10/17/2007 10:36:03 AM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
At our age... we could all write a book!
When I was in junior high, I was walking with some friends and this boy whistled and called out my name from behind me. I turned around to look and fell over the fire hydrant
10/17/2007 6:37:29 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Now this is really a blond moment for me and I'm not even a true blond, well maybe I am  
But a few years back my second husband always picked up the mail from the post office because we lived out in god's country with no mailbox and he went on a fishing trip to Canada while I worked. Now I always wrote our PO box # on everything but when I had to pick up the mail, I was lost! Went into the postmaster and told him my husband didn't leave the number of the PO box and what was it? He asked me what my address was and I told him PO box # and the look on his face was priceless and mine was
The people I supervised at work told me that I shouldn't tell people that story but it happened 
10/17/2007 6:51:59 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Kingston, TN
age: 65
I was about 20 years old and was invited to a pool party, didn't want to fix my hair and had on a wig ,that I thought made me look cute as a button, well I was out there strutting my stuff and was knocked in the pool and ,yep you guessed it ,off came the wig and it was floating behind me, someone hollered out, " everyone out ,there is a dead rat in the pool. Whenever I use to get together with my old buddies ,that story always got told.
[Edited 10/17/2007 6:53:09 PM]
10/17/2007 7:00:09 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
Now that's funny Sassy---That's why I have mine very secured on my head  
10/17/2007 7:09:51 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Harrison, MI
age: 53
4 yrs. ago Mom moved in with me,dad
had passed.
I was taking my mom to a picnic at a
local community college,all my neighbors
were also going.I'm driving through town
and I tell my mom a cop is behind me.First
thing she says:do the speed limit,I was.I'm
stopped at a red light,he's still behind me.
Light turns green,I start going.Cop turns his
lights on and I tell mom.Again she says ull
over.Duh.lol Anyways he comes to my door and asks
for the proof of ins.and license.I ask why I'm
being pulled over.He tells me for a BOL.What's
that?? He says Be On The Lookout.Someone took off
without paying for there gas and my truck matched
the description (Yea,right).As he is coming back
to my truck,and hands me my info.My mom out of the
clear blue sky says to this cop:He's not my
boyfriend,he's my son.I could have died right there.lol
The cop had a look on his face and just walked away
shaking his head.I asked my mom what ever made you
say that? Her answer:I wanted him to know.
Now when I take her shopping and she's talking with
someone I say:hey mom are you ready? Just in case.lol
Mom's 82yrs.old.
10/17/2007 7:21:11 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Kingston, TN
age: 65
hey Hanover, I love your MOM
10/17/2007 7:27:07 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
When mom turned 70.. had a party at local diner.. I got her a vibrator as a joke.. she is a sunday school teacher ya know lol all the kids were there.. She was about to open her gifts when the preacher and his wife came in. I kept trying to get mom's attention to NOT open mine but she was so busy chatting that she didn't see me.
Ummmmm.. it was not a pretty sight lol
10/17/2007 7:36:57 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Kingston, TN
age: 65
Blu. it must have been fun at your house growing up.
10/17/2007 7:38:41 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
never a dull moment bless mom's heart lol
10/17/2007 8:07:56 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Harrison, MI
age: 53
Sassy,thank you,I love her also.
You just never know what she will
do next.lol Mom is 82yrs.young and
is in perfect health,if I live to be
her age,than I'll know I was blessed.
She can out do most people her own age.
10/17/2007 8:11:17 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
hanover.. so can mom and I am soooooooooo thankful for that. She gets funnier with age
10/17/2007 8:16:50 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Harrison, MI
age: 53
Tru,ain't that the truth? Were
very blessed having them with us.
and I cherish each day.She's her
own comedy team.lol
10/17/2007 8:18:18 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
I hear ya.. so much goes right over her head and she looks at me like a deer caught in the headlights and that look is priceless 
10/17/2007 8:26:08 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Harrison, MI
age: 53
I know that look.
I said to my mom the other day,
hey mom have you ever smelled moth
balls? Oh,yes and they stink.So of
course I had to say,how'd you get
there legs apart.lol Than the deer/
headlight look.After about a half hour
she got it and laughed.lol
10/17/2007 8:29:12 PM |
Embarrassing Moments |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55
1969 I was at Camp Pendleton for staging training. We were out drinking hard one night and I woke up the next morning on someones back porch without a stitch of clothes on. I was 10 miles from base and got busted by the MP's before I got back. When I went in front of the CO, he put me on 2weeks mess duty as he was trying to keep from laughing....
Later, Blu