11/10/2007 3:39:49 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
What one thing have you kept a hold of that has no use whatsoever.. but you just can't seem to let go of?
I have a pair of jammies with the feet in them that my sons always HATED to see me in.. especially when their friends came over It is very worn out and I keep getting the feet redone. Great for sliding across the kitchen floor to the fridge! Sons have tried throwing it away or hiding it but I always find it
11/10/2007 4:13:19 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |

Tioga, PA
age: 68
The thing I have kept is my daughter's nightie--can't seem to give it up ,as she passed away in 1989 of cancer.
Also a few things of my hubbys--also passed away of cancer in 92----I still have the papers from hospice where they came,and also the thermometer they used on him..
Gory, I know--but otherwise I'm a clean freak--everything in its place---type a personality---darnnnnnnnn~~~~~~~~~~~~~``hugs--Pat. 
11/10/2007 4:47:16 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
I have an old boot... yes! just ONE boot lol The other one fell apart. I use it to keep quarters in. It was my first pair of cowboy boots!
11/10/2007 5:00:52 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |
Winder, GA
age: 62
Yes, I am........I have more stuff than any man should be allowed to have. Not junk, mind you, but tools, clothes......too much stuff.....I'm ashamed.
When I die, the state and Federal governments will be fighting over all this stuff to see who gets the most.
I have a "tee" that says, "Whoever dies with the most tools - wins."
11/10/2007 5:06:34 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |
Warrensburg, MO
age: 56
I am terrible about saving the same sort of stuff you guys keep! My granddaughter calls it the dead people's drawer! Isn't that terribe? But what does it hurt, once in while I just like to go there and touch those things and remember the good times and some of the bad. I have a tee shirt from the 70's that I kept...too many memories to part with it.
11/10/2007 5:13:25 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
I still have the first jersey shirt I bought with my very first paycheck lol Also my first paycheck stub and my first rent receipt
11/10/2007 5:18:50 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |
Winder, GA
age: 62
You say that you are a clean freak, everything in its place......
I went into the Marine Corps. under age. My mother tried for sevneteen years to teach me to fold my clothes, hang them up, and all that.....I wrote her a letter (one of the two or three that I actually did write her) and said this to her, "Mom, for seventeen years you tried to teach me to be neat and clean, the Marine Corps. taught me to do it in fifteen minutes."
By the way....November 10, 1775......Marine Corps.' birthday today.......
Semper - Fi!
11/10/2007 5:22:01 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |
Winder, GA
age: 62
Sorry....I'm particular about my writing...I spelled "seventeen" incorrectly....
11/10/2007 5:30:40 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |
Winder, GA
age: 62
Up until a few months ago, I had every receipt and income form from the very first time I ever had to file......Boxes full of receipts and documents.....
I decided that since I am very close to going overseas, that I needed to lighten my load in life. Stuff is going to Goodwill, the trash, the needy, and whomever else I can give it all away to......
11/10/2007 5:47:22 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |

Hickory, NC
age: 57
UP until a few month ago I had one of those moles like your child makes in cramp,it was out of plaster I thing. I have had it on the wall in the bed room for about 30 yrs.MY daughter said mom let it go and she took it down and threw it away. some thimes we just have to let go of thing.( She never did like it)
11/10/2007 5:53:10 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |

Herrin, IL
age: 60
I have downsized tremendously. Used to live in a 1800 sq. foot house, then moved to parent's house (to sell), sold it, bought a 980 sq.' trailer, sold it, moved to a two story duplex with no storage. Have finally become an un-pack rat. LOL Have anybody come across a tote full of winter clothes that will fit a size 8 fifty-something? I have lost a few of my winter clothes. Help!!
11/10/2007 5:59:43 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |
Winder, GA
age: 62
Is Marion still a little sleepy town, or has it grown into a thriving metropolis?
11/10/2007 6:10:22 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |


Akron, IN
age: 61
I don't think I was a packrat before, but since I went homeless twenty years ago I feel I am more so today. I lost so much, I now feel I need to hang on to everything.
11/10/2007 6:15:32 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |

Saint Joseph, TN
age: 52
Makes ya appreciate every little thing doesn't it chuck?
11/10/2007 6:22:21 PM |
Are you a " Packrat"? |


Akron, IN
age: 61
Yes it does.