las Vegas, NV and about 3:00 in the morning someone was beating on my door telling me to "get up and let's go have breakfast." When I looked out it was another Coors driver, so I got dressed and met him inside the restaurant. Then I started following him back to Denver. He was running team and I was running solo, so I only made it to Cedar City, UT when I had to give it up and go back to sleep. For the next 6 months, everywhere I went, it seemed like he was there (nowdays it would be called "stalking.")I found out later, he asked dispatch to send him where he would be able to see me. He asked me several times to marry him and I refused...Then I finally decided it was easier to marry him than it was to keep running from him. We married the first time in Las Vegas, where we met, then we said our vows again in FL after we found out he had Cancer in 1990. We never ran team, but we always drove for companies that would run us either in the same direction or where we could cross paths and meet each other on the road...It was like a "forever" honeymoon and I sure do miss him. He died on Veterans Day, 1992.
10/4/2008 5:53:43 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Conyers, GA
age: 52
we grew up together and played with the same kids and he was always the one i didn't want anything to do with..i met his best friend and we hit it off and he always told me that Ricky would use me then dump me like he did all his other gf's..well,he was right and guess who was there to pick up the pieces?i was just 15 and Jimmy(husband) was 18 and when Ricky broke up with me it devistated me,yes at that age it felt like i was gonna die..Jimmy came down and held me as i cried like a baby and he took my hand later on and placed a sterling silver ring on it that had little hearts all around it(i still have it today) and kissed it and said the words to this old time song,SEALED WITH A KISS and kissed my finger..it made me feel so bad yet so good..at 15 i didn't know really what love was but from that moment on we were together and got married soon after that and was married for 31 yrs,till he passed away 3 yrs. ago..so what was true love for him was just not sure what i would call what it was for me but it grew into a love like no other..was the best yrs. of my life..we didn't have what others would call a wonderful marriage toward the end and that was all my fault but thats another story,but we still loved each other and he never let a day go by without telling me or showing me and that is something not everyone can say..
10/5/2008 4:12:42 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Apache Junction, AZ
age: 57
To make a long story short, we met in a bar. I had my drink drugged and passed out in the women's rest room, where I was raped. He carried me out of there and sat and watched over me all that night with lots of TLC. We did a lot of talking the next day and lived happily ever after for 18 1/2 years. Don't go to bars any more and rarely ever drink now.
10/5/2008 2:16:37 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Fallon, NV
age: 45
This will sound a little corny now… But, I was in a drug store and after the cashier rang up my purchase I asked her … “I was just wondering if you wouldn’t mind marring me too much.” That was back in the mid 80’s when the Rocky movie was popular… Yes I owe my 13 years of marriage to Sylvester Stallone.
10/6/2008 9:47:14 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Kansas City, MO
age: 58
Larry and I met through a mutual friend who was an Amateur Radio Operator (Larry's OTHER love besides ME)...We each had two kids...got married and combined our families after only knowing one another for four short months...it sort of began as a union of convenience...since we both were kind of in the same position with children...money (or lack of)...housing, etc. We started off being the best of friends and it just grew !
We shared 20 years together before he became my favorite Angel 
[Edited 10/6/2008 9:49:47 AM PST]
10/7/2008 10:16:27 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Strasburg, OH
age: 59
 well his sister was dating my brotherand we met that way..we dated a couple years and got engaged than he went off to viet nam..after a while,i stopped getting letters so i thought he changed his mind, so i started dating again,met a guy got married and a week later my mother called ..so i went home to visit and there waiting for me was a stack of letters tied in a bundle from my first love stationed in viet nam....i never saw him again for 22yrs,,,than in 1990 i ran into him at a stop and go store..i was divorced and he never married..so we talked dated and got married and was married 16 wonderful years.now hes gone forever but the wonderful memories will live on...wally truly was the love of my life...
[Edited 10/7/2008 10:36:57 PM PST]
10/10/2008 12:43:01 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Newport News, VA
age: 59
silly really - we were in a class together in college - he turned around and asked to borrow a pencil - love at first sight - the rest is memories now....
10/10/2008 6:05:17 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Saint John, NB
age: 59
We met on a blind date. I never had a date until I left home. He wanted to go "steady" really early in the relationship but I wanted to be free to check out other guys. For him it was "all in" or "all out", so I went steady--didn't want to loose him. After 2 years, we got married and our relationship just kept getting better and better. I read this in a book recently and I think it is a good quote for our relationship, "We were easy together, sort of flowed on the same current." We were married for 33 wonderful years.
10/10/2008 9:56:36 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Blackwood, NJ
age: 79
Introduced by a mutual friend, when I first met her, I saw the most
beautiful, gorgeous, classy creature I had ever seen.
I lost her 50 years later to cancer.
10/19/2008 11:55:46 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Pascagoula, MS
age: 50
Mike and I met first at a pizza place after a football game, I was not impressed as he was drunk as a skunk. Met again later at a b-day party of a mutual friend. I was there with someone else, he told me when I got tired of that guy to give him a call. About 6 months later, he came into the grocery store, (where I worked), in his Navy uniform, and asked me out. He was on leave from "A School". We dated each time he came home on leave and wrote lots and lots of letters. We married Jan of 1982, was married for over 24 years, had 2 great kids, divorced in 2006 for 9 months before reconciling. We planned on remarrying Aug. of 2008, to make a bad memory, (divorce date), a happy one. Needless to say it didn't happen, Mike died in an automobile accident we were involved in, back in Oct. 2007, coming back from the Talladega race.
He lives on in the hearts of all those who's lives he touched.
10/28/2008 8:24:53 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Northfield, MN
age: 49
Well...if you could ask him how we met he would tell you the middle of March, BUT the truth is...we met the end of Feb. He had a bit much to drink that night and didnt remember me. He was my girlfriends cousin and she invited me to his brothers birthday party. (Leap day) That birthday part ywas when we really met.
Two weeks later we went to a dance and he was there. He thought that was where we met. It was always fun to have that conversation with him. Mostly because I was always right! hehe 
10/31/2008 10:01:20 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Duxbury, MA
age: 45
ok how did you 2 meet and get hooked up,,,,,,,,for me my late hubby used to be a neighbor and was divorced at the time we met and asked me to come and work with him at his job and our relationship progressed from there,,,,,, 
Funny. I met her when I fired her (layoffs) ! We started dating soon after!!!     
11/2/2008 11:30:05 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Waynesboro, VA
age: 55
I was on a Narcotics stakeout, local disco, she came up to me and said very direct, You look like a Narc. I had to check myself , to see if anything was showing. A week later I asked her out, and we spent 15 glorious yrs together, until I lost her jun of 07
11/2/2008 1:48:37 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Boise, ID
age: 67
My late( Second) wife and I met 33 years ago through Parents Without Partners. I had her for 20 years. I miss her every minute of every day!
My first wife I met when she took her young cousins roller skating & I was managing the rink. 30 days later I rented an airplane and we got married after midnight in Las Vegas
[Edited 11/2/2008 1:54:01 PM PST]
11/3/2008 3:02:46 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

age: 50
We met at work and were married about a year and a half later. We worked at the same company most of our lives until he was laid off in 2004.
11/3/2008 6:55:52 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Tulsa, OK
age: 35
(since I don't feel like typing it all again, this is copied from my post in a soulmates thread)
We'll see if I can't cut down a really long story to explain.
When I was in the second grade we were given the opportunity to write to pen pals. I and my ever so horrid handwriting coupled with bad spelling screwed up the address to my assigned pen pal.
We were given some rules to follow on this. Never tell them your real name, never tell them your address. All letters were going back and forth through school.
My letter went to a lonely housewife (Mai) who had just in the last year dropped two, read that TWO 9lbs twin daughters. The name that was on the letter was nearly impossible to read, and my handwriting was pretty bad to so she thought it was for her. skip ahead
I gave my name and address to her so we could keep in touch. skip ahead
As my handwriting and sentence composition/complexity improved, so did her English, so she always thought I dumbed down my letters so she could understand better and as she learned better English I challenged her with more.
She shows up on my doorstep when I'm 13. Nothing bad happens.It had never dawned me that she never asked my age, and I never asked hers. My interests were always about astronomy and space in general so by my letters there was no way to tell how old I was. My interests weren't normal to say the least. skip ahead
Mom used to be a religious nut job and she stated the bible says you're a man when you're 13 so get the fark out.
Mai found out I was homeless, insists I move in. Twins immediately start calling me big brother.
Live 5 years like a family (nothing funky going on here) Mai gets deported for some BS paperwork error. Leaves me and twins. skip ahead
After two years and sh!t tons of money spent Mai gets back into the country legally just as I'm having a nuclear meltdown with yet another screwed up female.
Skip ahead 2 months we're sitting down for dinner like we did every night and Mai asks if every woman treated me the way the last one did. Twins say yes, I just shrug my shoulders. Mai says we're getting married, I say Uhh, no. She says Uhh, yes. 6 months later we're in Japan having a semi-sorta ceremony, but didn't matter anyway by US law.
Skip ahead
Feb. 11 2001 we get hit by a drunk driver. Mai, Alexandria (one of the twins) and our adopted son Lewis are killed.
More happens, but really this is it summarized.
3/27/2009 12:24:35 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Newport, KY
age: 60
My husband and I met on a blind date that was set up by a friend of mine that I worked with at the time. It was Derby night in May of 1978 and I will never forget the look that we both had for each other when he walked up the steps at my moms house. It was love at first sight. We dated for two months and in June of 1978 he asked me to marry him after I met his mom and dad. I will never forget the night that I met his parents because he kept telling me if his dad shook my hand that he liked me and his dad shook my hand. Married him on September 30, 1978 and spent 25 great years together when he died. Every year on our anniversary I think about him and also on his birthday and Derby Day and the night that he died because he died on my younger brothers birthday October 23, 2003 after suffering with Lung Cancer for 11 months. My middle son looks a lot like his dad. This was definitely a great idea. Hope more people will tell how they met there spouse. Thank You.    
3/27/2009 9:34:25 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Gateway, AR
age: 34
We worked together.......started makin' passes at each other....I asked her out....we were together for 10 years after that.
3/27/2009 10:15:39 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Dodgeville, WI
age: 46
I met Dave at a demolition derby. He was my cousin's stepbrother and they were all there. He was actually paying to much attention to my aunt, being she was married to my uncle, I felt I needed to interfere with that. My intention at the time was just to draw his attention from her. We went out the day after my birthday a couple of weeks later. I thought at first he was a little square. Being I was 18 wearing brown pants and listening to eddy rabbit was not my style. He was very good looking and treated me like I was the queen of the world. In two weeks we were engaged, he drove three times a week 120 miles round trip to see me. The next month I moved in with him and two months later we were married. Though everyone said we would never make it or " I give it 6 months", we were together over 24 years. Our life was hard and certainly not perfect but I would take it back in a heartbeat!
3/27/2009 2:37:15 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Colby, WI
age: 54
Through a personals add in a newspaper LOL. We were both "empty nestors" and placed one. one evening I had a message from a gal 2 1/2 hours away; trying to be polite I called to tell her thanx for the interest but long distance will not work LOL..We got to talking and did so for about a week, one afternoon she said she had driven to a certain town on her way here and chickened out, I asked "why, you were halfway here", 3 hours later she was in my driveway. We stayed up till 2:30 AM talking, I left for work at 5AM and her for the drive back to work an 8 hour shift(I felt sorry for her all day!). She came back that weekend and the following weekend she moved in and gave me the best 12 years of my life to date! Through the downs that every relationship goes through and even her illness, I would do it all over again!
3/28/2009 5:29:38 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Newport News, VA
age: 48
I met him at Montgomery Wards in October 1983. I worked in the paint department and he worked Security. The first thing he ever asked me was, "can I call you Rose?"I used to hide when I saw him. I had a boyfriend. Well in January 1984 we started to date. Our first date was SILKWOOD movie and Pizza Hut.And so we had married in September 1984. He died last April of Lung Cancer.But we had a great life together.

3/30/2009 9:55:21 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Mena, AR
age: 50
Middle of the night, soaking wet in my pjs because I had been caught in a blast of water from a fire hose. I had just moved into a weekly pay motel after getting out of hospital where I had filed for divorce from my first husband (he put me there) and he had moved into the same hotel with his girlfriend because their house had burned down. There was a fire the very first night that I was there and getting out of there was ummm chaotic. ROFLMAO
We wound up meeting in the ambulance that they were checking people out in. His GF wound up leaving him for .......... you got it ...... my ex and friends told us we should get together and figure out the best revenge. Well we did LOL we were married 2 1/2 WEEKS later and stayed married for 15 years 2 weeks 4 hours and 37 minutes until he died. Oh yes the judge in my divorce made the EX pay for our honeymoon. They, the ex and his ex GF lasted all of 2 weeks before she was trying to get him back. 
3/30/2009 10:29:20 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Spring Hill, FL
age: 55
i wish i had some one speical for me and only me if my soul mate out there give a message ok i love all sexy women who just wants some real man to show them how i can really be very good to them ok                                   
3/30/2009 12:47:56 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Dodgeville, WI
age: 46
I just gotta say... I dont know if you are moved by the love we have had in our life and want that kind of love, or you are looking for weak points to move in on? Very inappropriate for this forum niceguy. 
3/30/2009 2:39:22 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Pittsburgh, PA
age: 44
My late husband's grandmother lived in a duplex with my grandmother. Always saw him there. I had just one problem, I was only 15. We hooked up anyway and it lasted for 25 years. He was my whole world.
3/30/2009 2:44:10 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Pittsburgh, PA
age: 44
My late husband's grandmother lived in a duplex with my grandmother. Always saw him there. I had just one problem, I was only 15. We hooked up anyway and it lasted for 25 years. He was my whole world. He passed 3 years ago and left me with the biggest void in my life.
4/6/2009 9:00:40 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |


Scottsburg, IN
age: 55
Through family and mutual friends at church.
4/6/2009 11:39:16 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Sarasota, FL
age: 52
Marc and I met while working at IBM in NY but didn't like each other - at all... about 2 years later my roommate and I had a halloween party which happened to fall on my birthday - the day before Halloween... I didn't even know he was there (along with 200 other techs)and the guy I was dating at the time WAS there... anyway - we had several kegs of beer and apparently Marc had 1 too many, found his way upstairs and passed out in my bed... I was not there.. Later I walked upstairs and there's my roommate and friend singing "happy birthday to you..." while he is passed out... It was funny - when he finally woke up later I teased him about it - something about him that I really liked finally.. That was October 1983 - we were married September 1984 and he passed on Aug 10th, 2003. It was a good run 
4/7/2009 9:07:22 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Piqua, OH
age: 56
I was a ballroom dance teacher and she came in for a "free" lesson. I was mesmerized.
Just wanted to be with her all the time. Luckily for me, she wanted to be around me all the time, too. We had a whirlwind romance and married 2 months after meeting. For the next 25 years, learning how wonderful it was to be in a nurturing and loving partnership was great. Sex was replaced with INTIMACY (still had some "monkey love" when the time was right) and the complete feeling of knowing I was where I should be. I have no regrets and am grateful for the miracle I was given.
We gave each other the room to pursue individual interests, and developed mutual interests as well. It was so easy to be supportive when you knew that you would be supported also. That mutual support helped us to be adventerous and willing to take risks. And we did do that. Financially, emotionally and professionally. We made some mistakes, some bigger than others, but always knew our lives would still be intact. What a wonderful thing that was. We vowed never to refrain from doing something just because it scared us.
Our "lovemaking" started the minute we woke up and continued throughout the day and evening. Touching was a very large part of who we were. A stroke of the face, a kiss on the back of the neck, a brush of the hand across the behind. Never parting without saying "I love you."
She was my life. I shall forever love her.
4/8/2009 1:08:58 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Brevard, NC
age: 62
Work.... I was a store mgr and "She" was an irate customer and the only way I could make the dang lady happy was to marry her. Oh, I also had to give here a new headboard, take care of her two darling little girls and be sure we all got to church on time.
That's what ya get for selling defective products. Thirty to life, in an instatution. Any ladies out there need some niiiiice furniture. It's been 2&1/2 yrs since she left us.
4/12/2009 6:28:53 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Portage, IN
age: 58
I was thinking about how lonely I was one evening, and I asked God to give me the desire of my heart, that I really wanted to be married again, the next evening I was reading the newspaper and reading the personal ads, this was in 1997, never answered an ad before in my life, the title of an ad I saw was the Desire of Your Heart, I absolutely could not pass that up, and I did tell God he practically had to write me a letter so I would know what to do, lol, well I did answer that ad and married that guy, and he was the Desire of my Heart, we married in 2000, he died in May of last year, what a wonderful gift he was to me. And God sure did answer that prayer quickly, 24 hrs later!
4/13/2009 12:12:00 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Danvers, MA
age: 65
for me>>> We met back in 1973 and it was love at first sight>> we married in 1975 and had 2 beautiful kids all grown now>>I had 2 from a previous marriage that he adored so much and we had almost 32 beautiful yrs together
4/13/2009 6:39:01 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Kingston, GA
age: 50
Me & Jeffery met in a ICE STORM. I got stuck at work, walmart manager told me if I agreed to come in to work durring the storm that he would put me up in a motel (Super8)! I agreed left to get the last room they had. Walked in the front door, smiled at the guy behind the counter (desk clerk). Checked in the room, went back to the lobby to chat with all the other stuck people. I left my umbrella behind the door. I remembered where I left it and called to see if they still had it weeks later. He asked if he could come see me at work and I agreed. He came we chatted & he asked me to breakfast the next morning. I met him. W met on Feb. 2,1996 and Married May 3, 1996! He said to me later that the minute I walked into the front door & smiled at him, that he knew that I would be his wife! I didn't at the time but as you can see, he was right! The first nighttime date we had we were listening to the radio in the front yard in his car, we saw a shooting star. I asked him if he made a wish & he said yes. I told him I knew what he had wished for and he said no way! I told Jeff that I would write it down & seal it in a bottle and when that time came I would show him what I wrote down. Sure enough when he ask me to MARRY HIM, I opened up the bottle & he couldn't believe what he saw! He asked me how did I know, I couldn't answer him cause I really didn't know either! I knew it was RIGHT, So we married. He got SICK in July 96. Went down hill ever sense. He died on my Birthday May 20, 2003! I can actually say that he was the best husband any woman could have! I miss him so very much, it's the little things I miss most. I know that he is HAPPY & HEALTHY now and has 2 Good LEGS instead of one leg here. Had contaminated well water where we were living. Clear as a bell, no bad taste nothing! So check your WELL WATER at LEAST 2 times a Year! I can feel him touch the back of my neck at times as crazy as that seems but I can! I smile and say YES< I STILL LOVE YOU JEFFERY!!!!
That's my story, and I'm Sticking to it )))))))))))))
Mary S.
I deal with his death on my BIRTHDAY as my FRIEND Elizabeth said that he was RE_BORN ON MY BIRTHDAY so it makes it a little more BEARABLE! 
4/20/2009 11:03:58 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
North Las Vegas, NV
age: 55
I met my late husband in a nightclub...and we were pretty much inseparable from that that foward. Sometimes u just know the person you're meeting for the first time is the "one". So far, after two years, it hasn't happened again...
4/20/2009 12:55:21 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Amarillo, TX
age: 49
We were married 21 years then he had a brain bleed. It was sudden did not even know wha t hit him
4/21/2009 6:20:19 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Virginia Beach, VA
age: 63
I was working as the editor of a small newspaper and decided to go to the marina for lunch, which I often did.
I got my lunch and walked out on the massive deck to relax and enjoy the water as I ate.
I heard a man call my name and, looking in the direction of the voice, I saw a man sitting there, eating his lunch.
"Yes,?" I said.
He replied that I didn't recognize him - which was true, I didn't.
He stood and told me his name. Then I saw that he was a friend in college. Someone I liked but never dated. WOW! What a shock!
We dated for about a year and then were married. After 9 years, he died and I was devastated, but oh, how I appreciate the time we had together!
4/21/2009 1:21:10 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Galion, OH
age: 53
We met on a dating service advertised in the newspaper. He was my second date. I was not going to go out with him cause he was 10 years older than me, I was 24 and he was 34. The lady that owned the dating service called me and talked me into meeting him as she knew him and said he was a good guy. We were married in 5 months. 
5/26/2009 9:35:20 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Villa Ridge, MO
age: 51
I started a new job, and as the boss was showing me around the production floor I see a petite little lady bent over with her top half pushing trash down in a barrel, and then she stands up whipping almost waist-length blonde hair through the air. I was hooked, though for various reasons it was a year before we started going out. We talked every day though, so by the time we started going out we'd already discussed a lot of the things that are normally discussed before marriage. 
5/26/2009 9:53:35 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Cosby, TN
age: 55
We met at High School,actually he was breaking up with his girl friend cause she'd been steppin out on him,
I at the time was seeing someone else,just as friends,
He and I just started talking and then he began walking me to the bus stop and then driving me home and then we started seeing each other all the time,
He'd told me the guy I had been dating told him to keep an eye on me for him,yea, ok 
We dated for 2yrs and married Sept 29th 73,were together for 34 yrs.till he died with lung cancer.
6/17/2009 8:48:04 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Quakertown, PA
age: 71
I was a member in "Uncle Sam's Yacht Club" when I received my first letter from my future spouse. Our mothers belonged to the "Order of the Eastern Star" and her mother received my address in an agreement made by the mother's to put our names in a hat to pick from as an exchange of the addresses of their "boys" in service in order to write to them. My wife's mother thought it would be nice (a cute idea maybe?)to give her daughter my address instead of writing to me instead. The rest is history as they say. (who said that? *L*)
Shamus (jim)
6/18/2009 2:00:36 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Bloomington, IL
age: 47
I was living at a homeless shelter after a stint in a rehab center. I saw a very handsom man dropping off a woman. I asked her who that was, she said it was her ex husband. I told her he was the most handsom man I have never seen. Told her to have him call me...Dwaine called me the next day and two weeks latter i moved in with him...he had kicked her out because she cheated on him. We were married thirteen years, he passed away on 4-25-09...I was sobber for that whole time and he still to me the most handsom man i will ever see. Love at first sight indeed.
6/25/2009 10:17:01 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Riverview, FL
age: 53
My late husband (Robert) and I worked together a little over 11 years for Hillborough County. We lived together for several years and then married. We had so much in common and I miss him very much...
It was a big shock to find out that he had a brain tumor and he never woke up after the surgery in 2007.
6/25/2009 7:23:38 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |


Twin Falls, ID
age: 57
I was a new 21 dealer in the casino where he was the manager...Whenever he walked up to watch my game I totally went blank...boy did I feel stupid !! I finally got up the nerve to ask him to watch a little farther away...as he made me very nervous...Instead he asked me out,so he wouldn't make me so nervous...we were married 32 years...I miss him everyday,and would love to have him walk up to me again..the butterflies never went away....
6/27/2009 4:52:18 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |


Waterford, CA
age: 74
I was with my dad and his date at a dance hall. I knew several people there and this cute guy asked me to dance. Why not? Half way through the dance he told me he was going to marry me. I told him he was nuts. Three weeks later we were married. we were married 43 years. He passed on 10 years ago.
6/27/2009 12:04:32 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Clearfield, UT
age: 45
Hi all.
My late and I met when I was in fifth grade and he in 7th. He was the cousin of one of my friends from school.
I hated him you know the way little girls hate teenagers. Later he moved to my neigborhood right exactly at my street. By then he was a handsome 17 years old boy, and I was 13. She started playing night games down the street with us and since we begun little boy/girl friends.
We were married for about 24.9 years.
7/9/2009 7:13:32 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Havana, IL
age: 65
Hello All!
Well for me it was a true Fairy Tale! We met on a pen pal site back in 2000. I got my first note from him and it was about two lines long! The only thing I knew about him was that his name was Jim and he was Very Excited to know me! Well as time went on, (not much mind you) >smile< He told me that he was falling in love with me and I thought Oh MY!!! So after a few more notes back and forth I finally found out where he was from, well, would you believe he was from England!! I thought OH MY GOSH!!!! Then I thought well if it's meant to be it well happen so we got closer and then started talking on the phone, well it got to the point of his phone bills being high enough to buy a plane ticket for me to go to England to meet him in person, so off I went and I have to it truly was love at first site even tho I knew I already was in love with him ...It was truly Amazing...
I stayed for a 6 week holiday with him and he ask me to marry him!! I said YES and I came back to the US and packed up my stuff and within two weeks I was back in Jolly ole England with my Sweet Honey!! We were married in 3 months time of me arriving there and we had a wonderful life together there for almost 3 years... We moved back to the US and within 2 years of being here with him and loving every minute of it, I lost him to a massive heart attack and he died in my arms that day.... A day That I will never forget, but as he would say to me, Nancy you must move on and be happy once again when the time is right,and so I have......And that's My Story...and all very much true...
7/12/2009 12:32:00 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Largo, FL
age: 53
My mother set me up on a blind date with the most beautiful man I had ever seen, we went dancing and it was magical. We danced together for the next 17 years and then
My darling passed away from brain cancer when he was only 38 and I was 35 with 2 small children, and I thought that was the end of my world. He was my best freind and I still miss him. 2 years later I was blessed to meet the most wonderful man. I was his Queen and we had a wonderful life We met at a school meeting, our kids went to school together. He asked for my number and I didn't think anything about it and then he called and we went out for dinner and were never apart from that day till may 23, 2007. I miss him so much. I am the luckiest woman to have loved and been loved by 2 of the most wonderful men on God's earth.
7/16/2009 12:19:46 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Blackstone, MA
age: 46
mine was my brothers best friend and he had asked me to go out with him for 8 years and I never accepted.I gave in and gave him a chance and he turned out to be really sweet and charming.He became my best friend and I think that is why it is so hard for me to date again because I am too picky.
7/16/2009 4:24:58 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |
Duxbury, MA
age: 45
I met her, oddly enough, when the company I worked for bought the company she worked for, and it was my job to one-by-one lay everyone off. She was the Exec Secretary to the CEO and was the first person I fired, and immediately offered her (by plan not any other reason) a job for 90 days at a years salary if she'd help me with the job I needed to do. She accepted, and we worked together for 90 days, however she was engaged at the time, so I did not think of her romantically nor did I pursue her.
Once the 90 days was up, we said our goodbyes and I said, "If your ever in Boston, look me up and I'll give you the grand tour" not thinking much about it.
7 months later I get a call she and a friend are coming to Boston and asked if I'd give her that tour...... she was no longer engaged.... we hit it off and the rest is history.
I lost her six years ago this month. 
7/29/2009 11:33:09 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |


Henderson, NV
age: 51
We met online. Traded amazing emails for awhile. The first time we spoke on the phone we talked for seven hours. The next night we met at a restaurant and closed it down. We had almost 8 years together.
8/4/2009 4:43:15 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Dodgeville, WI
age: 59
I think everyone's story of how they met their spouse could be a "Love Story" movie. My story -- I was attending technical college and there were a couple of teen bars where my friends and I would hang out during the week. One night in January of 1969, this handsome bartender (part-time winter job while he was laid off from his regular job) asked me why I went home every weekend. I told him because there wasn't much to do in the small town on weekends. So he convinced me to stay that weekend so he could show me there were lots of things to do. We were engaged by May 1969 (he always told everyone that I proposed to him -- and maybe I did), and married in August that same year, and he kept showing me a good time for nearly 37 years.
8/5/2009 4:52:55 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Spring Hill, FL
age: 65
Actually, I was on my way home from a late night meeting and stopped at an all-night grocery store to pick up some hamburger meat. Cindy stopped at the same store on her way home from work, as a nurse. It was 2 a.m. Not really paying any attention to one another, we both reached for and picked up the same package of hamburger.
We turned and looked at each other... our eyes locked, and finally I said I'll buy if you cook. We meet at her home where we laughed about it and talked while she cooked. We began dating... and the rest was history in the making.
8/5/2009 8:21:00 AM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |


Exeter, CA
age: 62
Awww what a sweet story!!
8/5/2009 5:12:13 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |


Wellsville, OH
age: 55
My late husban lived acrosss the street from me. He use to watch me walk up the street to get my morning paper. He knew when I got home from work and at last he said hi. He would bug me to go out with him and I always said no. I told him I don't date neighbors. Well one night I got home late from work and he question why I was late I told him none of his business. Then he said he was going to take me out then he said it was too late. I said no it wasn't too late and said lets go. After that we were togeather for 5 years. He has been gone for 3 years now. Its strange to look at the apartment across the street. For the memories there.
8/5/2009 5:21:49 PM |
new,,, tell how you and your late spouse met and hooked up |

Beverly, NJ
age: 54
My brother called me and said that his good friend needed a date for a emergency squad banquet-----the rest is history