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9/30/2007 8:35:20 PM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Clearwater, FL
age: 43


Just created a new profile after being referred by a friend, and would appreciate help in getting my message across without appearing mean or stupid. Ok this is about me, so there will be lots of "I's" which I hate, but there you are.

I am 43, a single Dad and am twice divorced. I work in Information Technology in Tampa, and own my house. I earn a great wage, and have most of the "toys" that I want, but would really love to have someone to share them with. I have been told that I am good looking, but I know I am not an adonis. Being on 5'8" does not help.

The hard part is getting through the dating myre. I am not shy, but making small talk is not my forte, and chatting in bars and clubs, is a quagmire that I have never succeeded at. I have been told by girls, that I have dated, that I need to be able to accentuate my best features which they say are my eyes, voice and manner of speaking, which do not lend themselves to crowds or dark loud places.

Other worries is that I have run into too many girls who just want someone to take care of them, who don't want to work or contribute to the relationship. I feel that if both people in a partnership work and earn, they both can have that much more fun. For the right girl, I will do everything I can to make her happy, but I don't want a liability. Is that too much to ask?

Also, I know it is shallow, but I have tried dating bigger or curvy girls, and I am just not attracted physically, but saying that is probably one of the hardest things I have ever tried. I can see the beauty in some bigger girls, and dated several, but like I said, the physical side just was/is not there for me. I little paunch is nice, and even cute, I have some of that myself, but rolls really put me off.

Aside from the "big/cuddly" thing, I have simple criteria for the right person, but getting that across on a date or in a written profile is a veritable mine field, but here they are...

She's gotta have a job (and keep it)
She should not be in debt up to her eyeballs (been there)
She should have her own car (that runs)
She should understand that I am single Dad who loves his daughter very much, and will give her the same consdieration.

Yep, the filter is extreme, but I know she is out there, and maybe there are several "she's", but finding her is eluding me.

Wow, perhaps I should just put that in my profile....

Well, there it is....mean, stupid or narrow minded but why waste each others time? I just wanna cut to the chase!!

10/3/2007 10:05:48 PM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Newark, NJ
age: 54

Just a dude here... But some Lady's look at
a profile and if you have spelling, and grammer
errors it don't look good....

You have several... No disrespect...

just my $.02...

10/3/2007 10:39:49 PM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Clearwater, FL
age: 43

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the input. I have had several comments about my profile and it is funny, that most have pointed out my "grammatical and spelling" errors. Don't think me arrogant, but my spelling and grammar are correct for "English", just not for the Amerian version of the language.

I was born in Rhode Island, but I lived in England for 17 years, and learned to write using the "Queens English" which has obviously bitten me in the back side. Although it appears I am not writing in the correct form, I am atually not wrong. I am merely less correct in the eyes of most americans, yet more correct in the eyes of the rest of the english speaking world.

"Humour" is actually ancient Franco-Germanic for amusement, and the UK English spelt (again, english form) using the French version which includes the extra "u". If you check the Websters and other "American" dictionaries, you will find it to be correct as much as colour is correct for color, and Aluminium is correct for Aluminum. The debate is as to which is "more" correct.

Thanks for the pointers.



10/4/2007 9:36:58 PM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Roseburg, OR
age: 27

Good luck finding somene who is not in debt. But the whole thing about your daughters being number one is cool. I can't seem to find that in men my age.

[Edited 10/4/2007 9:38:06 PM]

10/22/2007 9:01:43 PM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Marrero, LA
age: 46

As the young girls today would say "YOU ARE HOTT",well that's what I think anyway.

10/23/2007 12:39:45 AM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54

Hi Rik, Welcome...
I reside in the Clearwater area too. (Please note the correct spelling for the word too, folks).
Being quite particular for proper English and grammar, I am well aware of the correct form of the Queen's English. Although one or two typos are bearable, an abundance of misspellings and improper grammar in a profile is personally a HUGE turn-off for me. It indicates to me laziness and lack of intelligence to use spellcheck. Just a note, the word "wanna" is not a word.

Yes, definitely encompass what you wrote in your thread into your profile.
It will give us more of an insight as to who you are.

Hope to see more of your involvement in the forums.

10/23/2007 12:42:42 AM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54

LMAO Jim, just in one sentence you managed to "BUTCHER" the English language with three improper English and grammar structures.

10/23/2007 12:47:19 AM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54

Just a hint Rik; there still remains a few "typos" in your profile. ie:you like having fan.....I love having fans too, especially when they cheer for me while I am having sax (sic and sick)!

[Edited 10/23/2007 12:49:17 AM]

10/23/2007 1:56:48 PM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Rockville, MD
age: 53

Sorry, that was supposed to be funny. WIPE.


P.S. to Rik. Take that last section out of your profile. Arguing about spelling should be done here and not left in your profile where it will just distract people.

[Edited 10/23/2007 7:18:48 PM]

10/23/2007 2:47:16 PM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54

Seems like Jim was a frustrated jerk who was forced to be an asshole, maybe he just needs to get laid.........

10/24/2007 11:16:47 AM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Rockville, MD
age: 53

"Never attribute to Malice
That which can adequately be
Explained by Stupidity."

Or failed attempts at humor. There is always the possibility offending rather than delighting. One can only apologize and resolve to take better aim next time.


10/24/2007 11:59:28 AM Wanna cut to the chase...  

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54

Your apology is accepted Jim...