Athens, GA
age: 29
Am I the only gamer that's getting tired of all the First Person Shooter games coming out in recent years. Sure it's a novel idea. Put the player in the direct view of doing whatever it is you're doing, but part of the appeal, to me at least, of video games is to step outside of myself, of my existance (call it escapism if you must) and with FPS shooters, it seems like you lose some of that. I don't just want to blow away an army of bad guys, I want to look cool doing it. You don't get that from the FPS perspective. Even something over the shoulder like Max Payne or The Suffering is a nice alternative. Just throwing that out there. Plus with non-FPS it seems like they tend to be more story driven on the whole. Nothing beats a good story. Course, that could just be me. 

Jefferson City, TN
age: 24
I do love my first person shooters, it is quite cathartic, after a long day, to just slap a mag in the ol' Thompson and mow down some SS troops, or to plasma blast some alien or another, but I must agree that sometimes one needs a change of pace now and again.
I'm anxiously awaiting Resident Evil 5.