Chandler, AZ
age: 35 online now!
I am curious as to how you both perceive my profile and also do you like shorter initial messages or longer informational ones?
Orange, CA
age: 35
I am curious as to how you both perceive my profile and also do you like shorter initial messages or longer informational ones?
I think the more you are able to describe about yourself and what you are all about the better. A brief couple sentences, does not usually encourage someone to stay and linger on your profile. JMO
Kent, OH
age: 32
Not bad you may want to be a little more in depth about what you hope to achieve.
Manchester, NH
age: 66 online now!
Great picture. Profile is good but, in my estimation, too short. I read your blog and it has wonderful information that you could put in your profile. You describe what you are looking for very well. With a few additions, I think you'll have more connections than you can handle.
To answer your question, I prefer more information rather than not enough. But there's also a fine line to be kept between longer and too long. Make some changes and submit it for review again. Nothing to lose