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10/11/2008 12:17:13 PM |
Pledge of Allegiance. As told by Red Skelton |

Croydon, PA
age: 52
The following words were spoken by the late Red Skelton on his television program in 1969 as he related the story of his teacher, Mr. Laswell, who felt his students had come to think of the Pledge of Allegiance as merely something to recite in class each day.
Now, more than ever, listen to the meaning of these words.
"I've been listening to you boys and girls recite the Pledge of Allegiance all semester
and it seems as though it is becoming monotonous to you.
If I may, may I recite it and try to explain to you the meaning of each word?"
me, an individual, a committee of one.
dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self pity.
my love and my devotion.
To the flag
our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever
she waves, there's respect because your loyalty has given
her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody's job!
that means that we have all come together.
individual communities that have united into 48 great states.
Forty-eight individual communities with pride and dignity and
purpose; all divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to
a common purpose, and that's love for country.
And to the republic
a state in which sovereign power is
invested in representatives chosen by the
people to govern. And government is the people
and it's from the people to the leaders, not from
the leaders to the people.
For which it stands, one nation
one nation, meaning "so
blessed by God"
incapable of being divided.
With liberty
which is freedom -- the right of power to live one's
own life without threats, fear or some sort of
And Justice
the principle or quality of dealing fairly with others.
For all
which means, boys and girls, it's as much your
country as it is mine.
Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country
and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance...
Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said
that is a prayer
and that would be eliminated from schools too?
God Bless America!
10/11/2008 1:44:06 PM |
Pledge of Allegiance. As told by Red Skelton |

Columbia, TN
age: 51
I remember that. We discussed it in class the next day. We needed that too, for as such young kids, we really had no clue what we were saying and why.
10/11/2008 4:21:13 PM |
Pledge of Allegiance. As told by Red Skelton |

Bakersfield, CA
age: 55
Kids sure need to hear it now
10/11/2008 6:37:49 PM |
Pledge of Allegiance. As told by Red Skelton |

Columbia, TN
age: 51
I'm sure they have no clue what they are truly saying. Just words they were told to learn. In grade school, we were taught how to write a proper letter, balance a checkbook, the job of our president, etc. But.. until that evening that Red Skelton broke it down.. and even though I learned the Pledge of Allegiance in the first grade.. I had no idea what it meant.
10/12/2008 11:39:50 PM |
Pledge of Allegiance. As told by Red Skelton |
Marion, IN
age: 44
Thank you croydon, we need to hear this more now than ever. They have taken God out of our schools, and put in condoms. They have taken prayer out of our schools, and put in Apes. I'm sorry, but it's not going to take a new President to turn the Country around, it's going to take people praying and asking God to forgive us.God bless all the American troops out there fighting for our freedoms.
10/13/2008 7:14:53 AM |
Pledge of Allegiance. As told by Red Skelton |

Peoria, IL
age: 50
Grrrrrrreat post!
p.s.: I am not able to upload webpages, however, here is one that contains "Red Skelton" reciting "The Pledge of Allegiance". It was nice to hear his voice again!
I Pledge Allegiance -- By Red Skelton
10/18/2008 3:36:31 PM |
Pledge of Allegiance. As told by Red Skelton |

Peoria, IL
age: 50
I am your Flag
I was born on June 14th, 1777.
I am more than just cloth shaped into a design.
I am the refuge of the World's oppressed people.
I am the silent sentinel of Freedom.
I am the emblem of the greatest nation on earth.
I am the inspiration for which American
Patriots gave their lives and fortunes.
I have led your sons into battle from Valley Forge to the bloody swamps of Viet Nam.
I walk in silence with each of your Honored Dead, to their final resting place beneath the silent White Crosses, row upon row.
I have flown through Peace and War, Strife and Prosperity, and amidst it all I have been respected.
My Red Stripes . . . symbolize the blood spilled in defense of this glorious nation.
My White Stripes . . . signify the burning
tears shed by Americans who lost their sons.
My Blue Field. . . is indicative of God's
heaven under which I fly.
My Stars . . . clustered together, unify
50 States as one, for God and Country.
"Old Glory" is my nickname, and proudly I wave on high.
Honor me, respect me, defend me with
your lives and your fortunes.
Never let my enemies tear me down from my
lofty position, lest I never return.
Keep alight the fires of patriotism, strive
earnestly for the spirit of democracy.
Worship Eternal God and keep His commandments, and I shall remain the bulwark of peace and freedom for all mankind.
I am your Flag!
Compliments of:
Colonel Daniel K. Cedusky, USAR, Retired
[Edited 10/18/2008 3:38:01 PM]