10/21/2008 1:57:44 PM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Tucson, AZ
age: 77
Were you born here?
I came when I was 15. Things were a lot different then.
10/21/2008 5:22:17 PM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Goodyear, AZ
age: 32
182 dog years
10/21/2008 5:43:54 PM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 44
44. I just moved here 2 months ago.
10/22/2008 5:23:13 PM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Overgaard, AZ
age: 61
If I remember right I was 10,wow that's 51 years now.Moved into a little house at 35th ave and Camelback.Camelback was a dirt road after 43rd ave.I 17 was two lanes all the way to Flag,and there was 18 miles between Phx. and Scotts.
10/22/2008 8:04:49 PM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 43
I was 23 and just out of college.
10/22/2008 9:22:06 PM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Chandler, AZ
age: 38
I was 28, left at 30, came back at 31, left at 33, came back at 34 and will not leave again unless I get to do one of a very short list of things.
10/23/2008 7:53:54 PM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Tucson, AZ
age: 30
27 just turning 28
10/23/2008 11:40:03 PM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Mesa, AZ
age: 27
GREAT!! now go back where you came from. Arizona is way to crowded!! 
Yes, I am allowed to say things like that. My birth cert actually says arizona on it. I have never lived anywhere else but mesa. I love the people who say they are from here but thier birth cert says something else. Well effer, you are NOT from arizona.
Yeah, touchy subject with me. However, I was only kidding with what I said. You can stay, just learn to drive. 
10/24/2008 12:09:03 AM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Mesa, AZ
age: 27
I notice that most people that I run across are from different states, but stay here. Arizona can be rough at times, yet the people in direct or indirect ways look out for "out of staters"! I'm from Chicago, Illinois and have been here since I was 14 years old. The racism was hard for me for a while, but things out here are starting to slowly change. People are starting to slowly change. The more I stay out here... the more beautiful all the scenery is. The mountains, the deserts, the cities, and the people...
10/24/2008 6:16:25 AM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Tucson, AZ
age: 58
First time I came to AZ I was 39, my ex was in the Air Force, we got orders two years later. Came back when I was 43 and been here ever since.

10/24/2008 10:18:22 AM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |
Chandler, AZ
age: 19
I moved out here when I was 13 from Ohio.
10/25/2008 7:40:11 AM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Tucson, AZ
age: 23
I'm from Ohio as well. Lived in Florida for the last 6 years and just moved out here about 5 months ago. Believe it or not the weather here so far seems a heck of a lot better than Florida. (i.e. I don't need gills to breathe anymore.lol)
10/25/2008 9:21:54 AM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Prescott, AZ
age: 60
If I remember right I was 10,wow that's 51 years now.Moved into a little house at 35th ave and Camel back.Camelback was a dirt road after 43rd ave.I 17 was two lanes all the way to Flag,and there was 18 miles between Phx. and Scotts.
I was 10 as well. It was 1956 and I lived on 40st below Indian school. I lived in the Putnam house, that's that big old white Spanish style adobe on the east side of the road. At one time the Putnam's owned all those groves that you can still see remnants of in peoples yards all over town. Fishing the crosscut canal, catching Crawdads and hunting for dove and Quail around Camelback mountain. Sleeping outside most of the summer and running wild all night long and jumping in ditches when a car came by so they wouldn't see ya. It was a great place for a kid in those day's, not a care in the world and safe. Be home when the sun goes down and try to stay out of the ditches on the way home from school so your Mother won't yell at you (again) for being all wet and muddy.I played with Spanky Spangler (yes he was Spanky in the 4th grade) and I'm not surprised to see him jumping out of a helicopters onto a moving truck or any of the other stunts he does. We had a blast and were never inside and there was always somthing to do, always.
Man were we ever lucky to have been there in those day's. I have such good memories of Phoenix from that era. I've lived in N.M, California, Oregon and Washington but AZ will always be my home.
P.S. My Mother and Uncles went to school up in Page Springs by the fish hatchery. School house road is named after the little one room school house that they went too.
10/25/2008 11:18:45 AM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |

Florence, AZ
age: 43
a month shy of my 42 birthday..cross country from Ny
10/25/2008 12:39:32 PM |
At what age did you come to Arizona? |
Mesa, AZ
age: 27
Moved to Az from IL when i was 18 and I LOVE IT!!! I'll never move