10/12/2008 1:57:26 AM |
Is he for real??? |

Eureka, CA
age: 55
I met this guy. seemed ok. well to do. Sent me pix of his cars and nice home. gave me names of good colleges his kids were in . Tols him I am not interested in his money I have my own. I live simple and dont needmuch money now the kids are grown. he wants to meet me. This is great . he says when he gets back from seeing his daughter we will meet. Ok he emails me every day with poems and love letters. On wednesday he emaild me and asked me for money. he needs a car part to be fixed and wants me to order it. A large amount of money and I have no credit card. he wants me to borrow the money.
Am I nuts here because to me this sounds like a scam to me? If it wasnt so much money I would do it just to see if it was a real thing or not. It is a large sum of car part but it would be ordered as such and delivered as such. I havent dated for 20 years. This is my first year doing this and this has not come up for me in years. I need input dating after a 20 year marriage is the pitts any way with out all this so please help here My gut says the guy is only half real and half foney what do you all think
10/12/2008 1:59:26 AM |
Is he for real??? |
Ardmore, OK
age: 24
run, and run fast. so many red flags with what you wrote in that. dude seems like the desperate, needy, lying type to me, and you haven't even met him yet.
10/12/2008 2:01:56 AM |
Is he for real??? |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 32
definitely a scam...stay away, far away....
10/12/2008 2:02:38 AM |
Is he for real??? |

Saint Charles, MO
age: 41
It's a scam, plain and simple. He has a way to get the cash out of the car parts.
I really hate to tell you that he is not for real because it is a horrid thing to not to be able to trust people and to have to become jaded in some fashion. I am sorry that you are experiencing this situation, really.
10/12/2008 2:12:40 AM |
Is he for real??? |

Eureka, CA
age: 55
I guess i just needed to hear this from others.
10/12/2008 2:26:30 AM |
Is he for real??? |


Jackson, MI
age: 50
He was lying to you about himself and his situation...about everything probably. He's a liar and user. My advice is to have no contact at all with him.
10/12/2008 2:52:37 AM |
Is he for real??? |

North Beach, MD
age: 51
If you really need to ask, ... then go ahead and send him the money, why let an expensive auto part come between the start of a beautiful relationship..... yeah, send him the money, and I have some swamp land that you might be interested in as well....sheeesh?
10/12/2008 2:55:32 AM |
Is he for real??? |


New South Wales
age: 52
No he is not for real.....If he was real he wouldnt be asking you for money nor would he be asking you to do the ordering...So run for your life and dont look back....Finito.    
10/12/2008 3:36:03 AM |
Is he for real??? |

West Harrison, NY
age: 50
RUN RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN... Cause she sure as hell ain't no gingerbread man
Some people are so f**king pathetic
10/12/2008 3:50:51 AM |
Is he for real??? |

Paw Paw, WV
age: 58
It sounds to me like this peckerwood is after your wallet and don't give adamn about your feelings. I'd blow he out of mt exaust pipes!!!
10/12/2008 3:51:27 AM |
Is he for real??? |

Paw Paw, WV
age: 58
It sounds to me like this peckerwood is after your wallet and don't give adamn about your feelings. I'd blow he out of my exaust pipes!!!
10/12/2008 4:20:19 AM |
Is he for real??? |


Jackson, MI
age: 50
It sounds to me like this peckerwood is after your wallet and don't give adamn about your feelings. I'd blow he out of my exaust pipes!!!
I second and third that!
Look baby....I have been there. Seen that. Done that. I've been played the fool too many times to count. DO NOT CONTACT THAT LOSER AGAIN. PERIOD.
10/12/2008 4:23:51 AM |
Is he for real??? |


Waverly, NY
age: 44
can i borrow some money? i need a 30 pack and a can of whipped cream.
10/12/2008 4:28:12 AM |
Is he for real??? |

Wooster, OH
age: 48
Good Lord.....Run.........quick, fast and in a hurry........
10/12/2008 4:33:21 AM |
Is he for real??? |


Middleboro, MA
age: 36
oh God I have heard this before..
I knew it was a scam when I read that he would come see you after he left his daughter, these scammers always seem to be AWAY FROM HOME and suddenly need $$$$$ for whatever reason.
LISTEN TO ME THIS GUY IS TRYING TO SCAM YOU block his a** and never talk to him again