11/24/2007 3:03:14 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!
blade before or after I told him off...
11/24/2007 3:04:46 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

West Harrison, NY
age: 48
Morning Kitten and sending you another wink Wildthang
[Edited 11/24/2007 3:04:59 AM]
11/24/2007 3:04:49 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
details klassy!
11/24/2007 3:05:35 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Little Rock, AR
age: 50
Beholdin'.............I like the ring of that.......kinda rolls right off ya tongue.
Thank ya...........ah thank ya very much...............
11/24/2007 3:06:09 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!
stelma my #2 son called last night...he left you area headed to cali and got snowed in and broke down in New Mexico...He's giving me up to the minute updates of his travels and keeping me on edge...He did send me a nice picture of the arches....
11/24/2007 3:08:07 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Clair, MO
age: 52
the arch!! woo-hoo, our neck of the woods, stella!!
11/24/2007 3:09:38 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
well, hopefully his truck will get broke in as he gets experience. Have you ever been to STL?
11/24/2007 3:11:14 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!
I just told him he was a bad liar. My son said to tell him that HE SAID it was his loss coz if he could see how good I looked and realized what he was missing he would be kicking his ass the whole 50 miles here to get back in my good graces.....LOL
11/24/2007 3:12:04 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!
Nope never been that far
11/24/2007 3:12:56 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
He lied? Like in butt ugly or what?
Have I got a profile to send you, g/f!!! Whatcha think, wild?
[Edited 11/24/2007 3:13:49 AM]
11/24/2007 3:13:49 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Little Rock, AR
age: 50
I'd kick myself 4 a hunert miles if that's what it took................
wildthang.........don't let that hawgpossum git away............
This is where they chat thru e-mail n IM's................
Spill the beans gurlz..................
[Edited 11/24/2007 3:17:28 AM]
11/24/2007 3:15:33 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Unity, ME
age: 35
Your right it's his loss klassykitten.
11/24/2007 3:16:59 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Clair, MO
age: 52
OMG, klassy's got to see this one!! it almost looks like nick's dinner!!
11/24/2007 3:18:20 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
LMAO!!! But what he wants to go with it...eeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
11/24/2007 3:19:15 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!
No he lied his way out of the date...the first lie dealt with his kids...but apparently he forgot his first lie and a couple of hours later told another one for an excuse...Basically it boiled down to he had friends closer that invited him to go with them to Atlanta and party and since I made it clear this was a meet and get to know each other date not a sleep together date...He musta lost interest. It's not the idea of not going out with him...it's that he had to lie...I hate that shit and brings out my inner b*tch....