12/6/2008 2:06:28 AM |
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Catlettsburg, KY
age: 65
They just want security, money and to have their way..in otherwords...women are selfish.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

12/6/2008 2:10:49 AM |
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Lexington, KY
age: 47
not all women are like that but then again a lot of men are a**holes so one good turn deserves another.
12/6/2008 6:00:59 AM |
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Calvert City, KY
age: 52
What a charming thread so far. 
12/6/2008 6:40:24 AM |
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Shelbyville, KY
age: 52
Please do not lump us all into that category - not all women are that way!
12/6/2008 6:49:12 AM |
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Hillsboro, AL
age: 43
Security is a good thing and money is something we all need......But love,kindness and friendship can not be found with that kind of outlook.......
12/6/2008 6:51:38 AM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 52
Please do not lump us all into that category - not all women are that way!
I've got an idea! Set up a profile sayimng that those are exactly the qualities I want in a woman and see how many responses I get. What do you think?   
12/6/2008 6:57:12 AM |
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Shelbyville, KY
age: 52
Go for it Trucker...I'll have a good response for you!
12/6/2008 8:06:34 AM |
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Mayfield, KY
age: 35
Not all women are like that.Just as all men are not bitter old goats.
I for one have a good job,Own my own home,and have a car that is payed for.
I have my own security.Just lookin for compainionship & someone to have fun with.
Just My Opinion.
12/6/2008 9:29:04 AM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 52
Go for it Trucker...I'll have a good response for you!
I thought it was a little funny cse. Maybe not as funny as a man coming on a date sight to bash women...
[Edited 12/6/2008 9:29:53 AM PST]
12/6/2008 10:29:44 AM |
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Bowling Green, KY
age: 53
Thanks, cowboy trucker
Spongy bull sorry you are so angry, ya know we just win some and then learn some.
I always heard you can catch more flies with honey and I dont want flies. So I just try to be myself take it or leave it. All women arent that way , nor are men.But you probably wont help your self any but posting such a negative email. I woulnt go out with you, your too angry. Thats are real as it gets
12/6/2008 11:32:14 AM |
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London, KY
age: 45
They just want security, money and to have their way..in otherwords...women are selfish.
I dont need a man for security or money I HAVE MY OWN. But having said that it is nice if a man likes to take on some of your burdens and help you with them. As for having it my way HELL YEA I try but I want a man that has the balls to stand up to me and tell me when im being foolish. Selfish is never a word I would use on myself as I give way more than I ever get most the time. So, I guess you have just made some bad choices and now want to lay it all off on women as a whole instead of taking your part of the blame huh?
12/7/2008 9:03:29 PM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 47
I think since you have gotten some of the bad women you want to lump all of us into what you have been getting.
If I did that I would say men are selfish bastards that want to use you either money wise, emotionally wise or just to be their screwing tool.
I know there are men out there who aren't like that...now just to find them.
12/8/2008 12:56:00 PM |
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Calvert City, KY
age: 52
Hang in there lachtna, we're not all a**holes.
12/8/2008 1:04:54 PM |
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Elizabethtown, KY
age: 54
Pahleeeze!! Why are we biting on this one people, it was meant to antagonize, sorry no interjection from me!
Hi there, Cowboytrucker!!!!
[Edited 12/8/2008 1:05:48 PM PST]
12/8/2008 1:18:59 PM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 47
I don't think the guy is getting what he wants though, apache.
If he wants to get a rise I think we've found a fun way of venting so he's out of luck there.
If he wants to egg women on into being b*tchy that ain't working either....
And I am hanging in there like a hair in a biscuit a1957. When I find that special man he'll have a very loyal and loving lady at his side.
So, lets continue to have fun with this thread, if for no other reason just to prove we can laugh at the good and bad in ourselves no matter who may want to rile us up.
12/8/2008 3:51:05 PM |
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Calvert City, KY
age: 52
I think the original poster in this thread may have been trying to push some buttons, but I think the only buttons he has pushed are the "Hell No" buttons of any lady that actually considers themselves a lady.
12/9/2008 3:44:15 PM |
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Lexington, KY
age: 47
There are plenty of real woman here in Ky you just got to know how to treat them, get that right and you might get one.
2/15/2009 7:34:44 PM |
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Catlettsburg, KY
age: 65
I wuz wrong...at least some women on here can read.
Some even seem to be able to think and reason.
Sheeeessshhhhhh....thanks folks. I'm a bit smarter now.
Hey, that does not only include blondes!
What a wounderful world.
 :cool ::signlol
2/17/2009 5:24:54 AM |
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Campbellsville, KY
age: 61
They just want security, money and to have their way..in otherwords...women are selfish.
I am very secure , I have my own money , I am not at all selfish and would like to share my life with MR . Right .. I am so sorry you feel this way ..it is just not true of most women today !
2/17/2009 5:02:17 PM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 53
OH MY GOD who I believe is real... he knows not want me to and I do not want to get in on this question so I will bite my real tongue .. in my real head .. in my real mouth .. and keep it behind my real teeth .. before I cut loose on this one 
2/17/2009 5:21:42 PM |
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Russellville, AL
age: 53
Hey from Alabama...we have some nice ladies here...just stopping by to say hello
2/19/2009 5:19:08 AM |
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Columbia, KY
age: 53
Hey from Alabama...we have some nice ladies here...just stopping by to say hello
You sound real to me- keep 'em cming. I like that fiesty look in your eyes.
2/19/2009 5:39:05 AM |
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Columbia, KY
age: 53
OH MY GOD  who I believe is real... he knows not want me to and I do not want to get in on this question  so I will bite my real tongue  .. in my real head  .. in my real mouth  .. and keep it behind my real teeth  .. before I cut loose on this one  And YOU- if you keep pressure built up, you'll fart. Haven't you learned anything from men? ( oh boy, here it comes, I'm hunkering down...)...
2/19/2009 7:43:41 AM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 53
I guess then MaN who started this and thought that women are not real would be the FART OH I meant THE WIND aka FART BENEATH MY WINGS and men that agreed with him would be The Candle in the Wind aka FART ..so I chose not to respond by staying GONE WITH THE WIND .. aka FART So I bow out of sparing ( stresses prudent management, lack of wastefulness, and use of things to their best advantage )in needless thoughts and rants from a guy who has just got mixed up with the wrong type ladies and judged all in the same catagory .. we do not all come in LUMP SIZES! One size does not fit all .. and that goes for men as well. OK see I talked anyway ..
2/19/2009 11:12:38 AM |
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Columbia, KY
age: 53
I guess then MaN  who started this and thought that women are not real would be the FART  OH I meant THE WIND aka FART BENEATH MY WINGS  and men  that agreed with him would be The Candle in the Wind aka FART  ..so I chose not to respond by staying GONE WITH THE WIND  .. aka FART  So I bow out of sparing ( stresses prudent management, lack of wastefulness, and use of things to their best advantage )in needless thoughts and rants from a guy who has just got mixed up with the wrong type ladies and judged all in the same catagory  .. we do not all come in LUMP SIZES!   One size does not fit all .. and that goes for men as well. OK see I talked anyway ..  Told ya- you farted- repeatedly, called "cropdusting" ( like a stewardess). See how much better you feel?
2/21/2009 8:26:40 PM |
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Owensboro, KY
age: 42
I dont need a man for security or money I HAVE MY OWN. But having said that it is nice if a man likes to take on some of your burdens and help you with them. As for having it my way HELL YEA I try but I want a man that has the balls to stand up to me and tell me when im being foolish. Selfish is never a word I would use on myself as I give way more than I ever get most the time. So, I guess you have just made some bad choices and now want to lay it all off on women as a whole instead of taking your part of the blame huh?
I wholeheartedly agree with you Sassy....hell I am in a situation right now where I am the supporter. I too have a place to live, own my car have a great job, and support my kids. Oh did I mention also supporting an ex who hit some hard times....It takes all kinds in this world. There are guys who a**es and women out there who are b**ches, just have to weed through the bad to find the good.
Good Luck in you search....
2/22/2009 3:08:08 AM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 53
GIGI...giving you a big high five and thinking I think you said it all in your last words.. you go girl award goes to you today .. AMEN SISTER!
2/22/2009 6:07:00 PM |
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Columbia, KY
age: 53
GIGI...giving you a big high five and thinking I think you said it all in your last words.. you go girl award goes to you today .. AMEN SISTER!  Heyheyhey, ok... you're right on that one. But since I love to garden, I get to weedeat...
2/22/2009 7:13:36 PM |
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Owensboro, KY
age: 42
Heyheyhey, ok... you're right on that one. But since I love to garden, I get to weedeat... 
I keep applying the weed killer and all I have got left is a patch of dirt....
With Spring time coming, I am hoping to change this....
2/26/2009 5:16:45 PM |
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Versailles, KY
age: 56
I'm real!
2/26/2009 5:45:07 PM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 55
Oh boy! Here we go! I do want money, security and I want it my way. Let me take a guess here, but I think that's what everyone wants. I'm sorry if your experiences have been you thinking the woman only wanted those "things" from you. Partnerships are about sharing those experiences together and each of us bringing our best creations to each other. Where there are two or more.............
Cowboytrucker I'm disappointed in you.
2/27/2009 3:20:38 AM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 53
POPEYE said it best and he isnt real.. "I YAM what I yam and thats all that I YAM". So I guess that is what real really is... take us women as we are and fall in love with that.. if not look for something different. 
2/27/2009 3:50:06 AM |
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Walton, KY
age: 49
Partnerships are about sharing those experiences together and each of us bringing our best creations to each other.
2/27/2009 5:15:01 PM |
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Winters, TX
age: 71
Well, there is the old saying, "women marry men thinking that they guy will change or that they can change him, but he doesn't change and won't change; whereas men marry women thinking that the woman won't change, but she does."
Larry's rules for women:
1. Love him and accept him as he is; God and Mom made him, you ain't gonna change him.
2. Let him fall in love with you, not what you pretend to be.
3. Don't make babies until you know he is good for the long haul.
4. You will NEVER know what he is really all about until you sleep with him, cause guys will lie, get their mother's to lie and otherwise deceive you in every way possible so as to get in your pants.
5. Understand that infatuations do NOT last, it is a chemical thing. Will you still like him and respect him when the infatuation inevitably dies?
6. Mr. Excitement will almost always, screw you over, go to jail, cheat on you, and make a terrible father.
2/27/2009 6:12:00 PM |
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Columbia, KY
age: 53
POPEYE said it best and he isnt real.. "I YAM what I yam and thats all that I YAM". So I guess that is what real really is... take us women as we are and fall in love with that.. if not look for something different.  I heard that, but wasn't it Olive Oyl that caught him in her dress when hr said that?
2/28/2009 6:42:10 PM |
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Georgetown, KY
age: 48
I resent that. Not all women are golddiggers, or selfish. In fact while I was married, it was all about him, him, and him. Hunting, fishing golfing trips. But when I wanted to go on vacation, we didn't have the money, yada yada yada. I gave, pampered, and received nothing. Some are honest and genuine, and yah money is nice, but I have turned down alot of guys that make over $100,000 because there "was no attraction". That is more important that money.
[Edited 2/28/2009 6:47:36 PM PST]
2/28/2009 11:28:26 PM |
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Owensboro, KY
age: 42
I resent that. Not all women are golddiggers, or selfish. In fact while I was married, it was all about him, him, and him. Hunting, fishing golfing trips. But when I wanted to go on vacation, we didn't have the money, yada yada yada. I gave, pampered, and received nothing. Some are honest and genuine, and yah money is nice, but I have turned down alot of guys that make over $100,000 because there "was no attraction". That is more important that money.
Attraction is one thing but so is RESPECT!
2/28/2009 11:31:32 PM |
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Ft Mitchell, KY
age: 31
He's just a "Donnie Downer" just try to be more picky in the selecting your women. If you want to get a good woman, first try not being so negative.
3/1/2009 5:20:07 PM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 51
I resent that. Not all women are golddiggers, or selfish. In fact while I was married, it was all about him, him, and him. Hunting, fishing golfing trips. But when I wanted to go on vacation, we didn't have the money, yada yada yada. I gave, pampered, and received nothing. Some are honest and genuine, and yah money is nice, but I have turned down alot of guys that make over $100,000 because there "was no attraction". That is more important that money.
Hey, French, I'm not usually like this, but if you don't mind, would you send some of those over $100,000 guys my way and see if there's an attraction?!!!!
3/2/2009 12:22:16 AM |
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Crawfordville, GA
age: 31
It is not polite to lable people, if you have not found what or who you are looking for donot get discouraged its possible that your destiny may be closer than you think but first you need a open heart and a open mind.
3/4/2009 3:22:37 PM |
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Winchester, KY
age: 48
i have to say that goes 50 50 on that people are that way .we are all guilty of it .i would be the first to say i have.but as ive gotton older and the years have past.time has changed me for the better.dont get me wrong {i still have my days where it me me me.}but then i look around and its only me there.thats when it comes back and bits you.i dont know of to many people that has been selfish at one point in there life and some that still are. 
3/4/2009 7:48:43 PM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 53
OK OK got to say it .. I AM REAL WOMEN .. know how I know ??????.. because I know what fake is and I have run into it enough times .. that I know I am different. NOW theres a mouth full! 
3/8/2009 3:12:43 PM |
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Columbia, KY
age: 53
George Burns said it best," Sincerity is the MOST important thing,...and if you can fake that you've got it made."
3/9/2009 12:43:58 AM |
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The Dalles, OR
age: 54
They have pills to help with the way you feel....You sound depressed or really got the run around from women...Not sure which only you know that...
3/9/2009 2:59:46 PM |
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Chandler, OK
age: 65
where are you looking? i never had a problem finding women there in the ky
3/10/2009 3:04:56 PM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 42
Question is who is really true on this site to each other and to themselves. I figure after taking a break from dating for 2 years jumping right back in has not been a breeze for me either. I sent requests in to be added as a friend but no bites but just a few. Tells you a lot who is really looking for some one.
3/10/2009 5:46:11 PM |
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Nicholasville, KY
age: 60
Why lump us all in one big pile You guys dont like it when we women do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We all learn by our past mistakes and dont carry the past problems into a new relationship. But I guess if we had all the answers we would PERFECT
5/2/2009 5:56:43 PM |
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Flatwoods, KY
age: 26
They just want security, money and to have their way..in otherwords...women are selfish.
I just want to say that I am 25 years old and a College Grad, and do pretty well for myself without a man! I am a single hard working mother who worked not one but two jobs to get myself through College, and to support my son while doing so. Without one dime of anything from any man or the Government.... WHAT MAN DOES THAT???? Yes there are a few single fathers out there that do a hell of a good job but for the most part it is left on the woman, which I would not change for the world now... And security... hmmm... YES I think that woman do look for security in there man but what is wrong with that??? Have their way.... LOL!! That is a good one I don't know if maybe guys closer to my age are just aliens or something but most of them I have been around are horrible about either you will do this the way I want or I will just do it without you.. And me personaly I have always thought that male and female both are SELFISH!!! Not just woman there buddy.. So I don't know what it is that you have against the female race but it sounds like to me that you need to be putting your big girl panties on and getting glad real fast or plan on being lonely very lonely with that outlook!!!!!!! 
5/17/2009 12:00:02 AM |
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Paris, KY
age: 53
Read, think and reason, hey I even know how to spell! How unfair of you to sterotype women. I have values and morals and consider myself a lady. I'm offended!!!
5/17/2009 6:30:55 AM |
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Newport, KY
age: 32
Who can you trust these days?
5/20/2009 8:01:50 PM |
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Cadiz, KY
age: 51
Hey old fart I'm real!!!!:: 
5/20/2009 8:46:04 PM |
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Ft Mitchell, KY
age: 31
real woman here! Enough said!
7/3/2009 12:14:20 AM |
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Shepherdsville, KY
age: 48
7/3/2009 3:13:56 AM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 54
7/3/2009 11:05:29 AM |
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Owingsville, KY
age: 49
i love it. no we are not all on here to find the same thing but sometimes you get a lemon so just make some lemonade. i personally have taken a break from dating for the last 5 years and everyone is like how can you do that be without a man for that long. heck i was married to a man for 10 years and he was no real man so whats the difference. i dont try to judge all men by others. i just wanted to take my time from the situation. maybe i am ready to trust again maybe not who knows but i do know this i will never find the right man if i dont at least give it a try. so please dont judge us all by some women. we are not all the same. i work hard for my money but i also expect the man to work hard for his as well and me not to have to keep him up either.
7/3/2009 2:08:52 PM |
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Owensboro, KY
age: 42
SunnyK your statement is so true. I too took time off after my divorce. How could I know what I wanted in a man when I did not know who I was anymore....I have realized I am a survivor, can support my kids and like to have time to myself.
They ask where the real woman are, we can turn this around and ask where the real men are? I realize I may not be a "Barbie doll", I have meat on my bones. But if a real man were to spend time with me he might realize he found himself a catch!