11/10/2007 10:56:57 PM |
can exs be best friends! |

West Terre Haute, IN
age: 42
11/10/2007 11:01:56 PM |
can exs be best friends! |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
In my opinion, I don't believe in ex's b/f or g/f being best friends or even friends.
What I do believe is that if the ex and you had children together then yes, for the sake of the child is best to stay friends, other than that, I personally don't like it when I go out with a guy and he tells me that his ex is just friends now HAHAH! Adios amigo.
I don't stay friends with any of my ex b/f
The only one I stay friends with is with my ex husband of a gazillion years as we have a son together and believe it or not, my exhubby and I have been best friends for the past 7 yrs and he is irreplaceable as a best friend. Is safe for me to say that he's the best husband a woman could ever wish for, the man every woman longs to have as a husband, the best father in the world to our son, and now my best friend in the whole wide world for the past 7 yrs.
Yes he's now married for the past 3 yrs but still values our friendship more than ever and that will never change! 
11/11/2007 12:06:01 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Overgaard, AZ
age: 60
No!!! an X is an X for a reason.Even with kids,they see right through a "Friendly" relationship and know it's just a front, which hurts more cuz they don't understand.Hell I don't understand being friends with an X.An X is deletet from your life period.
11/11/2007 12:34:40 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Red Creek, NY
age: 37
I dont know about best friends but me and my ex have somehow managed to
stay friends and even are roommates now..He has his own life i have mine.
We get along great... Without being a couple that was another story..
we didnt get along at all...
11/11/2007 12:38:22 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Oceanport, NJ
age: 50
Sometimes that just happens.. At lest you can know that you wont have that nagging question..??What if i....
11/11/2007 12:42:50 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Alma, MI
age: 25
All 3 of my exs were horrible boyfriends, completely horrible. 1 i never speak to. the second one i socially speak to and the third i deal with....i could not imagine being friends with any of them, although they all three try real hard to me my friend. and it is not that i am a horrible person, it is just taht they were not so nice and dont deserve my forgiveness.
11/11/2007 1:26:49 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Ramona, CA
age: 54
Kerob….Your Right, Old habits that you shared in your relationship eventually disappear. Her behavior might be denial, or she may be slipping back emotionally sort of like a spinning top on it‘s last spin. Your reaction and/or verbal education should retrain her and straighten things out. Communication is a big deal for your kids, young or grown. My Ex called to locate our adult kids, just last week, during a evacuation due to a wildfire disaster.
11/11/2007 3:18:54 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Prairie Grove, AR
age: 51
You can be friends with your ex. Maybe even be best friends. I believe that if you had children together you should be able to get along for their sake. I am friends with my last ex. We don't hang out together or anything like that, but we do get along and talk once in a while on the phone. But that has to do with something about one of our kids.
But it sounds to me like she wants you back, and the way I feel about it, if it didn't work the first time it won't work this time. Good luck to you.
11/11/2007 3:27:04 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

North Arlington, NJ
age: 47
X.... is only a X... like a burn paper... ppfffttt...GONE..!!!!!
11/11/2007 3:50:59 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 46
they just want you hanging around so that they can have familiar sex with you when they can't get it anywhere else.
11/11/2007 4:58:57 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Little Rock, AR
age: 50
Somebody else's ex could be a best friend.
11/11/2007 5:08:08 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Norlina, NC
age: 41
i am friends with all my ex bfs/husband...i learned once i forgave them all for the reasons i left them..i was able to keep them as my friends..we all cool now!!!! 
11/11/2007 5:32:29 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Auburn, GA
age: 43
Ask yourself if you would be "freinds" if there were no kids?
My ex and I have a son who turned out great even though we did not really communicate that much. He knew he could trust me to raise our son right and I felt the same about him. I dont think you have to be in someones private life to raise your children. I think it is all in how much you can forgive and move on. He was there for the events in our sons life and we sat with each other at those events but then he went his way and I went mine. I did not call nor did he to discuss any issues unless it was something major. He trusted me enough to raise our son the way and when he was with him, I had the same respect. He was actually a great ex husband. You dont have to be in each others lives just because you have kids.
Just respect each other and your private lives keep private.
I wasnt in my ex's business and he wasnt in mine but our son turned into a great man.
Your supposed to spend time with the child not the adult when you are divorced. Dont let the other suck you into "freindship" if you dont really want to be around them expect for the "kids". If you didnt have kids would you still be "freinds"?
So if you can be freinds that is great but dont say it is because of the kids that you are freinds because if that is the only reason you say your friends then your really not. 
11/11/2007 11:00:04 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Montague, MI
age: 42 online now!
I guess if thats what you want
11/11/2007 11:03:44 AM |
can exs be best friends! |

Martinsburg, WV
age: 39
this is what alot of women have told me their friends with their exes for a f*ck friend.