11/9/2008 7:01:06 PM |
Serious question for you folks.. |

Front Royal, VA
age: 24
First let me say, Im not crazy I, personally believe in God. I was wondering if any of you believe in reincarnation, empaths, or spirits? Im having some crazy things happen lately and could use a little help 
11/9/2008 9:14:57 PM |
Serious question for you folks.. |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
hi there Angel,i dont beleve in reincarnation,but i do beleve in spirts
11/9/2008 9:52:57 PM |
Serious question for you folks.. |

Farmville, VA
age: 42
you arent crazy, I believe in spirits, haunts or whatever you want to call them. I live in a house that has an issue , spirit or whatever, Dont let it get to you will drive you nuts. good luck girl
11/9/2008 10:02:40 PM |
Serious question for you folks.. |

Roanoke, VA
age: 32
I odn't think you are crazy...what sort of weird things have been happening?
11/9/2008 10:05:57 PM |
Serious question for you folks.. |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
i was jus getin ready to ask that same ?
11/10/2008 3:51:09 AM |
Serious question for you folks.. |

Harrisonburg, VA
age: 47
Don't worry much. Angels trump any evil spirits Life is enhanced by the presence of Angels!
11/10/2008 4:23:41 AM |
Serious question for you folks.. |
Chesapeake, VA
age: 49
Why would believing in God be crazy. Actually it's the world that is crazy. God is very real and very apparent. Its our hearts that our deceptive and the reason we don't recognize Him.
There are demons, just as there is a Satan. Both were angels who fell and can masquerade as angels of light, those sent to help guide you. Satan and the demons have such a hate for God due to their pride, just as humans do. Pride, not intelligence is why people deny God.
People live in perception instead of truth. Everyone thinks there way is the right way. That alone should tell you the nature of the world.
Satan will play tricks on your, hitting you at your weakness to keep you from seeing truth; Christ. Your weakness... one of them is the belief in spirits. Satan will play you the rest of your life to keep you unfocused, so that you follow your ideas instead of seeking truth.
He is not the ruler of Hell. Hell was created for him. He wants company as it's going to be a very lonely place of torment absent God's love. Just as I did, we think this world is missing love and that's all it needs. God sustains us on His love. He gives us life with His love. The only reason we don't see or feel loved in this world is due to our own hearts. The world is very selfish and doesn't know what love looks like. Worldly love is very self-serving. It's a me, me, me mentality....sadly those who engage in this immaturity, aren't aware of it. They believe everyone else is the problem while they're perfect though admitting to faults but not in a specific manner.
Our battle lie in the spiritual realm. What may be happening is that Satan is aware you're on the verge of hearing, seeing, and knowing truth. He wants to prevent that. He is going all out on you to deceive you. He doesn't want you saved from the Lake of Fire he is destined for. It's a shame as he was the highest of angels, being given prince of this world. He fell due to pride.
God doesn't reject us. We reject Him.
11/10/2008 5:21:05 AM |
Serious question for you folks.. |

Harrisonburg, VA
age: 47
Very well said John I was referring to Heavenly Angels of course.
11/10/2008 6:12:04 AM |
Serious question for you folks.. |

Front Royal, VA
age: 24
I already believe in God, alot of people think that if you believe in certain things that you are not a believer in God..thats why I made the point clear.. I will clarify my post when i get back 
11/10/2008 6:45:24 AM |
Serious question for you folks.. |
Chesapeake, VA
age: 49
Read your bible. It is 100% truth. Reincarnation is false except upon Christ's second coming when we will receive our eternal bodies, either for hell or the new heaven and hell. Either way, we're all going into eternity. We choose God's love or our own.
11/10/2008 8:04:25 AM |
Serious question for you folks.. |

Front Royal, VA
age: 24
Ive had alot of craziness going on lately..especially last week, and alot of strange things have happend with me moving into this house. Last week was complete hell. Ive heard some very strange things and its starting to make me think Im going nuts lol but its VERY frustrating. I believe in God, but I also believe in other things such as astrology, psychics, spirits etc.. just wanted other peoples imputs and experiences
11/10/2008 9:38:26 AM |
Serious question for you folks.. |
Chesapeake, VA
age: 49
You can seek advice. You can seek opinion. You can seek others experiences and try to glean from those. Or you can seek truth. What's the wise choice?
11/10/2008 9:51:41 AM |
Serious question for you folks.. |

Radford, VA
age: 54
oh lordy
11/10/2008 1:07:41 PM |
Serious question for you folks.. |

Front Royal, VA
age: 24
oh lordy
I second that Echo lol..I obviously didnt come here to be preached to. I respect others beliefs and dont push mine on them..thats not what Im about.
11/10/2008 3:24:13 PM |
Serious question for you folks.. |


Fredericksburg, VA
age: 37
yea ya see how they are,this place has changed to much