11/5/2007 8:15:27 AM |
Eye problems |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 55 online now!
I've finally gotten used to bifocals... lol Now it seems I have floaters in my eyes. Internet says it's no big deal, left eye has one and it seems the right eye does to but my close vision in my right eye keeps me from seeing them. Strangest things thogh it seems like I see something moving but it really is the floater casting a shadow as it moves.
No insurance so it will be a while before I get back to the opthalmologist.
Very annoying.... anybody else have 'em?
11/5/2007 8:22:31 AM |
Eye problems |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 69
Yes - They are parts of the inside of the eye that flake off and move around in the humor. It gets worse as you get older. Right now, there is no cure for the malady. I just lay back, close my eyes, and enjoy the shadowy patterns, the bulk of mine are like hairs floating on a pool of water. It is anoying I know, but I just learn to roll with it. Better than being blind. Take care, we can talk more on here or E-mail me. Stephen
11/5/2007 9:06:35 AM |
Eye problems |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 55 online now!
It is kinda weird to get used to, especially the distant vision things. One eye has close vision, the other has far vision. It sucks having these little "hairs" in my vision.
I don't notice them when my eyes are closed though. I read somewhere they can remove them but it is a risky proceedure. I'm fine with it at this point.
11/5/2007 9:21:59 AM |
Eye problems |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 69
I did not know that they could be removed. Eye doctors I have seen here in Charlottesville say it can't be done. Maybe they do it in other countries. I will check it out further. To me an eyeball is a balloon filled with water, and if you puncture the eyeball, the fluid will escape, just me take on it.
11/5/2007 9:22:15 AM |
Eye problems |

Spring, TX
age: 54 online now!
yup.. when i hit 45, my arms were just not long enough!!! could shoot the eyelashes off a mosquito at 200 yards, but couldnt read the dayum paper.
same here copter. last pair of glasses I paid $500 for them. had a need for special lenses, where the left top corners had a small area that was the same as the lower part of the bifocals. disappearing bifocals. they were a month old, and since i tried not to wear them unless needed, i had them hanging on the little rope deal around my neck. a relative at church wanted a hug. I gave her one, but didnt press the upper body against her because of my glasses hanging there. of course she made the comment, you arent getting away with that whimpy one, and pulled me in before i could move my glasses. CRUNCH. one lense broke, the other just fell away. She pulls back.. oh, did i do that? yup.. and i'll take a check.. thats $500 thanks you. Smart arse!! no check, no cash.. and the doc wanted $450 for just the frames. cheaper.
back to the Dollar store.. $5 and they work just fine.. lol.
11/5/2007 9:24:03 AM |
Eye problems |

Arcadia, MO
age: 58
I aggravates me that I need glasses to read small print 
Went to the eye doctor and paid a great deal for expensive glasses but found the ones at the "Dollar Store" work the best---this way I buy a lot of them and don't have to worry about scratching them up. Usually the smallest magnifying size works fine so they're not that bad yet. Guess I should be glad its not worse
11/5/2007 9:38:54 AM |
Eye problems |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 55 online now!
I got a thing that atttaches to your glasses that look like what a jeweler would wear and it works very good. It's real old and it is about 5x power. Just swivel it down and it is in front of your regular glasses. have the reading glasses too, love 'em.
I made another to put on my safety glasses that came off a pair of binoculars that must be about 10x. It's great for detail work while machining or repairng stuff. Now it seems there isn't enough light for most indoor things so I've got a lot of extra lighting i use when I need it.
The extra lenses on top are a boon Knight, I know of several people that had to get them so they could see the overhead panels in helicopters and large planes clearly. My next vision venture would be lasik surgery. Know a few people that have had it and swear by the results.
My last pair of glasses cost $450.... what a ripoff... so if the surgery worked I could save a lot of money in the long run.
11/5/2007 11:42:36 AM |
Eye problems |

Springfield, MO
age: 52
I don't want to sound like a commercial but there is plans out there. Discount plans for vision, dental, chiropractor and Rx. I tried selling one plan at one time to get some extra income, but had to pay for the names of people to call and they all denied signing up for more info. So I quit. But the plan was good. For $11 a month for a single person. I got my glasses for about half price. And good dicount on my meds that insurance didn't cover and Walgreens even sent me money on others they paid on. Didn't use the other programs on it. Anyway the program is called Ameriplan. You can look it up on the web if it is something that could help any of you.
11/5/2007 4:22:29 PM |
Eye problems |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54 online now!
I wore contact lenses for years, then I had lasik eye surgery performed 12 years ago, with no problem. Now I just use reading glasses for the fine print.
11/5/2007 4:37:42 PM |
Eye problems |

Spring, TX
age: 54 online now!
when i had a little business while i was married, i repaired computers, printers, copiers, faxes.. etc. one of those large printers, you couldnt always move it so you could look down into it, had to look up and sideways. Folks in their offices have lots of stuff in the way. thats why i had those special lenses made.
Law, i've heard many things about lasik. As soon as i make enough to replace these old ragged boxers shorts of mine, i might start saving aluminum cans to sell for it. heck, i might find a winner lotto on the ground outside the convenience store too. got my fingers crossed.
11/5/2007 7:51:07 PM |
Eye problems |

Port Byron, IL
age: 53
I wear bifocals and love them seeing as how I tried 10 pr of contacts but cant read or with other pairs cant drive so went back to glasses as least I wear them all day and can read and drive at any given moment. After several years of buying new frames I am now recycling my frames I am only getting lenses replaced and reuse my frames as they are all modern.
11/6/2007 3:23:40 AM |
Eye problems |

Sebastian, FL
age: 50 online now!
I wear TRIfocals now!! What the heck? I can't read a thing with out my glasses on anymore. With out my glasses on I know there are words there and they most likely say.....
Can't EVEN say how many times I have tried to wash my hair with conditioner. Why do they make the bottles look the same?? I (sad to say) now mark em with a sharpie... C or S.
That's old.
11/6/2007 8:09:30 AM |
Eye problems |

Saint Matthews, SC
age: 55 online now!
I tried contacts and had to give 'em up. I was going thru a bottle of eyedrops a day... glasses were cheaper in the long run, but I hate wearing them. Right after I got the glasses I went thru a license check and I had just sunglasses on. I forgot about the note on my license... the cop looked at me and asked me if I had contact lenses.... sure.... I replied. (At home in a case in the medicine cabinet.)
That would have been expensive, I'm sure...
I know what ya mean about the bottles being the same endless, I just wish I needed conditioner. Pretty soon, may not need shampoo just soap.