10/3/2007 10:47:46 AM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
I use Coffea Cruda C30: one pill a half hour before bedtime or in the day if I am multitasking too much. It is a great homeopathic remedy and it works. I can tell you real life examples of it working. I work on feature films as an Assistant Director where there is lots of stress and many worry and cannot sleep. Over and over again this remedy will help solve the problem.
Homeopathy has no known side effects and will not interfere with prescription drugs.
You can understand the basis of how Homeopathy thinks using coffea cruda as an example. The remedies are based on the concept of "like treats like." What would cause something in a large dose (coffee jangles the nerves and keeps us awake) when given in a tiny dose will help the body deal with the problem of the overactive mind.
How it works no one knows really for we cannot measure the quantity of the remedies as they are so small and we cannot tell where the remedy goes or what its real action is. The best is to say it helps the "vital force" to deal with the problem. Overall it supports our immune systems to work more efficiently.
A bottle will cost about 6 dollars and have about 80 doses and can be bought at many Health food stores if they sell alternative remedies. No matter how many pills the bottle label says to take you just need to take one at a time for two is not any stronger. It is just a wake up call and the whole bottle taken at once is just one wake up call but one a half hour later would be another dose.
I will answer any questions if you want.
John Board.
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10/3/2007 11:57:52 AM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
I hear you loud and clear. The other remedy I have good experience with is Nux Vomica C30. It is known as a hangover remedy and is good for that and the idea of too much. So if it is not an overactive mind but not sleeping and then waking mid sleep around 3 or 4 and then a rough sleep after that and grouchy in the morning and maybe a headache coming during the day or even on waking and often it comes up the back of the head and then takes over the brain so to speak then think on that.
I see from your pic that you are a meditator and so I just watch my breath if I find my mind too busy at night and that works for me.
As to the problem of just not going to bed, well that is a whole other set of discipline ideas. Self discipline really. You have to be an adult and just monitor the willful child within more. Think of being dad to yourself and lay down the law. Not easy but doable.
If you are going to try to change your regimen then I suggest you use Rescue Remedy in all your water starting now and until you have made the emotional move to be more responsible and it will help in the transitional period. It really will.
10/3/2007 12:01:49 PM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
The ego place of saying I can stay up relatively easy for 20 or 30 hours is the little kid who wants to stay up. I watch people on film sets who work long hours or who have had to work overnight or just burned the candles too long and the abilities all go down. End of statement. So even though I believe you I know there is a penalty being paid.
Good luck.
10/3/2007 10:11:53 PM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
Well if you read my answers see if any of them relate to your condition. then if they do not send me some of the symptoms that you have and I will try to understand your problem better.
10/4/2007 6:28:22 AM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
It is definitely not right to be waking up every 20 or 30 minutes. I am looking this symptom up. Are you angry when you wake up?
10/4/2007 7:02:01 AM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
Can you give me some more clues to your sleeplessness. Are you tired in the evening when you do not go to bed? Are you studying hard or working hard? Do you get up and eat some food? Any clues will help. http://holisticonline.com/Remedies/Sleep/sleep_ins_homeopathy.htm
This is a site to look at. I don't know enough to guide you really other than just logic and clues you can give me but the list in the site may help. I asked about being angry each time you wake as that may be Chamomilla C6 or C30.
Do you wake up early? Do you have vivid dreams?
A plethera of questions. But be patient and look through the site above. I am sure you can lick this.
Homeopathy is a lot of detective work.
I would suggest you buy some Bach Rescue Remedy as it will calm and center you and this may just be enough to relax you so you can get to sleep and stay asleep. Just a few drops in your glass of water in the evening before bed and sip it.
10/4/2007 7:22:27 AM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
I keep going back to my old standby Rescue Remedy. It is a great remedy and you can read about it by google Bach Rescue Remedy. If your mind won't turn off then the Rescue remedy and Coffea Cruda. I think you will read about it and Nux Vomica in earlier posts.
You just have to look through the site I gave you and then read the profiles of the remedies suggested if one sounds like you and see if it fits your personality. I cannot help more than that really. It must be a drag.
10/4/2007 9:08:37 AM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
I do not know what you do but on set where I work I put 2 drops of Rescue Remedy in my bottle of water all the time to keep me from going balistic if things aren't going right. As an assistant director you just wait all day for what is going wrong and push like hell at everyone to get the work of the day complete. It is very good stuff and just seems to take the edge off things and make life calm even in the midst of great turmoil and if I read all that you say I feel you have some mind issues like worries etc. That too is why I suggest the coffea if you are intellectually just overactive. It can be taken in the day too. Read my first or second post about that. all the stuff I mention is common Homeopathic or Flower remedies and should be available at a good health food store if it has a meds section. The cost is small really no more than 20 dollars for both the remedies mentioned in this letter.
Where was the pic of you taken?
10/13/2007 7:07:16 AM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Bellevue, WA
age: 91
"Homeopathy has no known side effects and will not interfere with prescription drugs."
Sorry, but as an herbalist I know this isn't true. Most alternative remedies aren't even studied and tested like the poisoned pills the drug labs pump out. Many people could also be allergic to things.
Yes, I use alternative remedies, but am careful, especially when someone else wants some of what I make. Always check for allergies first.
10/13/2007 10:32:04 PM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
best to go back to school my friend for all my reading over 20 years of it says that homeopathy which is not herbal has no known side effects and does not alter the actions of other medicines. They can have what is called an exciting incident which does make the symptoms somewhat more aggravated for a time but this is considered a good and not a bad thing as it means the body has woken to the trouble. I do not know where your information comes from but here is a quote from just punching in Homeopathy and side effects and reading the first on the list. Here is the url http://nccam.nih.gov/health/homeopathy/#q7
Certainly Herbals have side effects and perhaps you were assuming that homeopathy means herbal but it does not. I have a kit on the market and have used it and a master kit hundreds of times and no one has ever even had a first negative reaction to the remedies and I would say most people will select the remedy they want and the results are very very good.
I only use up to C 30 as a dose except when using Arnica and Anas Barbariae. I read some of the other pages when I googled the question and indeed there were some complaints but these were people who were in chronic conditions and seemed to be self treating and over treating like mad. I imagine if you put enough stuff in your body it will eventually react. So the answer I would give is still the same but I should have added under supervision if for chronic ailments and for acute moments I have not seen any side effects in my years of using the remedies.
10/13/2007 10:38:27 PM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
so did you try some homeopathy and the Rescue Remedy for your problem?
10/14/2007 7:38:17 AM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Bellevue, WA
age: 91
Ok, for clarification purposes, please outline the differences between
LOL, yeah, they seem to overlap and such so much, really hard to separate which is which.
10/14/2007 3:37:34 PM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
I agree it is hard to differentiate. I do have two herbal throat sprays which by good luck are not known to have side effects in them. I got involved with Homeopathy as I said above through arthritis. It's all just great for acute problems. Like the man who lives in one of my rooms was hung over this morning and a dose, one globule of Nux Vomica helped him past the first bad moments and he is just fine now. His words not mine. I am very simple and except for the sprays only have single doses remedies and my pocket pack has Rescue Remedy ,Aconite, Arnica, Coffea Cruda and Nux Vomica. Thats it and it is the size of a change purse. But those you can live by happily. My larger kit has 12 remedies. Good guide book and an index inside the lid all number coded with the bottles so you can see in a couple of words what you want and get the right pill easily or open the book about it and read a doctor's understandings and a couple of my experiences too. Great kit really.
10/15/2007 5:50:41 AM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Bellevue, WA
age: 91
Uh, I get that you seem to be trying to sell something, but would still like you to answer the last question. Your use of herbals just makes it more confusing.
10/15/2007 2:44:47 PM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
I do sell something. The Hollywood Survival Kit but that is not what we are talking about. Your question was about side effects and I can say the only things I personally can recommend are those I know through professionals will not cause side effects. So Homeopathy in my book does not cause side effects and the herbals I suggest in the throat sprays that I know and the 5 flower stress remedy that i have is based exactly on Bach Rescue Remedy formula and the flower remedies do not have side effects. Homeopaths consider if the condition worsens for a short time which can be as long as a day then this is not bad and is called an "aggravation" and is considered a good thing as it means the vital force is getting its act together to deal with the problem. Homeopathy is like a catalyst getting the immune system to act appropriately to the problem at hand. Does this answer you better.
If not ask the question again or a new question and I will do my best to answer. It is important for me to get it right for many people ask me about this.
Here is a song. It is a rap that will begin playing complete with pictures on You Tube on Monday the 22nd my 73rd birthday. The actions on camera follow the story and I play all the parts. This is my voice. It will be fun and at worse it will introduce people a bit to other ideas of healing. It is what I am doing.
10/15/2007 2:52:31 PM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
Homeopathic, Remedies made in a specific way by dilution and succussion. The remedies have so little of the original material in them that they are in doses unmeasurable by current scientific means. They have been used successfully since 1800. They are considered by most professionals in the field not to have any side effects.
Herbal, as old as the world herbal remedies have been used by man and animals too. Herbs prescribed and used appropriately are very successful. They may be in tintures or in pills. They contain measurable amounts of the herb and may or may not cause side effects.
Alternate, is a dangerous word for it defines all methods of treatment not in the medical perview. So Homeopathy, Herbal, aroma therapy, Ayervedic and Chinese medicines all fall under this name. Those listed may or may not have side effects.
I hope this is the answer to your last question. It is my understandings.
10/18/2007 3:01:20 PM |
Can't sleep because your mind won't stop chattering? I got answers |

Toronto, ON
age: 76
Have some fun. this is me!!! http://www.hollywoodsurvivalkit.net/media.html