12/19/2008 6:10:33 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |

Ranchos de Taos, NM
age: 64
Hello, I wonder what I am doing when I look at some of your messages and don't know how you did that???? I get the smilieys but what about the other stuff. anyway, anyone out there???? 
12/19/2008 7:59:11 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |


Albuquerque, NM
age: 54
Hi Rosie.. for pictures like this

go to photobucket.com
and for music videos I like youtube.com
12/19/2008 9:09:15 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |

Ranchos de Taos, NM
age: 64
I can see that you are a very popular lady on this site. Who better to help than you. I will go to the sites you suggested but how do I send them to this site? I don't see any attatchment buttons here. Thanks
12/20/2008 8:12:30 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |


Albuquerque, NM
age: 54
in photobucket type in the subject you're searching for. Choose a pic and click on it. Next go to Image Code and click on IMG. Right click to copy, then paste in topic reply (here).
12/20/2008 10:50:46 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 48
welcome Rosie we would love to help you out.
12/23/2008 6:30:59 AM |
wow I am so new to this. |


Albuquerque, NM
age: 54
Hi Snow. How ya doing sweetie?
1/10/2009 8:28:26 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |
Taos, NM
age: 60
Hey Rosie, I'm in Taos. Been here long? 
1/10/2009 10:52:56 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 48
1/10/2009 10:54:00 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 48
1/11/2009 10:59:06 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |

Ranchos de Taos, NM
age: 64
You know, you all (Snowbird, Ms Sugie and others) have been so helpful and welcoming and I thank you so much. I have been gone but back for a while now. I just posted that i hit an elk on my way home. Go to NM group to see it. Many hugs and good wishes to you all. Rosie
1/11/2009 11:03:18 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |

Ranchos de Taos, NM
age: 64
Hey Rosie, I'm in Taos. Been here long?  
Hello Drmcatcher, Thanks for the welcome. Ive lived in Taos over 7 yrs. how about You?
1/16/2009 8:30:00 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |
Taos, NM
age: 60
Well Rosie this is my second time living here. Was here for 2 1/2 yrs back in 1997, then had to leave for a job in FL (yuk) but came back soon as I could. So I've been back 2 yrs and 7 months (not that I'm counting LOL. 
1/17/2009 7:30:24 AM |
wow I am so new to this. |

Ranchos de Taos, NM
age: 64
Hello Dreamcatcher, I've been here almost 8 yrs. moved here from Colo. Spgs. where I lived for most of my adult life. You know the saying here. When meeting men in Taos,"The odds are good but the goods are odd." Lol And Im sure you have heard that "Taos is the biggest "Outdoor Insane Assiliam"in the world. lol ( Don't know if that is how you spell Assiliam? Someone please correct me!) But I am sure, like me, you love Taos for it quirkyness and everything else that makes Taos Taos.
1/17/2009 10:56:53 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 48
Believe it is asylum How are you?
1/18/2009 10:03:03 AM |
wow I am so new to this. |

Ranchos de Taos, NM
age: 64
Hello Snow, Boy, talk about butchering a Word!!!!! That's what you get when you post late at night. At least "that's my story and I'm sticking to it" Thanks for the correction. How are you?? You been gone or have I just not been to where you are posting?
1/18/2009 10:38:15 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 48
No I've been around, just haven't been on much. No problem witht he word butchering I do that now and then too. Great to see ya.
1/22/2009 11:46:46 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 41
well that makes me feel better ive been quiet im so slow at typing and new to pc's altogether but nice people like u make it worth starter jitters thanks BOBBY 
1/23/2009 8:40:27 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |


Albuquerque, NM
age: 54
Hi Rosie
Hey Snow
Just dropped in to say to everyone 
[Edited 1/23/2009 8:41:01 PM PST]
1/23/2009 11:35:24 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |


Los Lunas, NM
age: 48
Hey Sugie!!!
1/24/2009 3:40:40 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |
Taos, NM
age: 60
Hey Rosie: Yes I do love the quirkyness here. Meeting guys around here is a challenge that's for sure. I was warned before to watch out cause a lot of them take off the wedding ring and hit the bars. Don't do the bar scene any more so not that concerned about that LOL. Do you cross country ski by any chance?...... mugsy
2/2/2009 3:37:39 PM |
wow I am so new to this. |

Ranchos de Taos, NM
age: 64
Hello Snow, Sugie, Mugsy, Just returned from a trip to Texas to see parents. Saw hundreds of ELK on this side of the road near Cimmaron, NM but this time, not on the road. It was still day light and easy to see. Long trip on lonely roads though. Had my two dogs with me. Listened to "Rock and Roll" music and talk radio so trip went fairely fast. How is everyone??? Any success in meeting someone special???? Hope so.
Mugsy, sorry to report that I don't ski but next year want to do cross country. Keep in tough. Rosie 