Boone, IA
age: 28
I totally agree with other's when they say Obama opens the doors even wider for socialism. I don't want to live in a country where there is no reward for hard work, where we can spend millions and millions as a people on items like IPods and video games and then have the audacity to complain thta corporations make millons and we don't like it. Why should those people have to be taxed higher than the rest of us just because they are successful? Don't forget who makes them rich, we do.
Besides this country is full of the biggest groups of whinny baby coddlers I've ever seen, with the exception of Canada. Let businesses fail, let businesses succeed, government has no constitutional authority to use our taxes to socialize and bail out irresponsible people. The real change we need is the way our politicians spend our money and control how they operate and what we will allow them to do and not do.
People believe, unfortunatly not realizing, that more government "help" equals more taxes, less rights and eventually leads to downfall, not sucess, just like Fanny Mae and freddie Mack failed due to the governments previous interfierences. We don't need UHC, we need reasonable payment plans for medical bills, we need to allow other oc*ntries to bring medications as they did before , because then the American companies will be forced to compete as they once did, remember it was because of our last president that our elders can no longer afford thier heart medications, because Bush outlawed the purchase and distribution of foriegn medications which are a fraction of the American price tag, for the same meds. As much as i believe in supporting AMerican goods there has to be a way for AMerica to competantly be competative otherwise i see no reason for people to care if they purchase out of the country.
Iowa City, IA
age: 37
Oh God help us all!!!!
[Edited 1/7/2009 7:38:24 PM PST]
Colesburg, IA
age: 56
Don't get you're hope up, he just another lier of the New world oder:
Waverly, IA
age: 50
I think our founding fathers were on to something with regards to letting women vote.