1/13/2009 7:57:35 AM |
What is your worst date experience... |


New Milford, CT
age: 50
I think this will bring a lot of humor.
I will start with....
I had a date last month with this gentleman. He seemed really sweet, but I honestly don't think both of his oars are in the water.
We start out with drinks and a wonderful dinner. Conversation was pretty good. Desert was yummy. THEN, we go to the car... he pulls out a hairbrush and starts brushing my hair in the car. I said to him..."What are you doing" and he says" you have beautiful hair, I always brushed my ex wifes hair" Needless to say, my hair stood up at the time, on my arms, legs,(yes, the nubs cause I always have shaven legs)and everywhere else. I got the heebee jeebee's. I told him to put the f----ing brush away yes, exactly like that. I gotta go home now,
Moral to the story...take your own car
1/13/2009 12:00:43 PM |
What is your worst date experience... |


Fairfield, CT
age: 43
My hair is standing up just thinking about that..............
One of my worst dates was more comical than anything else. When I was in my early twenties I work at a wholesale garden supply yard, more or less was one of the guys. We were having some electrical work done there and the electrician was amused by me working there, so he asked me out to dinner. He had been friendly and flirtaious while working. When he showed up to take me out he was little nervous. At the time I lived in a second floor apartment and as we were walking down the stairs he tripped, when I went to help him up his elbow hit me in the nose..........okay, we cool.......my nose hurt a little.
We get to the restaurant and are ordering dinner and all of a sudden my nose starts bleeding..........just dripping down onto the menu........I grab the napkins and rush off to the restroom.........but it would not stop bleeding, he takes me to the emergency room where they pack it and one of his sisters friends is working there and there was no way to convince her that it had been an accident........
The following week when he came back to finish the electrical job......he wouldn't even look at me.
Ran into him years later and he told me he was embarrassed due to the fact that many believed he punched me.
1/13/2009 12:22:18 PM |
What is your worst date experience... |


New Milford, CT
age: 50
My hair is standing up just thinking about that..............
One of my worst dates was more comical than anything else. When I was in my early twenties I work at a wholesale garden supply yard, more or less was one of the guys. We were having some electrical work done there and the electrician was amused by me working there, so he asked me out to dinner. He had been friendly and flirtaious while working. When he showed up to take me out he was little nervous. At the time I lived in a second floor apartment and as we were walking down the stairs he tripped, when I went to help him up his elbow hit me in the nose..........okay, we cool.......my nose hurt a little.
We get to the restaurant and are ordering dinner and all of a sudden my nose starts bleeding..........just dripping down onto the menu........I grab the napkins and rush off to the restroom.........but it would not stop bleeding, he takes me to the emergency room where they pack it and one of his sisters friends is working there and there was no way to convince her that it had been an accident........
The following week when he came back to finish the electrical job......he wouldn't even look at me.
Ran into him years later and he told me he was embarrassed due to the fact that many believed he punched me.
1/13/2009 1:06:40 PM |
What is your worst date experience... |

Torrington, CT
age: 35
OMG! Lia!! LoL!!
That is just wrong in so many ways... LoL, You poor thing!, I can't believe that even happened lol.
Awww that poor guy was probably dying with embarrassment.
Good thing you can laugh about it now.
1/13/2009 4:54:48 PM |
What is your worst date experience... |


Fairfield, CT
age: 43
Such is my life.....check out my dating story thread in the forums Dating Stories......another true story...maybe I should just give up dating...........
[Edited 1/13/2009 4:55:05 PM PST]
1/14/2009 3:18:42 PM |
What is your worst date experience... |


Stafford Springs, CT
age: 37
ussally the saying goes....no blood , no foal......that doesn`t apply here huh??..lol sorry to hear that bad night......don`t give up!!!
I met this girl for drink last sat....I caught a glimpse of her thongs and on the lil tag it said tuesday......eewww....i downed my beer and ran for the door..
1/14/2009 4:33:26 PM |
What is your worst date experience... |


Fairfield, CT
age: 43
Deb..........I keep thinking about what would happen if some guy tried to brush my hair with all my curls.........  
1/16/2009 7:37:44 AM |
What is your worst date experience... |

Ansonia, CT
age: 44
Okay, I'm am going to reveal a really stupid and embarrasing moment but I was only 16 so I can laugh at it now.
I was very young and innocent and actually just started dating and I was dating an older man - maybe late twenties (jailbate I was).
Anyway, the first time we kissed, I wanted to act like I had more experience than I did and I tried to slip him some tongue (gross) and I hit him in the nostril. How embarrasing is that.  
He pulled away and laughed and said it was gross and teased me. I was horribly mortified and so embarrassed but he just laughed because he knew I was trying and gave me a hug
Does that scream what a Doooooooooooork I was.
Suffice to say, I have never repeated that experience since.::
[Edited 1/16/2009 7:38:30 AM PST]
1/16/2009 7:41:43 AM |
What is your worst date experience... |


New Milford, CT
age: 50
Okay, I'm am going to reveal a really stupid and embarrasing moment but I was only 16 so I can laugh at it now.
I was very young and innocent  and actually just started dating and I was dating an older man - maybe late twenties (jailbate I was).
Anyway, the first time we kissed, I wanted to act like I had more experience than I did and I tried to slip him some tongue (gross) and I hit him in the nostril. How embarrasing is that.  
He pulled away and laughed and said it was gross and teased me. I was horribly mortified and so embarrassed but he just laughed because he knew I was trying and gave me a hug
Does that scream what a Doooooooooooork I was.
Suffice to say, I have never repeated that experience since.:: 
A little tongue in the nostril never hurt no one
1/16/2009 10:24:59 AM |
What is your worst date experience... |

Bridgeport, CT
age: 50
i took someone out once we went to duchess i told her get what you want ,she ordered 3 chillie cheeze hotdogs, then for the rest of the time we were together she had gas.
1/16/2009 1:06:31 PM |
What is your worst date experience... |

Ansonia, CT
age: 44
I know, You told me that story.
1/22/2009 10:12:18 AM |
What is your worst date experience... |

Newington, CT
age: 53
I went this dinner date at Ruby Tuesday's the guy insisted to wear a suit. He loked older then his picture. (met hm from the internet)
We had a nice meal and it was time to get going. I get up and he gets up behind me and slaps me on the ASS!!!!! Yes right there in the resteruant. I was so shocked as he came around to walk past me, I PUNCHED him in the shoulder. The I yelled at him got in my car and went home. He had the nerve to ask me out again. I said NOT!!!
1/25/2009 8:50:22 AM |
What is your worst date experience... |


Stafford Springs, CT
age: 37
made ya look   
1/27/2009 12:13:46 AM |
What is your worst date experience... |
Bethel, CT
age: 18
i wouldnt say it was the worst, but its still pretty weird.
one of my friends set me up on a blind date with his girlfriends best friend,(his girlfriend was very cute and i assumed the same of her friend), so we're all at a fancy place and waiting for my date, then my friends girlfriend says 'oh, there she is!'
i turn around and see this beautiful girl walking in wearing a tight red dress with long curly brown hair, i got up to pull out her chair so she can sit down and the girl walked right past me(i was dead wrong on what girl was my date.) and as soon as i go to sit back down in embarasment my date appears and she isnt at all what i had thought she would be(i'm not trying to be meen) but she was an interesting person, someone who i can see myself being friends with. but at the end of the night we all are hittin the road, and she gives me a ride home because it turns out she actually lived like 3 miles away from me. so with my wallet sore from a pretty big bill and 2 big meals between her and i, i didnt want to be rude so i invited her inside to hang out and watch a movie. we get inside and the first thing that she does is go right into the fridge.
a salad, steak, baked potato and some veggies didnt fill her up in the slightest. she emptied out my food supplies and dipped right after she was done.
i never ever took my friends advise in women anymore.
moral of the story: lock your fridge and freezer before going on a blind date^_~ just playin ladies
1/27/2009 3:14:05 PM |
What is your worst date experience... |
Stratford, CT
age: 49
I was 16-17? Sandra and I had been dating a while and I take her home pretty late for me at that age, think it was 11:00. We are necking in the car, after awhile, The bench seat gets slid back, her blouse and bra come off, she takes my shirt off, things are getting really interesting, pants start coming off, I glance in the rearview mirror and think to myself just briefly that the car about a block and a half away, have headlights like our family's other car. Go back to what is happening in/on the bench seat, only to hear a loud knock on the steamed up window.
Yeah -bummer you guessed it. Dad was there and said to me, weren't you supposed to be home at 10:00? Needless to say, instant shrinkage!
I still cringe when I think of that date.
[Edited 1/27/2009 3:16:08 PM PST]