10/12/2008 7:15:10 PM |
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Goldsboro, NC
age: 71
Hhey Guppy ( Bette) thanks luv.. . I can see you all had a good meet..Just wish you
had some nics on there,Hawks I recognize ( who wouldn t*grin..
Hope to see more pics later .Ya'll be real good.
10/12/2008 7:19:20 PM |
pictures from take-down party |

Lakewood, WA
age: 44 online now!
Hey, Bob, are you picking on my friend? That's not cool, man. She's a nice girl. And you play that blonde, mountainlover. Blondes do have more fun, they say.
Yes, Cliff is BobSmith, but maybe he should have just gone with SmithWesson. Oops, that would have to go to the neighbor!!! Next time we just need to spray beer up his nose -- that way he'll have to swallow it and then he can enjoy the party.
I'm so glad the only pic of me looks like little red riding hood. Good cover -- yeah, we'll go with that.
10/12/2008 7:42:31 PM |
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Puyallup, WA
age: 40
Hey Cliff I got a picture of you singing...Wanna see it???
Yeppers....Sorry Cliff..You were a singin' baby!!! You did great....Rock On!!!
10/12/2008 8:16:13 PM |
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Bothell, WA
age: 46
I want to thank BB for being a wonderful hostess. next time the police comes have him sing some karaoke or at least offer him a drink 
I had a great time meeting all the people from DH   
10/12/2008 8:58:48 PM |
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Mead, WA
age: 57
WoW! We made it home @ about 7:30. I have so much to say and I don't really know where to start. First of all, Linda, you are nuts and I love ya girl, I'll get with ya here in a bit and give you my e-mail address and send some pixs.; I do not have a Photo Bucket account so I will just send the ones out that I have there personal e-mail.
Thanks Joanne for your bed and your hospitality. We had a great time, you are a wonderful person, and you put alot into the party, opening your home up to all of us. Also, thanks for taking us out to dinner, that was really sweet of you.
Thanks to all of you who partisapated in singing, it was fun, wasn't it? Without my music, I would be lost, and I'm glad that I was able to share that with all of you.
Joe, Gary and Daniel, so sorry I wasn't able to meet you, but we all have our own private lives as well, and I do understand that you had other commitments, It was your misfortune, not being able to meet me. Just had
to be a smart Ass didn't I?
All of you girls are beautiful women, and you men are hansom as well. I enjoyed all of you very much. Andy4you? Change your picture. You are great looking without that beard.
Too bad the Police was called, but we really can't take a system like that , and turn it down like a radio. Might as well just play CD's. I think he gets off on plying cops and robbers, with his gun and all you know. what a dork. Oh well, Long story short, thanks to all of you for making me feel welcome. Chi
[Edited 10/12/2008 9:03:26 PM]
10/12/2008 9:09:48 PM |
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Puyallup, WA
age: 40
Glad you made it home safe Chi...You are an awesome entertainer!! It was so nice of you guys to make the treck over to meet all of us!!! Laura
10/12/2008 10:07:25 PM |
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Mead, WA
age: 57
Your welcome Laura and, thankyou, goodnight. Chi
10/13/2008 12:09:48 AM |
pictures from take-down party |

Bothell, WA
age: 69
Well I had a good time....except for the woman who walked up, said nothing and stuck her hand in my crotch. I thought that was very forward and rude. If that wasn't bad enough...a little later she came up and grabbed my butt. Again very forward and rude. I don't like to be touched by strangers especially in my private areas. If there is another gathering of this type and she's there....I won't be! She's in one of the pictures here. White pants black and white plaid shirt.
10/13/2008 4:09:19 AM |
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Lacey, WA
age: 51
am fred and am here looking for friends,some on beautiful like u i like u pic .............................. . am single but looking fo some one to be with.......................... ...............who is hones, caring, loving like me i hope to hear from u soon .......
10/13/2008 5:42:11 AM |
pictures from take-down party |

Everett, WA
age: 59
I had a most wonderful time and I thank-you all for making a newbie feel very welcome. Ahhh, the ladies, what can I say? You're all so very lovely and so much fun to be around. I had a great time dancing, as best as I could, and enjoyed meeting you all. Kinda funny in the beginning there were about 4 ladies and 8 men. It almost became a stag party till more ladies showed up later on, LOL. Chianne, thanks to you and your B/F for supplying such great entertainment. And BB I have put one of these together once and know how much work is involved. Thank-you so very much for opening your home to us and putting it together. I hope that we plan another one soon and that I will be welcome to come. Party On ..... Gene
10/13/2008 6:13:09 AM |
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Kent, WA
age: 49
Twohawks, That was me who grabbed you in the crotch and I'm so very sorry to have offended you. I truely am. I guess I wasn't thinking of the action before I did it and hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me...I am very sorry and you have a right to be upset with me....
10/13/2008 8:33:29 AM |
pictures from take-down party |

Bothell, WA
age: 69
Twohawks, That was me who grabbed you in the crotch and I'm so very sorry to have offended you. I truely am. I guess I wasn't thinking of the action before I did it and hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me...I am very sorry and you have a right to be upset with me....
One contributing factor that I have to bring into this is...it is possible that you may have consumed a little too much alcohol and you weren't functioning up to your normal self. I, myself, have done some pretty stupid things under the influence of alcohol, so I know how this can effect you. This is one of the reasons I stay away from alcohol more than I did before. I still do have an occasional drink, or beer, but I limit myself to ONE! The other reason I limit myself is because I'm a diabetic. Diabetes and booze don't mix well.
I am not one to hold a grudge against those who have offended, or wronged me if they make a sincere apology. This you have done. So you are forgiven for what you did. You're off the hook.
10/13/2008 9:31:33 AM |
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Auburn, WA
age: 53 online now!

a couple more
10/13/2008 10:57:54 AM |
pictures from take-down party |

Olympia, WA
age: 47
I love that picture of twohawks
10/13/2008 4:09:49 PM |
pictures from take-down party |

Auburn, WA
age: 53 online now!

a couple more.