3/30/2009 10:16:43 AM |
dog seizures |


Lennon, MI
age: 28
Wow Joe I did not know that. I actually have medication that was given to me because when she was 8 weeks old when I went and bought her she had low blood surgar the first week I had her. I almost lost her. That is why I am so close to her now. She has been eating today and she has not had a seizure. Maybe that is what was going on last night is that her sugar dropped. I will call the vet back and ask..Thanks a lot joe you are the best.!!!!!
3/30/2009 10:18:55 AM |
dog seizures |

Harrison, MI
age: 54
I went to MSU to become a veterinarian
having horses and all.Had to look at
my old medical books.
3/30/2009 10:20:25 AM |
dog seizures |


Lennon, MI
age: 28
It was amazing that what you said made sense with past medical history...My only question is that she has not had any problems with surgar since she was a baby...how come all of a suddent now? If that is what caused it..
3/30/2009 10:27:44 AM |
dog seizures |

Harrison, MI
age: 54
She needs blood work done to
be accurate.I'm not licensed,
I'm guessing.
Some medications will cause side
effects after long periods to there
kidneys or liver.You need to see your
Vet thats the best advice I can give you.
3/30/2009 10:30:39 AM |
dog seizures |


Lennon, MI
age: 28
I called already..They want me to monitor her and her seizures,,THey want me to note when and how often and what time of day..during what periods such as play eating sleeping etc....The meds that was given for her surger before I only had to give them to her as needed she used it for a month and then she was fine. Now i have changed her dog food recently ...I dont know if that could have caused any of this..maybe not getting enough nutrients????? But Once i got some info on the seizures she said then dr will run some blood work and go from their...
3/30/2009 10:33:32 AM |
dog seizures |

Harrison, MI
age: 54
That's your best bet.Blood work
will pinpoint what's going on.
3/30/2009 10:41:39 AM |
dog seizures |

Westland, MI
age: 56
Maybe it will be low blood sugar and all you'll have to do is give her a cupcake a day. I know that treatment helps me a lot. Hope your Pup is OK.
3/30/2009 10:42:37 AM |
dog seizures |


Lennon, MI
age: 28
How about I eat the cupcake and give her meds....LOL THanks Joe and Rob..You both also made me feel better..
3/30/2009 10:45:50 AM |
dog seizures |

Westland, MI
age: 56
I don't know what I'd do if I lost one of my kids, If it was Moon, it would be like losing an arm. If it was Bubba, it would be like losing a leg. Moon weighs 70, Bubba weighs 100.
3/30/2009 10:46:38 AM |
dog seizures |


Lennon, MI
age: 28
princess weights 4 pounds
3/30/2009 10:47:45 AM |
dog seizures |

Westland, MI
age: 56
Bubba made a mess this morning bigger then that. Thank God he's housebroken.
3/30/2009 10:48:32 AM |
dog seizures |


Lennon, MI
age: 28
LOL that is to funny
3/30/2009 10:49:48 AM |
dog seizures |

Westland, MI
age: 56
As long as you're not the one to clean the backyard daily. It's just easier to stay caught up if you go out there daily. The neighbors appreciate it too I'm sure.
3/30/2009 11:36:53 AM |
dog seizures |


Lennon, MI
age: 28
Oh I am sure......
3/30/2009 6:18:32 PM |
dog seizures |

Sandusky, MI
age: 49
i have had experence with this kind of thing..I was a dog breeder for many years (over 15) and did rescue for over 25...I hope you sought vet help for your lil furby...I hope all is well..and it was a fluke...or at very least..a blood sugar related issue..I had to put my german shorthaired pointer down..developed problems and they were 6 days apart and she lost vision and hearing..and bowel control..she was 13...and was a wonderful pet...hunting dog (for the ex) and perfect breeding dog in her day...she gave me 3 litters and tons of unconditional love...and al the years of entertainment...I did what i did because i loved her..and she had no quality of life left...I have had others whowere on medication..but frankly my opinion it damages other organs in the process..so..6 of one..half dozen of the other
Please update on your pooch...Im a animal lover for sure best wishes sent your way