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12/4/2008 7:38:29 PM The cool chick  

Over 2,000 Posts (3,055)
Bakersfield, CA
age: 40

Alright, here is the deal. I am always the cool chick. Guys love me. But I don't want to be the cool chick. I don't want guys to love me, I want a man to love me. How do I avoid just being the cool chick? And do any of you girls have the same problem?

12/4/2008 7:56:59 PM The cool chick  

Shepherdsville, KY
age: 40 online now!

I have the same problem, I'm the guy all the women want to be friends with. Most of my friends are women in fact. If you figure it out, let me know!!

12/4/2008 7:57:31 PM The cool chick  

Martins Ferry, OH
age: 54

Quote from klassyklown:
Alright, here is the deal. I am always the cool chick. Guys love me. But I don't want to be the cool chick. I don't want guys to love me, I want a man to love me. How do I avoid just being the cool chick? And do any of you girls have the same problem?

Oh my gawd!!! I am always the cool chick if I ever hear someone say that again I think I will wash their mouth out with soap lol but hopefully now I won't have to worry about it. Have found someone who thinks I'm cool, hot and totally the woman!! I sure hope I live up to all that lol

12/4/2008 7:58:49 PM The cool chick  

Over 2,000 Posts (2,312)
Beaumont, CA
age: 33 online now!


12/4/2008 8:05:47 PM The cool chick  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,015)
Fairfield, CT
age: 43

How about this a friend of mine twenty one year old daughter called me to ask me to go to a cousins wedding with her dad because I am the only woman her father knows who won't embarrass the kids.........granted he really likes the c*cktail waitress in the Dolly Parton wig type women and all..........but I can not possibly be the only "nice" woman she knows to send with her dad..............I want to be a "bad" girl, at least once.

12/4/2008 8:08:10 PM The cool chick  

Warren, OH
age: 45

I just met you and I have never concidered you a cool chick. I always thought you are the smart, smartass, intelligent, kind woman who said her peace. We all know you want to be loved by a man. I just wished we didn't live far apart and I was your type. But I still think your not a cool chick. LOL, You have a great big heart and a beautiful smile.

12/4/2008 8:08:25 PM The cool chick  

Sterling, IL
age: 39

I don't see you as having a "problem". Why not be the cool chick/dude? If you are interested in one of the people that think you are cool, tell them. If you are saying that they only like you because you are cool, and want nothing more than that, what have you really lost out on? Think about the other side of the coin. The un-cool, trust me you would then be concerned that no one likes you, or wants to hang out with you. You can't get a date cause nobody will respond. This site is full of people who want your "problem" and don't know how to go about getting it. I am amazed at the people that are concerned enough to ask questions like this when 5 posts down someone is concerned about the opposite. You should talk to each other. No judgements of course, just one mans observations that tommorow won't matter. Just found this one funny.

12/4/2008 8:08:28 PM The cool chick  

Jim Thorpe, PA
age: 36 online now!

you just HAD to bring another problem to my attention klassy?
yea, got the same damn problem.


12/4/2008 8:13:52 PM The cool chick  

Over 2,000 Posts (3,055)
Bakersfield, CA
age: 40

Quote from brujacakes2:
you just HAD to bring another problem to my attention klassy?
yea, got the same damn problem.


Bruja, because I would have bet any amount of money you are just like me. Sorry honey girl, I always bring it real, and right now that is what I am bringing.

I just want to fix it and I can't. Why can't the hot smart, cool guys love the cool girls? All you guys who love me and respect me as the cool girl answer that.

And the rest of you girls who posted in my thread, I know you are the same. And there are a couple more out there who are the same. Everyone thinks I have all the answers, and apparently I do for everyone except myself. Alright, enough of my pity party, I am moving on.

[Edited 12/4/2008 8:18:42 PM]

12/4/2008 8:14:21 PM The cool chick  

Ponca City, OK
age: 34

your'e one cool chick Klassy

12/4/2008 8:22:14 PM The cool chick  

Over 2,000 Posts (3,055)
Bakersfield, CA
age: 40

Quote from crowdog73:your'e one cool chick Klassy

Crow, I hope you can read my mind, because you know I won't post what I am thinking, but I know you love me because I am the cool chick.

12/4/2008 8:31:43 PM The cool chick  

Loganville, GA
age: 20

I have this "problem" but i LOVE it! I dont think its a problem at all! Im happy I have so many guy friends, that i can turn too...and know they wont be judging me on how good of a piece of a** i am.. .I hear how they talk about girls, this gives me other advantages...a look into the male brain if you will.. I like that fact that i can burp in front of them and not have to be such a "lady" bc theyre friends. and guys are soooo much easier to talk to sometimes. they arent catty. they say what they think.. well most of them.

If you like one of the guys who just sees you as the "friend" tell them. Send him "not-so-friendly-more-like-i-like-you" vibes. But beware.. is it worth loosing a friendship..

and.. if its just in general, like EVERY guy just sees you as a friend...reevaluate how you come across to the ones you really have feelings for.. be more "flirty" less guylike. if ya know what i mean. it took me a while to learn this. and it was frustrating at times, but now i cherish my friendships and now i know the difference...

you got it girl!! go get em!

12/4/2008 8:40:32 PM The cool chick  
West Covina, CA
age: 49

the cool chick is that something like the guy that gets stuck in the friend zone

12/4/2008 8:44:39 PM The cool chick  

Over 2,000 Posts (3,055)
Bakersfield, CA
age: 40

jessi, I think that easier said than done. I like that people love me and want to be around me, and think I am the shit. I completely enjoy and love the friendship I have with men.

And you are probably right, I probably end up in the cool chick zone because more often than not I won't anyone know what I really think or feel, but even when I do, I still end up in the cool chick zone. I just want to find a way out, and I don't see how being me that will happen.

Yes leftfooted that is correct and if anyone can help me out of that zone it is you.

[Edited 12/4/2008 8:46:51 PM]

12/4/2008 8:47:51 PM The cool chick  

Jim Thorpe, PA
age: 36 online now!

Quote from klassyklown:
jessi, I think that easier said than done. I like that people love me and want to be around me, and think I am the shit. I completely enjoy and love the friendship I have with men.

And you are probably right, I probably end up in the cool chick zone because more often than not I won't anyone know what I really think or feel, but even when I do, I still end up in the cool chick zone. I just want to find a way out, and I don't see how being me that will happen.

Yes leftfooted that is correct and if anyone can help me out of that zone it is you.

I think we are in the "cool chick zone" because we don't "put out" on the first date.

(Not usually anyway )