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12/7/2008 9:08:08 PM where are all large women at around michigan  
Oxford, MI
age: 51

need a large women to keep this man in place

12/7/2008 9:09:03 PM where are all large women at around michigan  

Las Vegas, NV
age: 30

need a picture,
Thats what u need.

12/7/2008 9:13:49 PM where are all large women at around michigan  

Lincolnton, NC
age: 44

Yep, yep....should be a rule. Everyone must post a pic...

12/7/2008 9:30:07 PM where are all large women at around michigan  

Pottstown, PA
age: 21


define large

12/7/2008 10:22:28 PM where are all large women at around michigan  

Pottstown, PA
age: 21

Large women as in mcdonalds? or large women as in they have a big and loving heart?

Big difference there.