Madison Heights, MI
age: 47
People are strange, when your a stranger...
Testing you or not, I think the little miss, come from a long line of psychopathics with mental issues...
So since your not a hit-man for hire, I beleive it would be best for you to leave that little fruit loop behind, along with all her families drama....
You can read it in the funny papers..., if and when she finds some ignoramus to do this deed..
To stop the deed, you'll have to somehow record her proposition, and report her to the cops. If you wish to never chat with the young miss again, no one should blame you for your avoidance. Don't let anyone suck you into there demented thoughts baby... because somethings are just trully out of our control.

Corvallis, OR
age: 54
Run as fast as you can.

Modesto, CA
age: 51
Sounds like time to get the heck outta dodge......and I sure wouldn't be leaving any forwarding address!!!!!


Sioux Falls, SD
age: 58 online now!
You mean you're still TALKING to her RUNNNNNNNNN NOW

Port Orange, FL
age: 47
I know how you feel.
I have had many friends ask me if they should off their ex and should they contact these guys that advertise in the soldier of fortune magazines.
My response is always "don't talk to me about this because I don't want to be called as a witness and NO I won't do it for you"
cut all communication lines and don't ever let her know where you live.
get on your horse and get the hell out of Dodge cowboy