9/23/2007 4:38:43 AM |
Let me make this perfectly clear... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Most everyone at some point or another has "debated"(hahaha) what the "true meanings" of the Bible are,right? What do you think certain things "mean" and how would you have made it "better" and more "understandable" and "liveable" and "perfectly clear" to ALL????
PLEASE...if your not here(this thread) to have "fun" and are "insulted"
by "anything" "anyone" says,then try another thread,ok?
Instead of.. "an eye for an eye" it should have read....If you take from or do to another you will be "indebted" to repay with the same!
Instead of.. "God created the Heavens and Earth in 7 days"...God created 7 "wonders" and we are not sure how long it took Him.
Have a God day all!!!............peace
9/23/2007 2:24:05 PM |
Let me make this perfectly clear... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Instead of...you are free to eat from any of the trees in the garden(Eden)except the tree of "knowledge of good and evil"...
Perhaps God could have been a little more "specific" and said...Eat to your hearts content,but DO NOT eat "the apple",for you will be "damned" if you do! lol........peace
Instead of...when God asked,how do you know you are naked?? Adam could have owned up to his "part" and said...we "both" made a "bad choice" and ate the "forbidden fruit"..peace
[Edited 9/23/2007 2:24:46 PM]
9/23/2007 5:20:12 PM |
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Seymour, IN
age: 61 online now!
I also have something to say about perfectly clear. When everything you say ends with the same word it loses its meaning and become routine after awhile.[no punch, means nothing]
9/23/2007 5:26:19 PM |
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Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
I have'nt a clue what you just said or meant.I do hope that when I "end" everything I say "with" a "smile of kindness"(even if Im angry at someone)that it "doesnt" lose its meaning...that would be so sad!!!!
One more thing,I specifically told everyone that this thread is intended for "fun" and you have already "spoiled that"! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Hows that for an "ending" for YOU!!!!
9/23/2007 9:27:29 PM |
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Topeka, KS
age: 59
SWCW25 I am glad you are still so fanatical about this christian stuff, and I read in some post of yours recently that you are full of the holy ghost. I just had a question for you---are you still praying that god will exclude me from heaven and send me to hell? I know that christians are supposed to pray for their enemies (first of all, I am not your enemy, I just believe differently), but that seems like a hell of a way to go about it. Just curious. St. Bernard.
9/25/2007 5:56:31 PM |
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Stillwater, OK
age: 36
I think he created many more than 7 wonders
9/25/2007 7:50:38 PM |
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Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Hi Red ,welcome! Yes I know He made more than 7 wonders,it was a "pun" on "creating the Heavens and Earth" in 7 days!.. This Thread was one of my "stupid ideas" that I had ,that Perhaps some of us could have "fun with the Bible". MY BAD!!!!lol
As usual...my intentions are "good" but someones "always" think that its their rights to spew their "anti Christianisms" wherever they "damn well choose"!!!!
9/26/2007 12:01:22 AM |
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Seymour, IN
age: 61 online now!
All I was saying is when you end every post with peace, it loses it's punch after awhile. I don't understand why you are so defensive. I am not trying to do anything to hurt you. I was not attacking just suggesting. I guess I have to end every thread I make with a smiley face so no one thinks I am trying to hurt them.
One more thing I am very busy at school now and only have time to read these 2 forums, religion and politics. So if you ever check out the other areas you will see I am only anywhere on them maybe sometime over the weekend.   
9/26/2007 4:57:28 AM |
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Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Why do you CARE how I end my posts? Why would you even have to mention it?
I end them with "peace" so that "most" will know that...although I may not "agree" and sound "pissy or mean" sometimes,I "do come in Peace", and mean no "harm"(hurt or insult)!
9/26/2007 5:42:00 AM |
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Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
now you sound like a pirate
9/26/2007 10:55:54 AM |
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Bronx, NY
age: 38
I understand you completely!!! BRAVO girl......
Let me make this perfectly clear......I like when you end your statements in peace. It's OBVIOUS that you want to conclude your sentiments in goodness. DESPITE if someone disagrees with you or is offended by your comments, your conclusion DEMONSTRATES to me, hope in understanding of indifference. Who isn't offended by something, someone, word, action etc....... There is a distinct difference between intentional and unintentional action to offend. "peace" is a word, which she uses with the best of intentions. If you have a gripe with the loss of meaning and significance, blame all of humanity for that one.
Once again, this is a clear demonstration of how people can't see past themselves and contribute instead of criticize. SWCW25, I understand perfectly what you're getting at........I'd like to participate. Hope this one makes you smile , and NO, your thread isn't ruined.......
Instead of "God created man and woman" or "Adam and Eve", I like to think of it as God created body and flesh for each human soul.
Luv Ya SWCW25
[Edited 9/26/2007 11:02:05 AM]
9/26/2007 2:39:22 PM |
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Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thanks Sahri, you just made a "grumpy old Christian woman"(GOCW25) very happy!!
I like this "instead of" very much...
Instead of "God created man and woman" or "Adam and Eve", I like to think of it as God created body and flesh for each human soul..
Im going out on "a limb" on this next one,but please remember it's just(what if?)ok all???
Instead of...Cain killed Able because God favored Able over Cain...... Cain was "insecure" and "felt" that God liked his brother "more". They got into a "scuffle" and Cain "accidently" killed Able. He was so overcome w/ grief and embarrassment that he decided to leave his home and he spent years "wandering",trying to "find himself".???????
.....peace+ hugs
[Edited 9/26/2007 2:39:47 PM]
9/26/2007 10:25:14 PM |
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Seymour, IN
age: 61 online now!
Sorry SWCW you are both right I had no reason to say that. Just my mothering wanting to fix everything all the time coming out. I agree I was wrong.
My grandmother used to read me these stories when I was little and she had a saying about Cain and Able that I thought I would pass along. Cain killed Able and Able wasn't able anymore. See whacky comes to me naturally.
Cat I think your idea was great and SWCW yours reflects your kindness to see good all the time.
How about the son is the brightness that god created in the sky to shine on us and make everything alive.
9/27/2007 4:02:19 AM |
Let me make this perfectly clear... |

Bronx, NY
age: 38
I know this is a dating site, never met you, but thank you for helping me grow. Not many people would do that for someone they have never met.
Instead of the 10 Commandments, 10 step program in spiritual rehabilitation........
9/27/2007 4:50:49 AM |
Let me make this perfectly clear... |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thanks Queen!! I would like to share something w/you and others if you all dont mind.(like u have a choice)hahaha
I do not "need,expect,or want" anyone to "candy coat" or "tip toe" around their true feelings and beliefs,to "spare my feelings" or "not piss me off"! Thats not what "Im about" at all. For me its all about "respect" and "common decency" for "all"!
For instance...I want to SCREAM at "some" Catholics who "preach" their "beliefs",and tell others that,"their way" is the "only way". I so want to "warn" others of the "harm" that it could possibly cause if one chooses to go "that route". Why? Because I have "seen and lived" first hand the damages that,that Religion can cause,if one is not able to "see" with their "own eyes".(ie.lost or just learning a Religion).
However,I dont "scream" or "ridicule" them because I so "RESPECT" their "Choice",and if it "works for them",then thats "great" and truly from God! On the other hand....I never feel that "frustration" for people who,do not follow a Religion or God or who are "happy with" their own style of Spirituality,because I do not know what that is like and I certainly cant say its "wrong" nor do I believe its "wrong" or that God sees it as "wrong"! Thats the "scoops" poops! LOL
Queen,as far as this...
How about the son is the brightness that god created in the sky to shine on us and make everything alive.
Yes thats exactly what this thread is about,Thanks!!!