1/1/2009 12:06:49 PM |
advice please! |

Romeoville, IL
age: 22
Okay so I started seeing this guy around halloween time. he has a seven year old boy, and a drug addicted ex girlfriend....I really care about him, and him and I have soo m uch fun together. but hes torn...hes told me that he still loves her. i told him that he always would...so heres the dilemma...what do i do? do i continue to pursue something with someone who has all this baggage? because i really do care for him...or do i walk away and forget about it? im not sure what to do. i have never been in this situation...i want to be there for him...and i told him that i will always be there for him...uhhhhh. im so confused!! HELP!
1/1/2009 12:09:25 PM |
advice please! |


Madison, WI
age: 31
well, is he still in love with her or just has love for her? there will always be that love for his ex. you need to find out if he is past their relationship and fully ready to move on.
also, if you care about him as much as you say you do, you wouldn't see his kid or his ex as baggage.
** damn typos
[Edited 1/1/2009 12:10:01 PM PST]
1/1/2009 12:12:49 PM |
advice please! |

Romeoville, IL
age: 22
i dont think of his son as baggage at all...i shouldnt have said it that way. but when he told her about me, she flipped. and they haven't been together for 3 years....but the night he told her about me she would not stop calling..i think she is jealous that he has someone and she doesn't....i think his son is an amazing little boy.
1/1/2009 12:14:12 PM |
advice please! |

Fairhope, AL
age: 30
If he still has feelings for his ex, then he needs to work those out before moving on with someone else. And working those feelings out is not something you can help him with. More likely, your presence would just confuse the issue. I recommend taking a step back and letting him deal with those feelings.
1/1/2009 12:15:48 PM |
advice please! |


Madison, WI
age: 31
the way she reacted is probably having alot to do with the drugs. she's most likely insecure and trying to hold out hope for him.
if you can handle the ex calling and/or flipping out, then stay. otherwise end the relationship for now. you can always pick things up later when she is out of the picture more.
1/1/2009 12:16:30 PM |
advice please! |


Sanford, NC
age: 31
if you truly care for him then be there for him.u need 2 make sure you arent just a booty call.i think you are feeling an empty space in his heart that belongs to her.u need to open you eyes and let him have time and space to decide wat he really wants and as for you dont put your life on hold for something that may never be.so step away from this dont push him into deciding if its her or you cause the you ends up hurt.if he truly cares for you then he will miss the time you to spent together and come to you then you can say me or her.and if he doesnt come back then you have you answer
1/1/2009 12:20:59 PM |
advice please! |

Romeoville, IL
age: 22
i haven't asked him to choose. i know his heart is with his son. thats totally cool with me. i haven't pushed the issue at all. hes told me how much he cares for me, and that he doesn't want to lose me..its a difficult situation..he has met my family, and we spent the holidays together. he took me to an indoor water resort for christmas. and he showers me with compliments and affection. iknow he cares....uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh
1/1/2009 1:53:44 PM |
advice please! |
Lincolnton, NC
age: 27
i agree with icu. he's torn. hes probably waited a long time for his ex to miss him she probably just dont want him or want him to be with anyone either at the same time. but if you push it youll get hurt.let him decide without forcing it.goodluck
1/1/2009 8:23:52 PM |
advice please! |

Romeoville, IL
age: 22
1/3/2009 7:56:38 AM |
advice please! |

Romeoville, IL
age: 22