3/19/2009 7:47:18 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |


Winnipeg, MB
age: 58
I am assuming that all persons (men and women) have values that they hold above others.
The idea struck me that there are certain things that go into being that which we either are or wish we could be (our better selves).
Question one: What distinguishes a man from a boy?
sort of - what is your bottom line:
for me: it is someone who looks after their children as well as he can, both financially and emotionally AND someone who pays their bills.
Question two: If you were to be remembered as having a certain character what would that be? What would your eulogy be?
sort of - who do you aspire to be as a person?
for me: it is a) a man who seeks to do God's will
b) a man of integrity, dignity, decent and compassionate
c) to BE the kind of man I want my daughters to marry
PS. (We all have boners and if we don't know how to use them we would like to practice till we get to know how) Please exclude these from our discussions as we are all the same in that department.
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3/22/2009 10:29:40 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |
Kansas City, MO
age: 65
With what you just said ~ We have a full plate..
3/23/2009 4:38:19 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |
Bloomington, IL
age: 37
A man sticks by his family; doing all the small things to keep them afloat. Aman teaches his son or daughter respect for themselves, and for others. A man helps around the house after he comes from work and doesn't talk down to his wife or children. A man knows and fears God and leads his family to that path.
3/23/2009 9:24:32 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |


Evanston, WY
age: 53
a real man dont need to tell everyone he's a man. it shows in his actions and words.
3/23/2009 9:46:37 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |


Winnipeg, MB
age: 58
a real man dont need to tell everyone he's a man. it shows in his actions and words.
To aspire to something one should define what it is. The reason I posted this question and made my comments was to invite others to do the same. So far I liked the responses. However, we do not live in isolation and often looking at what others consider important can call me to being even better than what I had aspired to.
I could miss an important thing that someone else says is critical to him. Ah YES - says me - I will incorporate that into my set of standards and do my best to live up to it. In this, the Man's domain, we should be treating each other as brothers and helping one another do better.
Many of us feel like losers because we have failed at one or more marriages. We wonder what it is that makes us unfit for that relationship. At least I've felt that way. So I want male feedback on my priorities to see if I have my head where the sun doesn't shine. If I am wrong correct me and if you have other things that you consider as important I want to know.
Keep groovin'
3/23/2009 11:15:22 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |


Evanston, WY
age: 53
allrighty then.here ya go.
Boys are students: Men are teachers
Boys are consumers: Men are producers
Boys play with toys: Men work with tools
Boys break things: Men make things
Boys ask questions: Men give answers
Boys are disruptive: Men bring order
Boys run in gangs: Men organize teams
Boys play house: Men build homes
Boys shack up: Men get married
Boys make babies: Men raise children
A boy won’t raise his own children: A man will raise his and somebody else’s
Boys invent excuses for failure: Men produce strategies for success
Boys look for somebody to take care of them: Men look for somebody to take care of
Boys are present-centered; Men are time-balanced, having knowledge of the past and understanding of the present and a vision for the future
Boys seek popularity: Men demand respect
Boys are up on the latest: Men are down with the GREATEST
A man takes responsibillity for his current situation and does not blame others for his shortcummings.
A man uses logic and reason.
A man pays his debt.
A man knows that money comes and goes.
A man knows how important integrity is
A man treats women with respect and values the strength she can give him.
A man identifys the difference between his wants and his needs and lives within his means.
A man would die to protect a woman or child.
A boy looks good with his shirt off
A man looks good because of the way he looks at you
A boy will smile during the good times
A man will laugh during the bad
A boy goes to work because he has to
A man works because he can
A boy buys a plasma screen television
A man accumulates a library
A boy will hug you in the kitchen
A man will hold your hand anywhere you're together
A boy knows how to load the washing machine
A man knows what doesn't go in the dryer
A boy can read the grocery list you have written
A man will shop it with you, put it away, and cook anything on it
A boy will talk to you about lousy day
A man will ask you about yours, and listen
A boy will read a to do list
A man knows what has to be done
A boy will buy you flowers
A man will plant them with you
A boy will tell you what you want to hear
A man will tell you what he has to say
A boy will share a thought
A man will share his dreams
A boy will tell you he feels good when he is with you
A man will tell you how he feels when he can't be at your side
A boy will share intimate moments with you
A man....will share his life
i think that should just about cover it.
[Edited 3/23/2009 11:31:51 PM ]
3/25/2009 9:32:34 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |


Winnipeg, MB
age: 58
Thanks LostinWyoming:
Lots of details in your second post. I gained much more.
I hope you gentlemen don't mind me copying and pasting your ideas into a word program. It is a great subject index for meditations and to inspect my life to decide if I am living up to becoming the best I can be.
It took a while for this thread to take off but it certainly has gone in the diretion I had hoped it would. Good clean thoughts - lots of power in them.
FAR OUT !!! keep them comming.
3/26/2009 9:05:57 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |
Newcomb, NY
age: 55
You men Know the answers....now, how do we teach the boys in this climate...And i agree with you 1000%
3/28/2009 10:01:21 AM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |


Winnipeg, MB
age: 58
You men Know the answers....now, how do we teach the boys in this climate...And i agree with you 1000%
Dear sir,
I suspect we begin by being honest with each other. Challenging each other in a spirit of true brotherhood - wishing the best for the other guy. I personally find too many people are afraid to dig deep into their motives and values and even fewer yet who will put their ideas up for inspection.
I think we are all a bit afraid to be wrong or to be seen as dumb so we just shut up. I suspect that is counterproductive.
Being respectful to each other and encouraging open and honest dialoge (not the touchy feely stuff from the sixties) but tackling the deeper intellectual and moral ideas. Doing so with a degree of tact (not my strong suit) and sincerity.
We ARE the role models for our younger males whether we like it or not.
What kind of role model do I want to be? What kind of people do WE want to be? Can we put asside petty differences of politics and religious persuasion to achieve a 'health promoting climate' for our young men?
PS I reread that post from lostinwyoming - THAT is the kind of stuff that is worth meditating upon and expanding on. FAR OUT MAN - KEEP GROOVIN'
[Edited 3/28/2009 10:03:21 AM ]
4/2/2009 1:58:35 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |
Ogden, UT
age: 51
Being a true honest and forthright Provider, Protector, and Defender. Holding himself to his word and being one of Honor.
4/8/2009 2:36:49 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |


Toms River, NJ
age: 52
4/28/2009 1:28:19 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |

Gainesville, FL
age: 46
I know one thing .Smackin a women around is not ! 
5/3/2009 9:58:10 PM |
What constitutes being a "MAN"? |


Winnipeg, MB
age: 58
I know one thing .Smackin a women around is not ! 
I suspect that one is fairly obvious but thanks for your input.
It might be something some guys need to hear.
(Women might heed that advice too)
Good call!!!