12/20/2008 10:25:22 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |


Biddeford, ME
age: 42
 I read the paper and its all bad news, oil companies cutting production, economy sucks..watch the news...homeless people dying...
Little girl murdered by mom.... 
DARN IT...I want some GOOD NEWS!!!!!!
Anybody have any good stories?
Anybody do something special for you, or you do something special for anybody that made you and them feel good? 
My boys and I have been doing a blanket drive for the animal shelter, we collected enough blankets, towels, quilts to fill my minivan. We brought them to the local animal shelter, and the volunteers were THRILLED....
It did my heart good, and my boys felt so good about themselves, we even got to put some of the blankets in for some of the dogs, watching them curl up on those blankets, well, I have to tell you, it made us cry, they have cold cement floors, and they didnt and often dont have enough blankets for them all.....but we brought enough for ALL of them!
It was such a small thing, just took time..and made us all feel wonderful. Next time Im going to ask for small blankets and towels too...I didnt think about the cats, but they said they could cut up some of the fleece blankets and stuff. Only down side? Wanted to take home all the animals ...LOL, but we already have a dog, a cat and a chinchilla...just cant do anymore!! NEXT time? Im going to take pictures so I can send thank you cards with pictures of the animals to everybody who donated!!!
My sons wants to know when we can start over again!   

12/20/2008 10:27:40 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |
Salt Lake City, UT
age: 36
Gas is cheap!! 
12/20/2008 10:33:11 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |


Biddeford, ME
age: 42
LOL....thanks Tommy...
Tis true...
Now, if we only had 500 gallon tanks we could fill up, huh?

12/20/2008 10:34:17 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |
St Thomas, VI
age: 47
I got laid twice lastnight, thats pretty good news. 
Hi Lovin 
12/20/2008 10:34:46 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |


Absecon, NJ
age: 26
I just saved a ton of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico

12/20/2008 10:37:53 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |
St Thomas, VI
age: 47
I just saved a ton of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico

12/20/2008 10:38:08 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |


Biddeford, ME
age: 42
Hi Girlfriend, good to see you!!!!!!....Lucky YOU!!!!!!! LMAO...I would ask how youre doing...but I see the answer is pretty damn good!
Photo, you are to damn funny...
I needed the laughs, thanks guys!!!!

12/20/2008 10:41:08 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |


South Elgin, IL
age: 43
yeah, i got my second star, and did it this morning, when i got on , i had maybe a little over 60 to go and with having no life, i did it all,, and just after the noon mark

i love you, Kristy
i love my friends
i just baked 4 dozen pecan tassies
12/20/2008 10:42:04 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |


Absecon, NJ
age: 26
whats a tassie??
if its anything like pecan pie, you can send a few dozen this way!
12/20/2008 10:43:39 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |


South Elgin, IL
age: 43
yes, they are tiny bite size pecan pies,,
comin right up
shoot, ya think i got a fanny this size by just lookin perty?
hell no,, i can throw down better than Bobby Flay

[Edited 12/20/2008 10:44:31 AM]
12/20/2008 11:28:38 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |


Biddeford, ME
age: 42
Photo...started working on your rock again...
just posted it in another thread....
Did ya see it?
I usually dont let anyone see em before they are done, but Layla is so darn cute!!!!!!!
Hmmmm, thats more good news for me, I just realized...I am making time to do something I LOVE! Paint!   
See, thanks you guys...
Awww Tracey...I would LOVE to try one of them little pecan pies...YUMMY!
12/20/2008 11:36:39 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |


Absecon, NJ
age: 26
taken this morning

taken 3 weeks ago, testing my equipment for my big holiday pet session......

12/20/2008 11:39:59 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |
St Thomas, VI
age: 47
I had cramps all day and now I just farted and the cramps are gone and I feel better,
great news 
12/20/2008 11:41:10 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |


Gateway, AR
age: 33
I had cramps all day and now I just farted and the cramps are gone and I feel better,
great news 
12/20/2008 11:41:47 AM |
Could use some Christmas Cheer, Anybody have any GOOD news? |


Steinbach, MB
age: 46