10/24/2008 9:26:09 PM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |

Ravenna, OH
age: 56
I met a man through this sight..never saw him..the pics ..were never the same and he admited to posting false ones...starts talking the "love" word..I am not gullible or stupid but I started noticing he was posting things in other forums that were flirty..is it wrong to expect them to concentrate on you..Im not talking about general discussions..I saw some red flags..I stopped it we plan a day ..I told him I felt some red flags..He sent me a email of a conversation he had with another woman and told me she went in the date with him ..he kept giving me a time limit on when to meet him that day ..was I wrong to call it off or be upset because he was talking to other women like this as well as me..I feel he was ainternet player ..was I wrong
10/24/2008 9:57:46 PM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |


Fairfield, CT
age: 43
Call it off as soon as you don't feel comfortable, these red flags are probably real warning signs.
Some guys will email back and forth with a few different woman, and let you and them know, just to put pressure on one to meet him first.......... No time limit is needed if attraction is real, trust me. Some people comet to these sites to meet up with ANYONE they can, some really are looking for that someone special.
People always remember you are special, each and every one, except the scammers, players and such
Good Luck to you, always back away if the flags are red.
I hope this made some sense, I think I need to go to sleep.........................
10/24/2008 10:25:46 PM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |

Ravenna, OH
age: 56
thanks I thought I was just being too paranoid...
10/25/2008 6:11:09 AM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |


Fairfield, CT
age: 43
Always feel safe...............before getting involved
[Edited 10/25/2008 6:11:27 AM PST]
10/25/2008 6:35:13 AM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |


Walled Lake, MI
age: 36
Every time I have ever given into a so called "time limit" I always regretted it.
Only a man with bad intentions would put time limits on you when you first start
dating. It's just another version of the high school boy who say's....
......ahhh baby if you love me you would....
Here's the best tip I ever got from a man.....
Whenever a man falls in "love" with you too fast, He leaves just as fast.
I swear I have purposely tested that here and I kid you not those men who
email for 2 weeks and are so smitten with you, they can't hang for the long
haul because that's all they have to offer is game so ...Poof!
My personal rule is...NEVER fall for a man who implies you have to
compete for him. If I am truly his desire, his love, the woman for him...
He'll give himself to me, he will trust me with his heart and he'll be
proud to do so.
10/25/2008 7:38:34 PM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |

Ravenna, OH
age: 56
my thoughts exactly..just needed some validation ..thank you both fir your gteat imput...
10/25/2008 7:49:04 PM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |

Warren, MI
age: 48
Nope... not wrong at all to call it off...
If someone is interested in you... their main interest should be you.
It's like someone dating you... while his ex comes over everyday... threes a crowd...
Yet chatting with other sexes may be just that... CHATTING....
But when you have to ask "Are you chatting.... I mean cheating on me..." thats another story.
10/25/2008 8:53:27 PM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |

Ravenna, OH
age: 56
thats how I feel I think if you cant take the time to commit to really getting to know a person much less offering the "L" word youll cheat in the rlationship..but I think the gentleman who offered his impute on this is right I beleive some are keeping others on a cack burner as a reserve..you are cheating yourself if you do this and the chance to finf that special someone..you cant concentrate fairly on getting to know someone if your talking to many others...Great input ladies..i mean if you tell someone your falling in love with them whether on theonternet or not doesnt that kind of mean you havealready committed..but we women mean it..sorry guys I know women do it too but we really feel it when we say it..thanks
10/25/2008 10:36:33 PM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |

Ravenna, OH
age: 56
Im not talking about talking to women in a general discussion big difference I mean talking on a level of dating flirting big difference No one owns anyone but relationships are relationships and if you say you are in love wwith someone ...then Im talking about the back up theory another gentlman had ..if your committing youre commiting internet or not ,,,if you lie on the internet youll lie in the relatioship and if youve brought that relationship to I love you ..thats a serious step..
10/26/2008 2:33:36 AM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |

Warren, MI
age: 48
Hmmmm. Do you mean if a GUY tells a GIRL that he loves her, should he then stop talking to other women??? HELL NO!! Love is not a "pink slip"...not an ownership paper. This goes for guys and girls alike. POSSESSION IS A DANGEROUS STATE OF MIND!
Your right kaseylt.... Jealousy is a nasty thing.... love is not a pink slip.... or hand cuffs.. or that your chained at the hip...
Heres the story once again about some neighbors of mine.
They grew up together, from birth, they married, had all four of their children at home... first three were home-schooled.
The couple was smart.... very educated... well off... Went to church twice a week.. Walked their dogs together in the evenings. Just well rounded folks.
He husband in the winter... would see me out shoveling the snow... and he would come with his truck at times and remove the snow from my drive-way. My husband would compline... What is he doing out there? He's just helping me... something your not doing... His wife didn't mind she would have her kids come over and help me with the porch and walkways.
I liked her husband... as a good kind person.. and also the neighbor to the right... when I gave up on my gardening... he helped me tare down the picket fence and bundle it for thrash day and rake out the weeds, turn the dirt and plant seeds.
When lighting hit a tree in the back both male neighbors came to me and said they'll cut it down.
They were both very good men.... always coming to my aid... same with thier wives always... planting flowers in the yards of elderly on the block... making our street look nice. Yet my stupid ex, always seem to get this idea that everyone has some kind of angle.
I've always got along better with men... because some women can be soooooooooo catty...
SOME.... NOT ALL. Gee just because a person sits with a someone of the opposite sex and have coffee... or does something nice for them.. this does not mean they want to hop in the sack with them.
Maybe we could all use a shot of self security. Maybe we are watching too much T.V... Sex in the City... something.
I have been out with single men... that I didn't want to be with in that special way... There have been alot of married men that I have found attractive... but that little gold ring tells me to stop... I've been married before, and I know betrayal hurts, and if they have children... well I'm no home wreaker. I don't want to hurt no one.... I don't want to be hurt.
Talking to the opposite sex is good sometimes.. it makes you feel that you are still an interesting person... that other people like your company... that you are a member of society... You have to talk with some... gee.
If your that insecure... their are private investigators who will let you know somethings up... but if you have to go that far.... there is a red flag and something is wrong.
I could go on... but self control starts with you....... don't jump to conclusion... there are good and decent people out there of both sexes.. May be your hanging out with the wrong kind?
10/26/2008 12:46:28 PM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |

Ravenna, OH
age: 56
ok..so let me take this in..so you guys r saying if your talking on the internet to a man on the internet who has told you he loves you..its ok for him to write other women telling them how hot they r making plans for dates..etc??? was this friend that helped you making passes at you NO thats defferent..so its ok then you guys r saying getting confused here..Im talking about talking on a emotional level not friends..this man showed me ..I know wher your coming from on the jealousy thng and pssesiveness..but Im asking if it was okk to do this flirt..send emails still make plans to see them..Remember he was making me believe this was a exclusive relationship...He di tell me he was talking to others in a intelectual manner ..thats was fine..so your saying if your husband was winking and flirting with your neighbor or making plans thats ok..Im confused..I am far from jealous..but you did say the wives were involved in these good neighbor policies...noot just the man..where do you live by the way you have great neighbors..lol
tell me I was wrong then????
10/27/2008 6:59:03 PM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |

Ravenna, OH
age: 56
I think when I posted this it was not written correctly but I am ending this forum..I pretty much got what I wanted out of it..GOODBYE TO THE LOSER....thanks to all ad thanks for your comments..
2/4/2009 1:22:46 PM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |

Westfield, MA
age: 44
2/8/2009 6:28:52 AM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |

Crawfordville, GA
age: 29
No you are not wrong nobody wants to be the other woman,,,,,,,,the ultimate goal is to be the only woman......He may have girl friends and you have to ask yourself is he just being jokingly making comments to the other women or is he approaching them with the same things he says to you...I respond to post that are silly in a humor way but never directly serious at that time........However in other post such as this one I am genuine and speak the truth as I see it.......and a little playful flirting can be harmless but if he is trying to persue them and you I would certainly just break it off before it even gets started. Dont be used to boost someones ego and the exspense of insulting yourself. You deserve better than to be a number!!!!!!! Goodluck sweetie!!!!!!!
2/21/2009 8:21:32 PM |
If a person tells you they love you should they stop talking to women |
San Leandro, CA
age: 44
Run and never look back!