Chattanooga, TN
age: 25
what is the deal in tennessee it seem like most of these hot girls here seem to like only guys that go out get a crimnal record i do not understand that for the life of me someone pleas help me figure this out

Loretto, TN
age: 31
Well this is what I call the "Bad Boy" Complex, or BBC. The human female is often involved or interested in activities that require little to no violence or illegality. This lack of violence and such leads to a desire to be around other people that whose lifestyles involve these things. Most of the time the human male involved in such activities is often a criminal or has a criminal background. Since the human female may have desires to be around these types of people, the human male is usually a suitable choice since there are other benefits to being with a male.
However, many of these males turn sour over time and the female loses interest due to the males actions. These actions may make the male violent toward the female leading to a less than ideal relationship. The male may change in such a way as to be a "bad boy", but to be totally worthless in other respects. It is during this change that the female is most susceptible to the other males that do not have the status of "bad boy".
Truthfully though, I have no idea why these guys attract women. It may just be a case of the woman thinking with the brain in her pants. It's just one of those natural phenomena that we will never fully understand like how they get those nuts inside the shells...

Columbia, TN
age: 51
Beats me.. Never understood that idiotic concept myself

Harrison, TN
age: 21
Ya dude all women in tennessee are like (Hey that is one sexy dude. Ya i bet hes even got a huge... criminal record.

Mount Juliet, TN
age: 40
stupidity is like a mold it grows and grows.

Chattanooga, TN
age: 25
i have to remember that one

Loretto, TN
age: 31
stupidity is like a mold it grows and grows.
Don't forget that big morons breed little morons.

Mount Juliet, TN
age: 29 online now!
Some people are just stupid

Mount Juliet, TN
age: 29 online now!
Ya dude all women in tennessee are like (Hey that is one sexy dude. Ya i bet hes even got a huge... criminal record.
Not all woman in tennessee want criminals.
If I wanted an abusive piece of shit I would have stayed in new hampshire.
But I came home to good ole nashville
[Edited 10/27/2008 8:55:41 PM]

Sevierville, TN
age: 48
Dude, don't forget that not only must he have a criminal record, but he better damn well have a monster pickup truck. and if it's a dually, well you can just forget about competing with that type of penis extension. As well, he should wear wife-beater t shirts, a Fonzi autographed leather jacket, 2 or 3 pit bulls, major dental issues, a trailer in the woods ( preferrably 1960's model) and there should be a still located somewhere on the property. He should also have a foot fetish, since barefoot and pregnant is more fun like that, and he should be a good cook. As cooking is still the preferred method for getting meth. And the final piece of the puzzle............
"Hey baby, wanna come over and see my autographed Deliverance DVD ?"
[Edited 10/28/2008 3:34:51 AM]

Mount Juliet, TN
age: 29 online now!
Dude, don't forget that not only must he have a criminal record, but he better damn well have a monster pickup truck. and if it's a dually, well you can just forget about competing with that type of penis extension. As well, he should wear wife-beater t shirts, a Fonzi autographed leather jacket, 2 or 3 pit bulls, major dental issues, a trailer in the woods ( preferrably 1960's model) and there should be a still located somewhere on the property. He should also have a foot fetish, since barefoot and pregnant is more fun like that, and he should be a good cook. As cooking is still the preferred method for getting meth. And the final piece of the puzzle............
"Hey baby, wanna come over and see my autographed Deliverance DVD ?"
Thats because you live out there in the booneys..
Ill be in Kodak aka hell soon.. Gotta take my son to see his grandmother.. Hopefully dont run into daddy...