Myrtle Beach, SC
age: 26
Seriously I am so tired of men's crap of being shallow. When are they gonna learn it does not matter what you look like. And they might get more dates if they weren't so picky!Seriously just have an open mind it's not that hard. 

Anderson, SC
age: 49
I'm finding the same thing. Men my age must be having a mid life crisis too. They all want someone younger. If you not the barbie type then forget meeting anyone. Plus it seems that a bunch of these so called real guys have pics on here from 10 years ago. And alot of them say they are retired.??? retired at 50??? or they are on disability for some small reason. I have a 21 yo daughter and she can't even find a good date because they all want to live off mommy and daddy. It's hard now a days to even meet an everyday
working man. Oh i forgot they are all at the beach or the mountains--- ohhhh that's where they are. Just had to vent. 

Pacolet, SC
age: 44
well all guys are not shallow and i have ran into the same thing about women showing pic from as long as 20 yrs ago.....lol. i 44 and im retired and its not for a little reason i have MS. i wish i could find a good woman that is secure with herself and knew how to treat a good man because i know how to treat a lady.

Goose Creek, SC
age: 45
Kinda hard to find anyone scorpio1958 if your profile is set to be hidden lol

Gaston, SC
age: 31
well it goes both ways with the women there just as bad as the guys im sure i mean i cant catch a break for some reason theres always a excuse for something im about tired of it 

Summerville, SC
age: 57
I always heard that women are like a fine wine and get better with age.....But it seems that is just a saying. Men will send winks, but if you email them you never hear from them again.