Gloucester, MA
age: 21
although I still like the cowboys...
BUT PATS KICKED ASS TODAY!!!! 48 to 27 Pats!
Brady with 5 record touchdowns WOOHOOO!!!

Gloucester, MA
age: 21
wow.... guess there not many pats fans!
Way support the teams yall 

Mc Lean, VA
age: 19
The Patriots are way better then the Cowboys or should I say The Cowgirls. Tom Brady for MVP.

Riverside, RI
age: 42
You Know It Brit! Huge Pats fan here..and for a long time..Way back in the painful days of Grogan and eason.. Just like my Redsox too..New dedicated owner/owners and they are new teams! Will the Patriots go undefeated??? 
(Oh yeah, Brady w/5-TD's..huge points for my fantasy league!!!) 
[Edited 10/15/2007 4:34:19 PM]

Rapid City, SD
age: 45
Hey Brit, it's Dwayne, the other Gloucester, yeah what a game. My brother had sideline seats and got pictures of him & his family with a bunch of the Patriots after the game. I'll send you a few via email. Oh yeah, how about them Gloucester Fishermen, undefeated so far, go Glosta!!!!!!!!

Gloucester, MA
age: 21
oh yeah the gloucester fisherman do quite well.... I dont go to the games alot anymore but back when I was in high school they were a great team.... my ex being one of the best on there. But anyways I heard they are still doing great I should start goin to the games again 

Prior Lake, MN
age: 50
Pats kick butt again today.Brady looks like he's just playing a video game when he's playing.I feel sorry for Miami.I loved them Kicking the Cowboys butts.Go Moss.Boo T.O.!!!

Prior Lake, MN
age: 50
I wish my Vikings looked this good........Boo Cowboys!