4/6/2009 3:23:42 PM |
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Asheville, NC
age: 23
who thinks smoking ciggs. during sex is a turn on?
ill go first HELL YEA when itst the woman doing it
4/6/2009 8:45:14 PM |
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York, PA
age: 46
who thinks smoking ciggs. during sex is a turn on?
ill go first HELL YEA when itst the woman doing it
Didn't you post this thread somewhere else? I don't think the THC has fired my brain that bad. If your gal smokes during sex and you like it go for it. Me I rather get a little buzzed then have some crazy sex. But durin'....nope too busy for smokin'.
4/8/2009 4:36:01 PM |
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Evansville, IN
age: 45
My hands have more important places to be during that time...but that's just me.
4/8/2009 6:31:00 PM |
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Winton, MN
age: 56
Didn't you post this thread somewhere else? I don't think the THC has fired my brain that bad. If your gal smokes during sex and you like it go for it. Me I rather get a little buzzed then have some crazy sex. But durin'....nope too busy for smokin'.
Wow it's not only smokin in here tonight, it's smokin' Hot. I agree, too stinkin' busy to worry about hot ash... buzz up before and after then have a cig, if you must, but to each their own!!! Happy smokin' all, as you like it!!!  
4/9/2009 6:08:47 AM |
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Sparta, MO
age: 51
busy hands as well as other body parts - maybe one afterwards would be nice
4/15/2009 3:20:00 PM |
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Arlington, WA
age: 44
LOL You know I heard, if you smoke after sex... Your doing it too fast (your on fire)! 
4/18/2009 5:10:09 AM |
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Winton, MN
age: 56
LOL You know I heard, if you smoke after sex...  Your doing it too fast (your on fire)!  That's what I call smokin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL    
4/25/2009 7:33:54 PM |
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Rockmart, GA
age: 44 online now!
I would never smoke during sex, unless i was bored!
But i would definately smoke after some good sex!
4/25/2009 8:12:25 PM |
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Everett, WA
age: 49
now taking a big fat puff on that blunt while your old lady go,s down on ya . NOW THATS SMOKING AND SEX THE REAL WAY gotta lov that women 
4/25/2009 9:24:36 PM |
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Topeka, KS
age: 46
Hi all,
I'm suprised no one has posted the standard old joke that goes with this line.
Someone once asked me if I smoked after sex. I answered, "I don't know...I've never looked." 
[Edited 4/25/2009 9:24:52 PM PST]
4/25/2009 9:32:44 PM |
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Ormond Beach, FL
age: 47
That is pretty cute. Before or after is best. You ouwldn't want to burn any necessary parts. I do like the burn but not when it's coming from a cigarette!
4/25/2009 9:38:06 PM |
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Ormond Beach, FL
age: 47
That is pretty cute. Before or after is best. You ouwldn't want to burn any necessary parts. I do like the burn but not when it's coming from a cigarette!
4/27/2009 9:08:42 AM |
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Montgomery, IL
age: 67
That is pretty cute. Before or after is best. You ouwldn't want to burn any necessary parts. I do like the burn but not when it's coming from a cigarette! 

5/7/2009 6:27:41 AM |
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Winton, MN
age: 56
What sex???? Altho to stay on topic, I'll have to say could have smoked after sex the other night when a young gorgeous man mistook me for a cougar, very flattering, but made me think he was plain nuts!!! I smelled his breath, and he wasn't drunk either. The main thing is , I almost had a chance to smoke before, during and after sex. Sure makes for good fantasy material. Should write a blog I guess, about that one!!!!
5/14/2009 4:24:13 PM |
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Anderson, SC
age: 39
sure come on baby, i'll smoke for you while you perform oral and look you stright in the eye so you don't miss a thing.......
6/20/2009 8:19:10 AM |
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Albany, GA
age: 41
see what u do is put the cigg. in your mouth and make love to u light the cigg.
6/20/2009 2:48:52 PM |
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Louisville, KY
age: 34
Didn't you post this thread somewhere else? I don't think the THC has fired my brain that bad. If your gal smokes during sex and you like it go for it. Me I rather get a little buzzed then have some crazy sex. But durin'....nope too busy for smokin'.
yep ! love gettin high then goin at it ! 
6/20/2009 4:22:15 PM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
now taking a big fat puff on that blunt while your old lady go,s down on ya . NOW THATS SMOKING AND SEX THE REAL WAY gotta lov that women 
As long as I get a hit or two while im servicing..
7/5/2009 7:10:04 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
Yes I have smoked during sex.. and if he was a good boy, I would give him a drag!
7/19/2009 10:18:06 AM |
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Walnut Shade, MO
age: 47
need both males wanted need bud with bud
7/22/2009 8:08:14 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
What? nobody smoking and having sex anymore?
7/23/2009 2:35:05 PM |
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Winton, MN
age: 56
I'm still smokin anyways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL
7/23/2009 10:03:47 PM |
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Clayton, CA
age: 33

7/24/2009 12:15:46 AM |
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Winton, MN
age: 56
Lol Mudd that's funny , and close to the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7/24/2009 7:01:05 PM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
must love and protect!! Take care of Mama, Mudd.. I have faith in you.. Love you. gbye my loved ones.. may I be able to return to all..
7/24/2009 11:11:16 PM |
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Winton, MN
age: 56
Like Bob the Dylan said,..........cuz you ain't goin nowhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We come against all obstacles, see????????????????????????Like I said before at least I'm smokin' LOL , here at least I feel good!!!!!!!!!!!!!dododododododooooooooooooooo
just like I knew that I would now................. so fine, so fine dodododododododododododo
7/24/2009 11:24:26 PM |
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Bremerton, WA
age: 41
7/24/2009 11:30:28 PM |
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Winton, MN
age: 56
Hey Caveman ya cught me singin an old rytham and blues tune!
7/25/2009 2:07:27 PM |
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Brattleboro, VT
age: 21
No, nobody would.... Personally, I have... We stopped for a break and I lit a cigarette, and he came up behind me and....... I'll spare you the details. But I wanted both, so I had both.
8/1/2009 5:50:05 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
Still smoking, well the sex thing is on hold  
8/19/2009 6:43:33 PM |
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Branson, MO
age: 45
i agree with you after the fun the cig time
[Edited 8/19/2009 6:43:59 PM PST]
8/22/2009 2:42:56 AM |
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Cincinnati, OH
age: 51
Grayhound you hit the nail on the head. befor and after sex ok but not while. Have better thin to do with my hands and mouth. bruce
8/22/2009 3:02:43 AM |
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Fernley, NV
age: 24
nothing is wrong with passing a joint around while you are f**king ,i mean come on what about the people watching.
8/22/2009 6:19:46 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
dang.. how did we go from smoking while having sex, to peeps watching? Now I would def. have to smoke!!! Blaze it up
8/22/2009 11:40:39 AM |
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Lebanon, MO
age: 21
i am single and wanting to smash someone
8/22/2009 2:26:43 PM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
Oh darling, that doesnt sound good at all.. Take a deep breath.. 
8/23/2009 6:50:21 PM |
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Rockmart, GA
age: 44 online now!
I totally agree eyes.
Breathe in and breathe out my friend!
This is the smokers lounge, not the
bangers lounge.
8/26/2009 7:23:09 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
Hello bossy and all.. any good sex lately while high?
8/26/2009 2:28:22 PM |
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Winton, MN
age: 56
Been high plenty..................
Oh and when that other part ever happens
We shall see a smile on old Woodsmammas face
from ear to ear, so when my main profile pic gets changed to one with a big ol goofey grin, you will know, how ol mamma's doin, on that subject! I'm just savin my self for someone special.
8/26/2009 4:31:57 PM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
I hear ya there on that one Mama.. Just wondering if that "special" someone is out there? After awhile, I dont even miss it
8/26/2009 5:43:57 PM |
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Winton, MN
age: 56
Ya, it'll have to be right in my face and even then , It'll take bein hit by a two by four for me to get it lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8/29/2009 7:58:11 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
Damn Mama, You had me laughing again!!
9/21/2009 6:37:43 AM |
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Tok, AK
age: 43
I am special...my mommy says so
9/21/2009 6:40:47 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
okk Mando.. but whats that got to do with smoking while having sex or afterwards? And how would she know you're "special"?  
9/21/2009 6:42:49 AM |
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Tok, AK
age: 43
She ment retarded I think

9/21/2009 6:53:27 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
I was thinking it.. I didnt say it, you did!! 
9/22/2009 5:09:44 PM |
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Prescott, AZ
age: 36
I can't believe NO ONE has said this!Putting the ashtray on her butt while riding doggystyle.lmao! 
9/23/2009 10:28:17 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
nope never thought of that!! Thanks for that visual lol
9/23/2009 7:52:00 PM |
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Rockmart, GA
age: 44 online now!
Thanks for the visual?
Sorry ya'll i haven't Ughh smoked
in so long its pathetic!
Eyes, Ya know what i mean, Or do ya?
Smoking while having sex?
Smoking after Good sex is Great!
9/23/2009 8:09:52 PM |
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Magnolia, TX
age: 32
wat are u all smoking?? it matters... cig. not always so hot but i smoke.. damn hypocrit.. but mary jane in bed..yes.. she can smoke all night!!!!!!!!!!
9/23/2009 8:14:58 PM |
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Rockmart, GA
age: 44 online now!
what are we smoking? Weed when awake.
And marlboros after good sex!
9/24/2009 9:48:33 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
Bossy its been so long for sex I forgot what it is... I hear stories about it but the memory isnt serving me at the moment!!!.... oh well.. 
9/24/2009 8:27:34 PM |
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Rockmart, GA
age: 44 online now!
memory is not serving me well either, eyes.
but i do remember smoking after sex, it was awesome!
9/25/2009 5:53:19 PM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
yup it was.. once upon a time!!
9/25/2009 9:11:35 PM |
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Rockmart, GA
age: 44 online now!
Once upon a time......
There were two lonely girl's-
Eyes and bossy, they so longed for the day-
they would have sex and then a cig, and then
a bong hit.
9/25/2009 9:52:29 PM |
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Huntington, TX
age: 42
If it's smoking ya might try some KY
9/25/2009 11:15:01 PM |
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Rockmart, GA
age: 44 online now!
I don't need any ky honey.
It is good and wet!
9/26/2009 7:15:01 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
You tell him Bossy...
9/26/2009 10:38:56 AM |
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Rockmart, GA
age: 44 online now!
Once again you cracked me up!
9/26/2009 10:48:18 AM |
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North Brookfield, MA
age: 45
why would you want to kill the smoke?