Evanston, WY
age: 50
.. sign from god? or just a good photo shop program?
Lamar, CO
age: 53
This photo was taken out of context. Someone should run the whole video. Its incredible!
Just before the pope appeared El Diablo made his debut. And prior to that was Santa and the Tooth Fairy.
Evanston, WY
age: 50
if its a sign from god,whats he trying to tell us?
Lamar, CO
age: 53
I don't know what the pope might be trying to tell us, but before he appeared Santa said there would be no Christmas this year.
Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Perhaps Mrs.Claus had put a little "vodka" in Santa's cocoa that morning,cause Im sure he didnt mean it!!! LOL