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12/7/2008 8:55:26 PM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Rumford, ME
age: 26

I know that usually you would base this on the mood the feel and what your basic instincts are but I had this situation happen more than once.

You meet up with a woman and either go see a movie, go dancing, go out to eat, or hangout at her place or yours, You want to put the moves on her but you're afraid that she will think you're coming on to strong and think you want just 1 thing so you hold back.
Well sometimes the women will think you were to shy and insecure and be totally turned off by the fact you didnt take action and be more Manly...
Well than theres the chance that you go for the kill and things heat up etc etc and than she thinks your a playa and moved in on her too fast...

By now you're asking yourself as a Man what Can I do to win...if I dont make a move im insecure and shy if I do make a move im a playa and dont respect her..

For my better understanding of the matter please enlighten me ladies what you want from us..
Im sure the first response will be depends if im attracted to him..but lets say you are because generally dates dont happen without the two already being attracted at first..

and Men Has this ever happened to you?

12/7/2008 9:00:24 PM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Jim Thorpe, PA
age: 36 online now!

Ask's really simple...

"Jane, I had a great time tonight and find you extremely attractive, would you mind if I kissed you goodnight?'

"Jane, that was one hell of a kiss, dammmm you swept me off my feet, wanna get naked?"

Seriously though...just tell her how attracted you are to her and see where it goes. Not speaking for ALL women, just me...I would prefer to be warned before the groping, better chance at an escape.

12/7/2008 9:00:41 PM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Vermilion, OH
age: 23

WOW... yea my advice on this one is tell her you wanna kiss her, don't ask don't do it just simply look at her and be like I wanna kiss you... wait alittle bit leaving her in suspense and then do it, don't catch her totally off guard because that's when you get those completely horrible reactions from girls, because we are not mind readers we don't always see it coming... and chances are when you are thinking you wanna kiss her she's probably hoping that you do!

12/7/2008 9:20:42 PM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  
Chula Vista, CA
age: 22 online now!

I'd say just stick with what you think is best. Lots of ladies send the signals just watch for them.

12/7/2008 9:27:51 PM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Bremerton, WA
age: 59

Personally, i like the 1st date to be no kissing. I like to warm up to the contact a little at a time. I think 1st dates should be about getting to know each other.
If the physical happens too soon you get early burn off & the relationship becomes strictly sexual.
I suggest you keep your pants zipped until she gives you indication that she wants more. We know men think with the little head on dates so when were ready we'll let you know.

12/8/2008 8:33:10 AM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Dinwiddie, VA
age: 53

This is the question that has perplexed men for ages.....

[Edited 12/8/2008 8:33:31 AM]

12/8/2008 8:41:57 AM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Metairie, LA
age: 47

Not sure how much practice it takes, (none in my case) but at some point you should be able to read the signs. You should know through body language, eye contact etc if she's open to a kiss (goodnight, or otherwise). DURING that kiss is when you should be able to determine if A) there should be another kiss, B) if that kiss should be more than a peck on the lips (again, refer to body language), or C) if you even want to kiss her again.

It's not rocket science, this isn't "Dating 101", it's just being able to read the signs. If you're worried about what she's going to think of you, you've got the wrong girl. The right girl won't have a thought in her head except how she wants another kiss.

Oh yeah and... good luck

12/8/2008 8:47:07 AM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Philadelphia, PA
age: 38 online now!

Quote from starr6234:
Personally, i like the 1st date to be no kissing. I like to warm up to the contact a little at a time. I think 1st dates should be about getting to know each other.
If the physical happens too soon you get early burn off & the relationship becomes strictly sexual.
I suggest you keep your pants zipped until she gives you indication that she wants more. We know men think with the little head on dates so when were ready we'll let you know.

well spoken and well put. i agree. no groping for me on the 1st and chill w/the kisses (except maybe a light kiss on the cheek). i mean like seriously i dont know u from adam on the 1st date and i dont want your hands all over me yet even if u r hot-looking too. there is something to be said for respect in every which way. respect is big in my book and be cordial and keep it light. as time goes on, both will know if it feels right to make a move. think w/your head upstairs, not downstairs...for a change

** there's LOTS of ways to let a woman know u r interested in her w/out being physical in the beginning stages...and i know men r visual creatures and like to put moves on....but that might only work on the ones that r only looking for sex...

12/8/2008 8:50:43 AM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Over 7,500 Posts!! (8,065)
Ottawa, ON
age: 35

Stop caring about what women think and just do what makes you happy.

12/8/2008 8:53:35 AM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,631)
Brooklyn, NY
age: 42

Thern tell her that if she likes you that it wouldn't be a problem to say and show it if you can't tell. That way you don't do something you can't take back. It's 2008 and women can do their part.

12/8/2008 9:01:03 AM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Fayette, OH
age: 54

If you aren't completely sure, give her your best kiss,(no slobbering) and then jump back like she's on fire. Apologize for getting caught up in the moment and getting carried away with how incredibly gorgeous she is. 9 times out of 10, she'll smile and grab you and return the favor with interest.

12/8/2008 9:05:44 AM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Over 4,000 Posts! (5,577)
Omaha, NE
age: 50

I so hate a sneaky kisser!!

The kind that sneaks it in when you least expect it!

I dont want a man to ask me if he can kiss me ..and I so dislike a man who sneaks one in.

A Unwanted kiss
example he's sitting down at the lean over to show him something and he nails it on you There wasnt any signs of interest on my part either for this move!
Thats not my idea of a man that has it going on..thats my idea of a desperate man!
A unruly man..a man of no charm, no consideration, slimy,low life

Its called Invasion and ya just dont do this

He crossed my space without permission to do so

Why do guys do this ?

Do they really think it turns us on?

Do they really feel they have that right?

12/8/2008 10:14:15 AM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Over 1,000 Posts (1,151)
Alexandria, VA
age: 62

Don't do anything. Be a gentleman. Let her make the first move.

12/8/2008 10:21:00 AM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Walker, LA
age: 39

Do whatever you feel and rest assured in the knowlege IT WILL BE WRONG!

12/8/2008 10:25:35 AM How many men can relate? and ladies how can we win  

Bordelonville, LA
age: 48

if i am really attracted to him i always think its sweet when he goes for the kiss when i
m not expecting it