10/3/2007 7:19:37 PM |
1408 with John Cusack and Samuel l.Jackson |

Suffolk, VA
age: 30
Ok, this is what I am talking about. Finally a good flick. This movie was great. It was fun, made me think, thrilled me, and I actually cared about what was gonna happen. Along with the foreshadowing leading in the wrong direction the entire time and the smart diversity of thrilling tools that the enemy used to throw me off track, i wasn't exactly sure what would happen. I liked the fact that I hadn't figure out the ending before it happened. John Cusack is a great actor. And this is a less traveled storyline with interesting twists on a often butchered genre where most of the movies have loose ends flying everywhere and endings that disappoint. I very much encourage you to see this movie.
10/3/2007 9:49:31 PM |
1408 with John Cusack and Samuel l.Jackson |

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thanks for the info.I dont do movies(except disney w/the kids at home)but have friends who do and Ill pass this along!!! Their always looking for something new and exciting.
10/3/2007 11:42:50 PM |
1408 with John Cusack and Samuel l.Jackson |

Camarillo, CA
age: 27
I liked the movie... it scared me a bit but it was really good. I just kept thinking.. DONT GO INTO THAT DAMN ROOM! Then when he got out... Uhhh! SO GOOD!
10/4/2007 3:54:33 AM |
1408 with John Cusack and Samuel l.Jackson |

Suffolk, VA
age: 30
Oh man you can't give away the ending! Why would you give away the ending? Are you a communist?  
[Edited 10/4/2007 7:01:03 PM]
10/7/2007 5:43:00 AM |
1408 with John Cusack and Samuel l.Jackson |

Panama City, FL
age: 65
I wasn't planning to rent "1408", because this genre has been worked to death. I can't imagine how anyone can come up with a new twist on this old theme. But, since Superscreen recommends it, and we both liked "Knocked Up", I'll give it a shot and weigh in again after I've seen it.
I'm not worried that the young lady spoiled it with her comment. In horror movies, someone always screams "Don't go in there!", and naturally the hero always does. A real twist would be if the hero said "OK, I'm not stupid, I won't go in there." and the movie ended abruptly.
10/7/2007 5:46:16 AM |
1408 with John Cusack and Samuel l.Jackson |

Suffolk, VA
age: 30
Thanks for that laugh. I agree, they usually bore me to death, but I always rent them with a hopeful look on my face. I hope you enjoy it, and I really look forward to your comments.
10/14/2007 7:55:26 PM |
1408 with John Cusack and Samuel l.Jackson |

Grapevine, TX
age: 20
I just watched that tonight.I mean Ive seen it like 3 times but i still love it.This is the best thriller movie i have ever seen.and i just noticed the forshadowing in it tonight as well.
10/14/2007 7:56:37 PM |
1408 with John Cusack and Samuel l.Jackson |

Howell, NJ
age: 38
I liked it too , i also liked "Death Proof"...But its still don't beat a good round of "Halo"

10/15/2007 3:29:54 PM |
1408 with John Cusack and Samuel l.Jackson |

Grapevine, TX
age: 20
I agree nothing can beat a good round of halo!