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11/26/2008 12:49:30 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 47

ladies and gay males,

if you found your man cheating, do you think that you might be tempted to castrate him?

i think that personally, i have taken so much mental abuse from cheaters, that i have loved deeply, that i would have to say, "yes," castration might be in order.

if castration is not the best option, what do you think would be, so that he would never cheat, on any future partner, causing her/him such anguish?


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11/26/2008 12:53:34 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 47

Quote from bgtheman:
in your case...staying with him should be punishment enough!

*smacks you around* bgtheman! seriously!


11/26/2008 1:03:01 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 2,000 Posts (2,960)
Newton Falls, OH
age: 47

Trixie, I'm not gay but, to any man out there, If you like slapping or beating woman up, come slap me around, come beat me up. I guarantee you would be out back in the wood shot with your pecker hanging from a tree where the wolves can have a field day.

11/26/2008 1:07:21 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Fort Collins, CO
age: 60

I have never cheated in my life, so I would have to go with my experience with cheating. My wife had two major affairs and one that was just passing time while she was having her second major affair. When she wanted to leave to be with the second guy, I loved her enough to let her go. I don't feel a need to punish her. Right now her karma is hitting her very hard. He has moved an 18 year old girl into their house (girlfriend on the side) He is verbally abusive with my ex and is training her grandson to be the same. He makes her pay most of the bills and is not home for several nights at a time. She just got one heck of a health scare and is going to have it checked by a doctor next week. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Punishment, nahhh, they do it to themselves. Just love them, keep them at arms length and try to be more careful the next time around.


11/26/2008 2:12:42 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,677)
Layton, UT
age: 53

Nah, Castration is for pedophiles and rapists,

Just let it go once you're free of it, Karma always gets them one way or another.

I am not concerned about his future partners, none of my business.

11/26/2008 3:30:48 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 47

Quote from bjk123:
Nah, Castration is for pedophiles and rapists,

Just let it go once you're free of it, Karma always gets them one way or another.

I am not concerned about his future partners, none of my business.

*hey bjk,

i see your point here. however, lets say perhaps due to his cheating, he gave you some incurable disease, then would you still say it's none of your business? what if he spread this incurable disease to several other women, who all believed his lies, and that he was "single."

let's say, for the sake of this conversation, that he decided that he didn't want to tell any of these ladies that he had this disease? what then? still let it go, and let "karma" take care of all the women he has given this incurable disease, and yet has to give this incurable disease to?

these kinds of guys, have no regard for you, or anyone else. it's all about them. that's the bottom line. (sociopaths, and narcissists, are classic examples of these types of persons)

note: sociopaths and narcissists are not strictly male, there are female sociopaths, and narcissists, as well.

if you don't have a clue what these type of people are like, we have a fabulous invention at our disposal. it's called "google." you can find volumes of information on these types of personality disorders, as well as, a whole host of others.


[Edited 11/26/2008 3:32:14 AM ]

11/26/2008 4:11:44 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,677)
Layton, UT
age: 53

Ouch, now you're changing the parameters. Let's see, an incurable disease-can be life threatening, that's rape in my book because it is sex without full consent, so then he falls into my castration category. If that had been done to me, then I would take steps to ensure future women would (hopefully) be protected against him. I put my ex on dontdatehimgirl because of his emotionally abusive behavior and his cheating ways. I blab the cheating thing to all our mutual friends to show his moral character. I will have to think about the rest and get back to you.

PS I took Pschycology in college and am aware of the different personality disorders,
I believe my ex was a narcisist and an emotional abuser. Love Google.

And Yes, when I discovered he had been cheating on me, my first reaction emotionally was to cut his d*** off. I have had time to cool off since then Plus Karma did bite him in the a**, he broke 5 discs in his back, he can't do much of anything sexually now. Too Bad, Sooooooooooooo Sad.

[Edited 11/26/2008 4:17:28 AM ]

11/26/2008 4:52:39 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 4,000 Posts! (5,700)
Pittsburgh, PA
age: 56

My 1st reaction was thats a bit harsh , my 2nd was I know exactly how you feel , my 3rd was better off without him but a good punishment is in order ( got lots of ideas for that one best kept between friends LOL ! )

On the STD issue unless you caught an STD no case and even if you have ,only Life Threatening not Life Altering are even considered crimes and thats not in every state .

Civil Suites can be brought anywhere and there are Advocacy Groups for women who are dealing with these issues in every state .

One other idea is even if You escaped unscathed Other Women may not be as Lucky ! Find the nearest to his home geographicly Womans Crisis Shelter , Find a Counsoler you feel comfortable with and OUT THE MISERABLE B*****D , Do the same in any Bars or Clubs in His Area ,all it takes is a sympathetic employee who will listen and hopefully be discrete as to your identity (just make certain the Miserable SOB actually has an STD or you could be in a jam )

11/26/2008 2:59:48 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 7,500 Posts!! (8,423)
Fort Myers, FL
age: 48

How do you castrate a woman cheater?

I didn't ask that, yes you did, you did, i know better,, than who? Me ?, no you.

11/26/2008 3:03:13 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Essex Junction, VT
age: 52

Nah, time wounds all heels.

ROFLMAO @ bgtheman!

[Edited 11/26/2008 3:04:52 PM ]

11/26/2008 3:05:23 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,777)
Beaumont, CA
age: 35

No I wouldn't though it sounds fun

I think the best revenge is to move on. It is totally his loss. Move on and better yourself. That always gets them. Then if they ever try to come back say no thanks.

11/26/2008 3:19:02 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,609)
Norfolk, VA
age: 56

Wow, that's harsh. bg

My husband of 25 years was a serial cheater while I was faithfully managing his business, his household and taking care of his children.

The best revenge is to let them carry on their dysfunctional behaviors and have a miserable life that you, thankfully, aren't a part of anymore.

11/26/2008 3:40:54 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,858)
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 35

Eye for an eye . Cheaters need to have Cheater tattooed on their forhead . STDs , if its like AIDs , at least here in in Colorado , they can be charged with murder . Assuming that they know about it . And the boys in prison don't look kindly on that . He wouldn't die from the AIDs , that's for sure .

11/26/2008 3:49:01 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Mayfield, KY
age: 36

Super glue his dingus to his thigh.Might make him think twice next time.
If that don't work cut it off & put it down the garbage disposal.

11/26/2008 4:55:30 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 1,000 Posts (1,146)
Cocoa, FL
age: 54

Oh .... Lorena ?

11/26/2008 5:18:23 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 4,000 Posts! (4,854)
Mount Pleasant, MI
age: 46

Sounds ok to me sinse I'm not a cheater. I'de leave before moving on to another.
As long as it works both ways. Cheating women would have to have thier lips glued shut.

11/26/2008 5:21:05 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Caseyville, IL
age: 36

na they'll get payback soon enough better to know now then later that way your not wasting your time

11/26/2008 6:17:57 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 47

Quote from pattilee3:
Wow, that's harsh. bg

My husband of 25 years was a serial cheater while I was faithfully managing his business, his household and taking care of his children.

The best revenge is to let them carry on their dysfunctional behaviors and have a miserable life that you, thankfully, aren't a part of anymore.


you're one hell of a good woman, but you already know that.

"living well, is the best revenge." George Herbert.

(women who have been cheated on, heather lockleer, halle berry, christie brinkley, jackie kennedy, vanessa bryant, some of you probably know many more) all gorgeous women. so don't think that it's YOU, it's THEM.


11/26/2008 6:19:12 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 47

Quote from redmaryjane:
Super glue his dingus to his thigh.Might make him think twice next time.
If that don't work cut it off & put it down the garbage disposal.

*right on! i never thought about superglue! haha* *high five*


11/26/2008 6:30:15 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,076)
Charlotte, NC
age: 61

Hi Trixie,
Yes, I would be Tempted to castrate him, which would mean cutting off his balls, and not his Penis like that lady Lorena Bobbit did. But, then I didn't have to do either because the S.O.B. is such a drunk that he has made himself impotent. I like to think it is Karma.

11/26/2008 11:13:45 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Fort Collins, CO
age: 60

Quote from dottore1:
Oh .... Lorena ?

Nah, Lorena didn't put it in the garbage. She tossed it to the dog lol


11/27/2008 12:30:23 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 47

Quote from satinsky2:
Hi Trixie,
Yes, I would be Tempted to castrate him, which would mean cutting off his balls, and not his Penis like that lady Lorena Bobbit did. But, then I didn't have to do either because the S.O.B. is such a drunk that he has made himself impotent. I like to think it is Karma.

*hey satinsky,

serves him right. ever notice how the impotent drunks are the ones that talk the most shit about how they can, "please a woman," when everyone around KNOWS that they can't even get it up?*


11/27/2008 12:37:30 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (11,667)
Saint Clair, MO
age: 55

nope, no castration!! all i would want is for him to be cheated on, so that he knows exactly how much it hurts!! what goes around, comes around!!

11/27/2008 12:51:25 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 47

Quote from wildthing1:
nope, no castration!! all i would want is for him to be cheated on, so that he knows exactly how much it hurts!! what goes around, comes around!!

*hey wildthing,

as a general rule, do you think that type of guy really even cares, or just moves on to the next hole?

in my opinion, they don't care, and have this urge to screw whatever, whenever, wherever.*


[Edited 11/27/2008 12:51:46 AM ]

11/27/2008 12:55:22 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (11,667)
Saint Clair, MO
age: 55

eventually, they will actually fall in love with someone and that will be the time that i hope they get cheated on. until then, they will continue on with their quests!!

11/27/2008 12:56:22 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 2,000 Posts (2,960)
Newton Falls, OH
age: 47

Just like that lady a few years ago, wasn't her name Bobit or bobbit. remind me not to ever piss her off.

11/27/2008 1:00:43 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Council Bluffs, IA
age: 44

I'm not a gay male but just offering my input anyhow, castration will get you nowhere. One of our best emotional defense mechanisms is to put the one who hurt you in harms way mentally.

Although I understand the urge the actual act will leave you with only with 15 minutes of fame and most likely prison time.

I can only say that you worry about yourself. Yep he was a dog and a pig but are you going to change that in any way? "no".

The best vengeance possible is to let him carry on and either grow up, or die old and alone.

Best wishes ...

11/27/2008 1:04:54 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (11,667)
Saint Clair, MO
age: 55

Quote from steven030463:
Just like that lady a few years ago, wasn't her name Bobit or bobbit. remind me not to ever piss her off.

looked her up on google and here's what i found......

On the night of June 23, 1993, John Bobbitt arrived at the couple's Manassas, Virginia apartment intoxicated after a night of partying and, according to testimony by Lorena Bobbit in a 1994 court hearing, raped his wife. (Note: He was tried and acquitted for this alleged spousal rape in 1994; he was prosecuted by the same district attorney who prosecuted Lorena for allegedly attacking John.) Afterwards, Lorena Bobbit got out of bed and went to the kitchen for a drink of water. According to an article in the National Women's Studies Association Journal, in the kitchen she noticed a carving knife on the counter and "memories of past domestic abuses raced through her head." Grabbing the knife, Lorena Bobbit entered the bedroom where John was asleep; and she proceeded to cut off more than half of his penis.

After assaulting her husband, Lorena left the apartment, with the severed penis. After driving a short while, she rolled down the car window and threw the penis into a field. Realizing the severity of the incident, she stopped and called 911. After an exhaustive search, the penis was located, packed in ice, and brought to the hospital where John was located.

The penis was re-attached by Doctors James T. Sehn and David E. Berman during a nine and a half hour surgery.

11/27/2008 1:09:03 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 2,000 Posts (2,960)
Newton Falls, OH
age: 47

Thats it, thank you , Man that would hurt. Thats why I never piss a woman

11/27/2008 1:11:36 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,777)
Beaumont, CA
age: 35

Dude I seriously could not come anywhere near close to cuttin off the sacred Photobucket

And then just drive down the street and toss it out the window like a cigarette butt. Dude

11/27/2008 1:14:21 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 2,000 Posts (2,960)
Newton Falls, OH
age: 47

I'm not a fighter anyway, I'm a lover At least I act like I know what I'm doing

11/27/2008 2:24:55 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 47

Quote from wildthing1:
eventually, they will actually fall in love with someone and that will be the time that i hope they get cheated on. until then, they will continue on with their quests!!

*hey wildthing, that makes sense for people who "feel." so yeah, you're right the majority will fall in love, and i hope that they get cheated on too, and understand the pain it causes.

then there's the sociopath, or narcissist who only care about themselves. we might say, "that's so sad." yeah, it kind of is, however, they wreck a hell of a lot of havoc, then you stop feeling sorry for them. there's the nature vs. nurture theory pertaining to sociopath's. i think that some are born that way, others are shaped that way by how they are affected by their life circumstances, and still others i believe have the propensity at birth, and develop this personality disorder even under the best of circumstances.

i knew a kid that burned down two houses, by the time he finished elementary school. when i looked in that kids eyes, i wanted to wave my hand back and forth in front of his face, and say, "anybody home, anybody?" i've never seen another kid quite like that, and i've seen a lot of messed up kids.


11/27/2008 2:27:29 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 7,500 Posts!! (7,777)
Beaumont, CA
age: 35

O.k. I changed my mind im just gonna chew it up and spit it out

11/27/2008 2:28:20 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (11,667)
Saint Clair, MO
age: 55

i totally agree with you about the sociopath, or narcissist who only care about themselves. they will never know what true love is!! sad, isn't it!

11/27/2008 5:14:39 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 47

Quote from wildthing1:i totally agree with you about the sociopath, or narcissist who only care about themselves. they will never know what true love is!! sad, isn't it!

*yeah, i suppose it might be sad, to not know what true love is. i'm not so sure though.

i wonder what it's like, not to feel concern about others, to not have any conscience about things that bother the "feeling" person. to manipulate others to get what one wants. to spew out things that one heard others say, to "sound," as if, they can feel. they mimic and sound almost like robots. you don't have to know them for long to pick it up, if you're aware.

i know a couple sociopaths quite well. i've learned to spot some common traits now, from the constant exposure.

it's a strange disorder. i personally don't find it "creepy," it's just hard to be around too long, since they are emotionally detached.*


11/27/2008 7:29:39 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Maple Shade, NJ
age: 47

I have never cheated and as far as I know never been cheated on. So castration is a bit harsh. If you got a std they have a cure for most. If you got aids them they would never find the body.

11/27/2008 8:09:11 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 4,000 Posts! (4,777)
Reedsburg, WI
age: 46

no, I think that's a bit too harsh. The best way to deal with a cheater is to kick their a** to the curb. It's not my concern whether or not they cheat on someone else.

11/27/2008 7:30:22 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Tampa, FL
age: 23

yes im not gay but castrate him

11/27/2008 7:31:35 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Tampa, FL
age: 23

hi cut his penis and insert it in his a** and make him lick it sick

11/27/2008 9:37:51 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Fort Collins, CO
age: 60

I was telling my best friend about this post. She said that if her husband ever cheated on her, she would super glue his butt shut

I guess the poor guy would be full of cr--


11/27/2008 9:40:11 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

West Plains, MO
age: 31

i had a chick try to stab me cause she thought i was cheating one time i was really just gettin drunk with my bros though

11/27/2008 9:40:47 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 1,000 Posts (1,251)
Talladega, AL
age: 46

Quote from bjk123:
Nah, Castration is for pedophiles and rapists,

Just let it go once you're free of it, Karma always gets them one way or another.

I am not concerned about his future partners, none of my business.

I agree bjk123,set him free and be thankful he's gone,save the castration for the rapist and child molesters. Now there's one I'd personally castrate,(child molesters)

11/27/2008 9:49:41 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Greensburg, PA
age: 37

how do you casrate a woman then?????

11/27/2008 9:58:42 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Greensburg, PA
age: 37

the problem with castration for rapists and pedophiles is that it's about power nothing else because their in's proven that it does'nt stop them but makes them more viciuos when they do do it again it's sad but true!

11/27/2008 10:08:52 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 4,000 Posts! (4,672)
Las Vegas, NV
age: 51

Trixie I would say to you the same as any. If it is my g/f she cheats on me she's done. Period. trust is lost. I cheat on her I will be expecting to move on that night. That is for someone that I am with not just "dating" though. JMHO

11/28/2008 3:45:40 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Fort Collins, CO
age: 60

If you truly love someone, you forgive them again and again. It's human nature. I did that with my wife until she walked out. I can't say I was wise, but I can say I carry no grudges.


11/28/2008 5:48:10 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,076)
Charlotte, NC
age: 61

Quote from trixie222:
*hey satinsky,

serves him right. ever notice how the impotent drunks are the ones that talk the most shit about how they can, "please a woman," when everyone around KNOWS that they can't even get it up?*


Yep, he was always talking about how Everyone was coming on to him his female boss, female neighbors, and even a couple of guys I think he was just trying to make me jealous, but he didn't. But, then he was such a slut in days gone by, screwing his brother's wife, trying to screw other brother's wife, etc. But Milwaukee's Best finally got the best of him and he can't screw anyone

11/28/2008 6:01:59 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (12,076)
Charlotte, NC
age: 61

Quote from weedly420:
how do you casrate a woman then?????

Weedly, the only WAY to castrate a Woman is to cut out her ovaries (site of female hormones) This will take away her estrogen, with a man cut off his balls(site of male hormones) this takes away his tesosterone (male hormones)
For you below are the definitions:

Main Entry: cas·trate
Function: transitive verb
Pronunciation: 'kas-"trAt
Inflected Form(s): cas·trat·ed ; cas·trat·ing
Etymology: Latin castratus, past participle of castrare; akin to Greek keazein to split, Sanskrit s asati he slaughters
1 a : to deprive of the testes : GELD b : to deprive of the ovaries : SPAY
2 : to render impotent or deprive of vitality especially by psychological means

[Edited 11/28/2008 6:02:39 PM ]

11/28/2008 6:23:28 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,036)
Toledo, OH
age: 50

AHEM!...Cheating is'nt just with body parts. And...No it's not ok to castrate, just send the offender packin'...Permanently. Besides...the Brain told 'em what to do, it was'nt thier fault

11/28/2008 6:59:20 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 2,000 Posts (2,757)
Greenwood, SC
age: 32

if cheaters will be castrated, rapists should be raped

[Edited 11/28/2008 6:59:39 PM ]

11/28/2008 7:28:49 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Laverne, OK
age: 44

If my partner cheated on me.

I would forcefully pimp her out at the
busiest truck stop in the country...

11/28/2008 7:51:22 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,880)
Brooklyn, NY
age: 44

Get a clue. You might as well kill them in your case then just do that. I caught an ex and instead of beating the crap out of her and the dude she was with I just told her give me my stuff and you two can go about your business. My friends were bugging me about not putting lumps on both of them but how important can I make someone who does me dirty and risk going to jail for. Your parents, your wife and your kids are the only one worth jail, death, or serious injury for everyone else hell no. Finally you picked the person, ignored the signs so cheaters and the person who was cheated on both play a part.

11/28/2008 11:49:49 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,166)
Maryville, MO
age: 45

how do you casterate a female who cheats? there just as bad as guys when they cheat. and usually its more the woman who cheats...use super glue on the womans privates ;lol

[Edited 11/28/2008 11:50:35 PM ]

11/29/2008 3:39:54 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 47

Quote from russ01:
how do you casterate a female who cheats? there just as bad as guys when they cheat. and usually its more the woman who cheats...use super glue on the womans privates ;lol

*i'm not laughing. this thread was for women.*


11/29/2008 5:06:54 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,811)
York, SC
age: 33

I could not castrate an ex for cheating, I don't know how anyone could to someone they proclaimed they loved. jmo

All yeah, John Bobbit came out with a porn movie after that incident, I can't remember exactly what it was called, but I think "Uncut" was the name of it. Never saw it but thought the idea of it was hilarious.

11/29/2008 10:18:58 AM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Fort Collins, CO
age: 60

Quote from weedly420:
how do you casrate a woman then?????

Obviously, you haven't thought this out. You give her a sex change and then cut if off


I swear I didn't say that...grinnning ducking and running so I don't get hit.

11/29/2008 5:18:55 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Colorado Springs, CO
age: 46

I believe that people (both males and females) cheat due to a lack self-esteem, self-respect, feelings of unworthiness, etc. it has nothing to do with the person they are cheating's something missing in them. That doesn't make it hurt any less, but they have their own demons tormenting them and that always serves as the best justice. So let them go and move on...don't take their garbage with you!Kill them with kindness

11/29/2008 6:20:48 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 10,000 Posts!!! (20,827)
Philadelphia, PA
age: 41

Quote from graceundrfire:
I believe that people (both males and females) cheat due to a lack self-esteem, self-respect, feelings of unworthiness, etc. it has nothing to do with the person they are cheating's something missing in them. That doesn't make it hurt any less, but they have their own demons tormenting them and that always serves as the best justice. So let them go and move on...don't take their garbage with you!Kill them with kindness

i agree w this opinion a lot cuz yeah, initially when it hurts so much and the betrayal is so high, "castration" seems like an option short of killing the person. but its really not an option cuz for one, they r not worth it. it doesn't matter what has happened in the breakdown of the marriage even if its on both sides, u can get it worked out if u want to. but once your partner cheats on u, then it's a done deal and that person is held responsible for the breakup....a quote from Dr. one asks to be cheated on and a way for the situation to be handled.

as time has passed and i asked myself all those questions over and over and read up on stuff to fig out why...but u know, as time passes and u see them continuing to do the same thing over and over, so u know it's them. and i know im not like that. and i do beleive it's their demons inside of them and i do believe in karma in what goes around comes around. i know some people dont but i do. if u do bad acts in life, more than likely bad acts r going to follow for the dumb choices u make...cant feel bad for ya. and now i don't look back anymore finally. i look ahead into the future. and even when he still tries to get under my skin over whatever, i deal w it the way i feel i need to deal w it and that's it....keep going...

read the serenity prayer...u can't change others, u can only change yourself.... and to add to that, learn from these cheating relationships. look and try to make better choices in the kinds of people there r out there and what they r made of. there are still no guarantees in life but u can learn to work on yourself even tho u can't fix other people.

11/29/2008 8:19:05 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,244)
Winnipeg, MB
age: 58

Quote from trixie222:
*hey wildthing,

as a general rule, do you think that type of guy really even cares, or just moves on to the next hole?

in my opinion, they don't care, and have this urge to screw whatever, whenever, wherever.*


Now that is an observation worth examining!!!

How do people get into situations where they are chosing so badly. What are the fundamental principles held by the person you want to be involved with?

This is not to say that people cannot be tempted to an indiscretion or even into an affair but the odds are against that if the person from the outset has ideals or principles that abhore such things.

Having been on both sides of this situation I can say that my personal standards have become modified to the point where I will not be the one who strays. Celebacy is preferable as a way of life compared with casual encounters. I am the kind of man I want my daughters to marry - because I am not ruled by my genitals (among other reasons).

When I was a dog I chased b*tches in heat - when I found myself with a sow it was because I was the chief hog in the bar. Go figure...

I am not a dog and not a hog
My conscience is clear
I sleep like a log. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< neat poem eh????

11/29/2008 8:33:53 PM CASTRATE a cheater?  
Over 4,000 Posts! (6,582)
Houston, TX
age: 43

Hmm castrating cheating males....a little extreme don't you think.

What the the punishment for for women that talk back or don't do the dishes?