10/30/2007 12:26:35 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Omaha, NE
age: 50
Just wondering why I can meet and chat with wonderful ladies. BUT they are hundreds of miles away. Makes me believe there are stuck up prudes or phonies In NEBRSKA. Do you find the same experience in your city, or State?? alot of great ladies but miles away. BUT i would relocate miles from home for the right one. Is Nebraska loaded with prudes and phonies? LOL
10/30/2007 12:32:38 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
maybe they are the Childen of the Corn?
10/30/2007 12:38:08 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Baytown, TX
age: 52
good one
there are alot of good and very well groomed men here
they are close and some far
but you gotta remember texas is a large state so they
do drive a while to see ya
its fun ask them to meet you in the middle and get to
know each other.   
10/30/2007 12:39:53 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58 online now!
Now that's what I think about the men in Missouri and I've met quite a few from here that aren't worth my time and energy. 
A major drawback for on-line relationships, I'm sorry to say.
10/30/2007 12:41:08 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Elgin, TX
age: 61
I live in TX too! I guess it just takes time to find the right person. I love TX. It would take a lot to pry me away!
The State motto of TX should be: Are we there yet? LOL!
10/30/2007 12:49:00 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
My situation is different as distance doesn't matter to me, since I am willing to relocate for Mr. Wonderful. I understand that is impossible for some, but don't limit yourself to a mileage chart~~~~~just a heart chart...........
10/30/2007 12:55:27 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Creighton, NE
age: 59
If you are haveing trubble in Omaha I don't think your grass will get any greener anywere else. Now I live 150 miles north west and know what slim to none is!!!! I think their are many wonderfull women around you.
10/30/2007 1:02:16 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Creighton, NE
age: 59
Their you go lawvixen will fly in to O'Hair and give your heart a stress test!!!!
10/30/2007 1:08:59 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
Because Fate has a sense of humor?
10/30/2007 1:19:26 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Omaha, NE
age: 50
lol fate a sense of humor ok I i guess Nebraska is a total humorless state LOL sorry My sense of humor is dry right now as I just buried my dad. Sorry
10/30/2007 1:25:25 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Columbia, TN
age: 50 online now!
ya shud check out the profiles of those in my area... Deliverance comes to mind
10/30/2007 1:29:22 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Rochester, NH
age: 57
It sure sounds like the interesting ones are never close by. I can't relocate because my family is close. I think alot of people are like that. Maybe someday someone will open a state by state dating site. Another thought, posting in these chats states and ages, to help communicate. Like MO 50plus Ma ..etc............
10/30/2007 1:30:36 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Duncan, OK
age: 67
So Want , ur saying they aint no "tigers in them jeans " up thar? Maybe u jest need to drift on down here to "cow c*ntry" yep, we love our "tight fittin jeans", and we may be "c*ntrified " but "we aint boring ". Y'all come on down now , ya heah?
10/30/2007 1:30:45 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Rochester, NH
age: 57
SO SORRY WANTU 57 for you loss.
10/30/2007 1:32:27 PM |
why the great women 100+miles away |

Rochester, NH
age: 57
LOL BURN GIT R DONE I ran away from MO after buying a place there, 3 months and I was OUT .. I Got R Done lol