11/28/2007 3:47:26 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
wol...that ALL wild! Man, you shoulda seen her! I justr couldn't believe it!
11/28/2007 3:48:37 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
I got the moppin...libra's got the talkin.
11/28/2007 3:49:01 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Little Rock, AR
age: 50 online now!
What kinda speak eazy is this gin jerint? For gawd's sake there's an elementary school across the street. This is the 1st, last n only warnin' ya gonna get. Shape up or ship out, toe the line. Expect undercover vice up in here 4 a while. This is a good n decent part of town. Ain't gonna have no drunken stumblebumz 'round here droppin' used condoms, shootin' craps, bustin liquor bottles n urinatin' in public. Straighten up n fly right or ya gonna find your shuck n jive asses stayin' on the city's dime down 2 the crossbar motel. This ain't no red-light district n ain't no streetwalkerz gonna be workin' n shakin' down johns on my beat.
[Edited 11/28/2007 3:50:48 AM]
11/28/2007 3:49:46 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!
Libra for god's sake get some clothes on...you can't run around in here with that thang swanging like that...stella get your drawers off that fan and put them on too. Damn libra nice ass...I mean yall ought to be ashamed...
11/28/2007 3:50:15 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Castro Valley, CA
age: 39
I guess the only question I got...."who made the tower of whipped cream cans?"
11/28/2007 3:50:27 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
Hell no nick! We was just dancin...
11/28/2007 3:51:38 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Little Rock, AR
age: 50 online now!
That ain't the reportz I been gettin' down @ the station...............
11/28/2007 3:51:40 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
I'm tellin ya that aall wild, right libra?? wink! wink!!
11/28/2007 3:52:08 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!
Well for once I'm glad to see you demon....can you help stella get her panties off that fan...or turn it on high and maybe they will sling off if they aint glued on...
11/28/2007 3:52:13 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Lowell, AR
age: 32 online now!
Hell.....wild was outta control! we tried to stop her klassy.........

11/28/2007 3:53:34 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49
realllyyyy we did!!!! I was all about what an upstanding joint this was. OH! I didn't let em smoke inside...that counts, right??
11/28/2007 3:54:00 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56
Thats what happens when you leave 2 Mo. Women in a room with men alone.
Later, Blu
11/28/2007 3:54:32 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Lowell, AR
age: 32 online now!
....your report ain't nuthin' nick....you outta see the home movie!!!!!    
11/28/2007 3:54:33 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Toccoa, GA
age: 50 online now!
Better pick me up a couple of cans of whipped cream with them donuts...I need it for the hot chocolate...Am I missing anything else..
LIBRA...you sure are awful quiet....dammit wake your drunk ass up...this aint no notel motel
11/28/2007 3:55:01 AM |
The New Breakfast Club....Coffee Anyone |

Saint Louis, MO
age: 49

He didn't know what hit him. 