Warren, OH
age: 45
I'm really new to this date on line stuff and new to dating period. I just started on here about maybe three weeks ago. And I did meet someone that lived close to me. We talked on the phone and got to know each other and decided to meet in person. Now mind you I have been stuck in my home for three years. I couldn't go anywhere or do anything. Now that I can move around and I can do some things I decided to meet this person. It went good I thought. Our talks where great over the phone and we seemed to enjoy each other. But I have know clue what happened after we met.After meeting that morning a friend called and told me his band was playing at a local nite club, and to remind you I haven't been out of my house in three years. So I decided to go see him play. I called that person I met that morning if she would like to go. She says yes, That it would be fun. I said great, I will call and let her know when I'm leaving the house at a certain time that I gave her. Well later on she called me a little early and asked if it was still on for tonite. I said yes. When I left the house, I called her and the phone kept coming up saying not aloud, blocked. This is what my phone was saying and wouldn't let me thru. I called like 4 or 5 times. same thing. So I said maybe its my phone so I drove to her house. I got there, I knocked on the door several times and got no answer. So I left. Later on in the evening, She called asking why did I stand her up. This was the message I got on my phone. I didn't answer the phone when she called due to the music being loud and I didn't hear my phone ringing, plus it was in my coat that was hanging on a chair. I called her back that morning and man, she let me have it. I got called a lier, That I never called and a lier I never showed up at her home. I thought it went really good when we met that morning for the first time, and for her if it didn't, why didn't she just tell me the truth and not except the date that evening. Then after all that she called and left a message again saying that she still would like to go out with me, then another message b*tching me out. WHY? I didn't do anyhting wrong and why the games. If you don't like me thats fine I accept. Don't play any games, i'm not here for that. She really hurt my feelings, I will never understand what happened and never will. I've moved on. But please don't play games, I had enough of that in my life. I'm just confussed and hurt it all happened that way and was never given a chance to find out why. Life goes on

San Diego, CA
age: 31
Hey bro
My opinion is to let it go and don't urge to be with someone to soon, you would be doing it to put a bandaid on your hurt from the previous relationship and not realizing she is a bad catch.
She sounds to me she could be Bipolar, and feel lucky you saw her attitute now and not 9 months later after developing feelings. She already knows enough about you to want to play...

Jasper, GA
age: 49
I have to agree with Ice. Sounds like she definately has a psycho problem. I know, as a woman, we can run hot & cold, but I would think she'd have a little self-control and not allow it to show until she is well into a relationship. It's a BIG warning sign, read it and RUN! 

Fayette, OH
age: 54 online now!
Count your blessings. She could be eating your liver right now with fava beans and a nice Chianti.

Durham, NC
age: 51
Count your blessings. She could be eating your liver right now with fava beans and a nice Chianti.
 you guys!!   
seriously this just was not the right person for you. Do not
over analize the situation. Move forward..
if she calls again do not pick up the phone.. let her go.
There are many more kind, decent, loving women out there
Forget and keep moving forward... (good luck).
Minneapolis, MN
age: 57 online now!
Thank God that He saved you from what could have made you miserable.
May God touch you and heal you from the pain..
[Edited 11/20/2008 5:17:08 PM]

Naperville, IL
age: 26
Lots of women are just looking for a quick ego boost and will only pursue until they get validation, then they will do something wacky like that. Then when you get mad and they get rejected they may be nice just until you like them again, and repeat the cycle. Get used to it and just be independent and brush it off. Don't let one woman control you so much by being on your mind. Women will lose attraction instantly if they see you are needy. Not saying you are, but just saying. Women want men who are independent and don't "need" a woman for validation, while on the other hand women CRAVE validation, while losing interest once they get it. It's like a cat who will chase a string but gets bored when they get it. Don't be needy and easy to get. Just be tough my friend. Talk to lots of women, and commit only after you have "sealed the deal". This is the only way my friend.