10/21/2007 12:09:51 PM |
stormy weather |


Evanston, WY
age: 51
what did you do back in the day when it was stormy outside?befor there were computers. i built model cars or picked on my lil sister and drove mom nuts.she used to say you kids are gonna drive me to the nut house,i pictured me driving dads truck to a house full of wallnuts.lol
10/21/2007 12:26:43 PM |
stormy weather |


Utica, NY
age: 61
Scraped the frost off the inside of the window into a big circle and looked out at the storm. It always felt so warm inside as you watched the blizzard cover the trees and landscape. Like the clouds we would see characters in the snow drifts. Another good memory, thanks.
10/21/2007 12:27:59 PM |
stormy weather |


Akron, IN
age: 61 online now!
I was always a big reader, so if it was stormy or rainy I always read.
We always had a summer place on a lake somewhere, when it rained or stormed and we was stuck in the small cabin everyone played cards. Lots of euchres, rummy and hearts games.
10/21/2007 1:24:34 PM |
stormy weather |
Charlottesville, VA
age: 71
Waited rather impatiently, for the storms to end, and go out and look for the Pitchforks, Hammer handles, Cats and Dogs, Found none, once and a while, I would find a hailstone or 2. Storms are fun, when a youngster. I was an only child by the way. Words from ain't misbehavin No one to talk to ........ just me and my radio ......... and saving my Love for you. 
10/21/2007 1:40:11 PM |
stormy weather |


Creighton, NE
age: 60
My dad was a farmer, nuff said for you all raised on the farm. For you city folk it was cleaning out the chicken house or casterating pigs.
10/21/2007 2:17:19 PM |
stormy weather |

Arcadia, MO
age: 60
Always got lost in a good book about far away places that I was going to go when I grew up. It was a fascination that was so strong that my Grandfather built by hand a large bookcase to hold my many books for my birthday.
10/21/2007 2:25:22 PM |
stormy weather |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
I sat on the porch or in the barn loft to watch the storm roll in. I have always felt a connection with storms
[Edited 10/21/2007 2:25:46 PM PST]
10/21/2007 2:27:01 PM |
stormy weather |


Farmington, AR
age: 52 online now!
We would play cards or some other game.
10/21/2007 2:35:20 PM |
stormy weather |


Morgan, VT
age: 67
When we were kids...thunder storms were the greatest...
later,snow storms and by a hot wood stove which drove out the dampness.
But the storm that was the toughest for me,was at sea in November
half way to Burmuda in a sailboat full of seasick sailors...of which I probably was the sickest.
yep "dark'n stormey"sure hit the spot when we landed.
10/21/2007 4:06:20 PM |
stormy weather |


Evanston, WY
age: 51
during thunder storms we wernt alowed to listen to the raidio,watch tv,take a bath or answer the phone.
10/21/2007 5:12:18 PM |
stormy weather |

Tioga, PA
age: 68
Lost , are you sure you weren't living in our house?? My dad was so scared of lightning,he would wake us kids up in the middle of the night and make us come down-stairs. Then we had to sit in a circle--all 10 of us--lol----couldn't go on the porch or anything.------------------Dang him---I'm still kinda scared of lightening----poor me.-----bolts of lightning are coming----lmao--lotsafuninpa.....     
10/21/2007 8:31:48 PM |
stormy weather |


Evanston, WY
age: 51
keepin candles and oil lamps handy,because evey time there was lightining the power went out.
10/21/2007 8:50:27 PM |
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Ash Grove, MO
age: 54
Sounds like Lost is my long lost brother too. We did the same things. Drove mom nuts, played games, couldn,t watch tv had to unplug it in case lightning hit it. We played alot of games, mostly board games like monopoly. Has anyone ever finished that game? It would take forever.
10/22/2007 5:12:52 PM |
stormy weather |
Charlottesville, VA
age: 71
I am totally confused, I thought this thread was about a Porn star. 
10/22/2007 6:20:51 PM |
stormy weather |
Marysville, IN
age: 53
I love storms! I'm a reader, too. When I was a kid I'd even read by flashlight or candle if the lights went off. Even now I love to snuggle up warm and cozy with a cup of hot tea and a good book.
I lived in FL during Hurricane Andrew, about 80 miles north of where he made landfall. That night the lights went off, and it was super dark because the windows were boarded up. My kids were up listening to the radio (battery) and I got up when I heard the noise begin. I watched the storm through the tiny window in our front door. It was so amazing I just watched the storm while the kids played cards by candlelight. The trees bent down almost to the ground, and the transformers were exploding one after another. We were very fortunate that night that the storm wasn't closer!