9/30/2007 2:21:40 AM |
Why is it the more women men sleep with more cheer? but women... |

River Falls, WI
age: 23
How is it men can sleep with numorous woman and be known as a stud?, but women sleep even with two or do the same thing and we are known as a slut? How is that? Its not fair. Is that not sexest? So tell me how this makes sense and how we get judged for our partners but if we do we are wrong? Wouldn't you be in the wrong to than?
9/30/2007 2:43:23 AM |
Why is it the more women men sleep with more cheer? but women... |

Hagerstown, MD
age: 51
Women are suppose to be pure and virginal, for her journey into marriage, she is not to be scared as to speak, this is the way society has set to judge a woman by her sexual being. Men have to know how to please the woman and keep her satisfied therefore he needs all the experience he can get, making him the stud horse the best so to speak. Problem is even with their so called experience men don't really know how to use what they have and please a woman
9/30/2007 2:47:35 AM |
Why is it the more women men sleep with more cheer? but women... |

River Falls, WI
age: 23
Bam!!!! HAHA.. Your right alot don't. Society also sucks. Plus this is 2007 everything is changed so why couldn't socities views? I am a single mom of two kids, that means i am a slut? See things like society and men veiws really are not right. I am here because i am thinking of them views. haha
9/30/2007 3:17:53 AM |
Why is it the more women men sleep with more cheer? but women... |

Hagerstown, MD
age: 51
I've tried for 51 years to figure it out and haven't, don't worry though I was a virgin the first time I got married and was thought of highly by my family, but then I got divorced and married a black man. OOPs not done, so now I'm the slut of the family, problem is he was an abuser and nearly killed me, think the family cares hell no! still a slut with the exception of a couple of my cousins, not one in the family talks to me not even by brothers or my father, but the ironic thing my grandparents had 10 granddaughters out of the 10 1 other and myself were virgins when we married the other 8 all went to the altar pregnant, yet they are not sluts, figure that one if you can
9/30/2007 3:46:22 AM |
Why is it the more women men sleep with more cheer? but women... |

River Falls, WI
age: 23
See it's just wrong. I know, i was raped at age 13 and that was my first time. So because that i of course didn't care to much about me or respect myself. I did stupid crap. But ppl find out and automatically basically "see my ass on the way out". Don't care to hear explaination nothing. So i know how it feels. Or you sleep with one wrong person and well automatically gets around. I have 2 kids out of wed-lock, but serioulsy i could look at it two way from mens perspective. 1 im easy cuz i have kids, so i'll sleep around(slut), or i am completely respected for takin on a job, but yet they run.. Hate that.. love my kids but hate men, two bad both my kids are boys.. haha.. i'll be rasing them right.. hopefully
9/30/2007 3:58:51 AM |
Why is it the more women men sleep with more cheer? but women... |

Bellingham, WA
age: 41
Hunny i havent been with alot of men ,and people may look at my profile the pictures that are pending and think differently. But you know what it dose`nt matter what others think .It is just the olde`st double standered in the book .Just pay no never mind to the stupid people in the world and you do whatever makes you the happiest hunny. Your friend ffs,. 
9/30/2007 4:36:34 AM |
Why is it the more women men sleep with more cheer? but women... |

Temecula, CA
age: 46
feathers is oh so right... you have to drop the normal perspective of things and look at it for what it truly is. But be careful, judging men as all the same is no different than judging women as sluts if they have out of wedlock sex.
Society in some ways is becoming more enlightened, but there will always be a lot of "sheep" out there who have strict religious beliefs that sex is a gift to a married man and woman only. Now, i am not putting down those who feel most comfortable in that type of relationship, but inversely I expect them not to put others down for thinking otherwise.
or to sum it up:
"you laugh at me because i'm different, and i laugh at you because you're all the same"