Plains, MT
age: 25
The remote control ones are the best. Take her to the store, it's even better.


Oklahoma City, OK
age: 42
Lordy do I ever agree! I can't stand to go down on a woman who requires me to bring a tractor and brush hog to bed with us. I love going down and there is nothing better than a womans shaved lips. I have been down on women with hair and it is so much more sensual and erotic with out it. I love to even shave myself down there because of the enhanced sensitivity when a man and woman are shaved and wrapped up in a nice long session.

Lakeview, OH
age: 48
you boys have it all wrong a man show a woman how inporant she is by the thing he does [ remember a gentlman tellin me onnce or twice that he could not even sleep with out me unless he sniff the pillow that my hair hadbeen on the nite before thats luv baby