Wayne, NJ
age: 55
is this tampering when your agent tells you to do that and announce it innings before sox win WS yesterday...in my opinion how do you know there is a team willing to offer more money esp since maybe 4-5 teams "may" fit him salary wise...how did Drew know Boston would give him more money thi sseason if he opts out esp since i would not brag about the year he had...or D matt comes to sox for outbidding everyone else for his services from Japan--so does anyone think arod wears a red sox uniform in 2008??? or please guess what team Arod plays for--thanks

Dade City, FL
age: 40
Hey soprano, I think the Sox are the only team besides NY that can afford him. He will probably get a 80 million dollar contract. Rodriguez probably doesn't want to go to a big city again though. I think being a Yankee and the expectations just wore him out. He may opt for less money and go to Florida or Atlanta.

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
if he opts for less money it may be back to the yanks--i think he wants to see in this market which team(s) may give him then go back to yanks at final moment and take less--eg: be offered 250 mil--take 220 mil and say to yanks i'll take 30 less top play with you--

Dade City, FL
age: 40
He won't go back to the Yankees. It looks like he may follow Torre and Mattingly to the Dodgers. This means I have to become a Dodger fan. For Mattingly, not A-Rod