Spokane, WA
age: 25
Would be nice to chat with more people from the area...introduce yourSpokaneselves....please
Spokane, WA
age: 25
wow not a single response, either the men here in Spokane are seriously lacking in self confidence.... or keyboards broken? Not sure why they wouldn't want to say hi to you!
So full time school and full time job? Hows that working out for you? (I know I sure don't miss it) What brought you over from Hawaii to Spokane of all places?
Spokane, WA
age: 49
A beautiful young lady like your self should be beating them off with a stick! Really, hang in there, be careful, and do the things you enjoy, best way to meet some with like interests. Wait...........what am I saying... hasnt worked for me!
Mead, WA
age: 57
Theres a lunch date for ya Bytar. Get with the program. She is cute, and so are you, you Have a great evening, Chi
Spokane, WA
age: 36
Checking in.
Spokane, WA
age: 49
Theres a lunch date for ya Bytar. Get with the program. She is cute, and so are you, you Have a great evening, Chi
You think? If only I was 25 years younger!