4/8/2009 8:03:44 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |
Independence, KY
age: 46
Sorry, somebody send me an updated version of dating for dummies in the 21 century.New to dating sites.Am I suposed to choose one that is e mailing me and ask if he wants to meet?I have had some great conversations.O.K what do I do now.
4/8/2009 8:15:31 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Philadelphia, PA
age: 27
You go out there
You do a search
You look for someone
and don't be like a lot of the other females on this website, which is to wait for messages to come to them.
4/8/2009 8:16:32 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |


Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 38
Sorry, somebody send me an updated version of dating for dummies in the 21 century.New to dating sites.Am I suposed to choose one that is e mailing me and ask if he wants to meet?I have had some great conversations.O.K what do I do now. 
do whatever you are comfy with.
you can choose to meet 1 or all or none.its all up to you.
4/8/2009 8:17:56 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |


Norcross, GA
age: 48 online now!
People progress thru the steps at their own rates.
I recently had a woman write me and say "When you decide to invite me for coffee, maybe I will give you my phone number so we can chat a bit."
While it left it open for me to take the initiative, it certainly let me know that she was interested in moving forward!
Feel free to borrow that if you wish...

4/8/2009 8:20:13 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Waverly, NY
age: 49
find one that intrests you and have similar intrests and talk abit then plan on meeting and see if there something there or line a few up if that makes you feel comfortable and plan a few meetings,get active in the forums and you'll meet people. good luck
4/8/2009 8:25:00 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Rockford, IL
age: 36
If you find someone you think you might want to get to know better, then don't hesitate. Just email them. Who knows what will happen when you initiate a conversation. So to answer your question, no its not too forward for a woman to send an email.
4/8/2009 8:27:36 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |
Meriden, CT
age: 45
There aren't any rules. Be true to what you feel. Read through the forums and get a feel for what others are doing if perception matters to you. Otherwise, just do what feels right in the moment. Just like in life. There's no difference here.
I would be clear though. Some people have a tendency to be a bit vague. Meanings are EASILY misunderstood.
Have fun and good luck.
Lastly. No one person is what they appear to be due to the fact that tone, body language and expressions are all missing here.
4/8/2009 8:28:22 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |
Greensboro, NC
age: 26
well it is all about what makes you feel comfterable in the dating field.....remember that its a lil easier here so take charge and do it the way you want it.....dont be afraid to step up and ask
4/8/2009 8:29:37 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
age: 45
If you're interested in a guy, let him know. Online dating is brutal especially for guys; they are expected to make that first move and get shot down a lot. If one catches your fancy, why not let him know? If he doesn't want to meet, you won't waste valuable time being pen pals.
4/8/2009 8:36:55 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |
Independence, KY
age: 46
But say you wnt to meet them in person.You are sooooo right about the face to face communications.A guy asked me to lunch that I thought I liked but voice and demeanor was so disappointing.The pic was old and professionally done it was definatly re touched(my daughter is a model in NY and its a common practice)I was not even able to tell it was him at the restaurant!
Do men think less or think we are pushy if we ask first these days.My friends say no but I am old fashioned in some ways
4/8/2009 8:43:52 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Dearborn, MI
age: 41
With all the independant women I see or read about on the forums and in the searches why ask. This is nt the olden times anymore why couldnt a woman show interest in a man. Lets say stop being independant and become a leader another step up. Saying that doesnt mean you loose femininity or anything else. Why lay the meet up at the mans feet all the time?Why wait on the man all the time? You be what you want to be is what it comes down to it, you become your happiness and if making the first move makes you happy do it by all means. Noone but you can make you happy or make these choices for you. If you don't you may be sitting there for a long time wishing you had. Only you make them decisions.
4/8/2009 8:46:50 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |


Louisville, KY
age: 41
After riding with many women, I'm amazed most can find forward, much less reverse!   
4/8/2009 8:49:51 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |


Norcross, GA
age: 48 online now!
You said you were new, so just a little advice from one who is battlescar'd a bit...
Start with a wink, move on to email.
Email back and forth until you get a comfort level.
Next move to the phone (optional, and I skip this now, but IM/Chat is there for a reason).
Have several conversations on the phone, or setup a meeting once you have talked, depending on your comfort level.
Meet the person face to face. Listen to them, hear them, verify what you think you know about them.
At any step, if something bothers you, then verify that you are hearing what you think you are hearing. If it still bothers you, Red Flag It, and decide to either proceed with caution or NEXT and move on...
That guy you met for lunch, that you didn't like the voice or demeanor(sp?) could have been avoided if you hadn't skipped the phone conversation step!!!!
The "no looky like picture" or profile description is something that you can only figure out face to face. Well I guess there is always the option of webcamming to verify, but many people don't have one, and many that do are perv's anyway!!!

[Edited 4/8/2009 8:52:55 AM PST]
4/8/2009 8:55:45 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |


Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 38
quote from smiles:
Do men think less or think we are pushy if we ask first these days.My friends say no but I am old fashioned in some ways
there are no rules.do whatever you are comfy with.there are women who insist it's the man's place while others would rather lead.....and everything in between.it can work whatever way you want it to.i kinda think it says a lot about a woman who takes the initiative.it shows confidence
4/8/2009 8:59:21 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Frederick, MD
age: 47
All of your questions can be answered by searching the forums.
4/8/2009 9:23:34 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |


Chandler, OK
age: 64
what, 45 years old and you dont what to do. sorry i think you are beyond help. jmo
4/8/2009 9:32:21 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |
Miamisburg, OH
age: 38
what, 45 years old and you dont what to do. sorry i think you are beyond help. jmo
very nice.
4/8/2009 5:53:40 PM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 37
did I give you a ride Tim? 
Op no rules...go with what your comfortable. I personally prefer the guy to ask me out because I am sort of old fashioned...yet I will email someone first if I am interested. Everyone is different. Just stay in your comfort zone. Good luck!
4/8/2009 6:09:49 PM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Hartselle, AL
age: 52
Like the others said it is all what you are comfortable with. But since you are new be well aware of scammers. They love to hit the new people.
4/8/2009 6:28:40 PM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |
Kingman, AZ
age: 49
if you find a man willing, you should f87k his brains out
if he stays forever its love
if he does not come back for more he is not the one
if you listen to the old biddies here you will never have a life
now get out there and sample all the wonderfull men in this world
when you find one that wants you forever....you succeded
when you listen to the failures of women here......you will always loose
now gobe a sexy hot women and find a good man, you can only win one
with a wonderfull loving and nurturing attitude
that precludes 98% of the women here
4/8/2009 6:56:44 PM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |
Winder, GA
age: 44
If you're interested in a guy, let him know. Online dating is brutal especially for guys; they are expected to make that first move and get shot down a lot. If one catches your fancy, why not let him know? If he doesn't want to meet, you won't waste valuable time being pen pals.
goodgato: you hit the nail on the head.right then you opened a new avenue for the ladies to follow. cause we are chicken.
We fear rejection as you can only imagine. 
4/8/2009 7:06:59 PM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |


The Dalles, OR
age: 54
If you see something you want...go for it....
You win some ...you lose..some..by you live to face another day...
P.S. "This is advice brought to you by a Ol Biddy"...... 
4/8/2009 7:25:58 PM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Saint Joseph, MO
age: 43
Broken record here, like everyone else said do what you are comfortable with. I'm old fashioned too and it's taken me a while to feel comfortable winking and e-mailing the guys first, but I guess you'll get more conversations and possibly more dates if you do. If you've been talking a while, it's ok to say here's my number why don't you call and we can talk or possibly set up a place to meet. Go For It!!
4/8/2009 9:00:11 PM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |


Ravenna, OH
age: 54
You could just e-mail a guy that catches your eye???????????????
4/8/2009 9:14:31 PM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |


Chandler, OK
age: 64
pop the question to her , so she will marry you. then you all can live happy ever after.; just like the farie tales , tells us
4/9/2009 4:52:13 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Massillon, OH
age: 39
It's not too forward at all for a woman to initiate something. How are you going to find what is out there for you if you don't try?
Sure, old fashioned thinking or shyness may come into play - but I just read somewhere - you only live once. Right? Right.
4/16/2009 1:53:13 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |
Portland, TX
age: 42
All of your questions can be answered by searching the forums.
IF that were the case then we would all be off this site by now.
4/16/2009 1:56:57 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |
Portland, TX
age: 42
what, 45 years old and you dont what to do. sorry i think you are beyond help. jmo
Thats very telling as your 64 and on here so what does that say for you ya crusty old jerk. I'ts obvious you have NO life as every picture is in your house! The woman is looking for advice and help and put herself out there.
[Edited 4/16/2009 1:59:03 AM PST]
4/16/2009 3:26:38 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Fort Lauderdale, FL
age: 45
Figure out what type of guy appeals to you - core values, characteristics, etc. and then search accordingly. If you're sitting passively around waiting for "Mr. Right," he might come along...or he might be a big control freak since you come across kind of passive. It's your call what you want.
4/16/2009 4:00:56 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |


Reston, VA
age: 53
Do whatever you feel like!!
4/16/2009 4:18:56 AM |
Is it too forward for a woman... |

Phoenix, AZ
age: 48
-we don't need no stinkin rules...