Osage, IA
age: 37
Well, I was on and off with this guy...mostly on, but with two jobs I am so busy. He knew my work schedule and would come to visit me at work. One day he totally turned different to me. I couldn't figure it out. My gut told me to check this out and I did. Nonetheless, I found out he had a profile on a site that is almost porn like and had his "nickname" he always goes by and his real age and town. I confronted him with it and he says "IT IS MY X WIFE THAT PUT THAT PROFILE UP, NOT ME". So I checked it out further to find that it was him that did put up the profile to cheat on me. He always told me he loved me and that i was his ANGEL. WELL, with that said I dumped him and I will never trust HIM again. He played me for a fool, lied to me, played headgames with me and of course cheated on me emotionally with 8 pages of women on this site. I was just devastated. I have moved on of course and I do NOT think every man is like he is/was. I can say that i have moved on and am secure and fine with moving on, although he is not. He goes to all my profiles even now and posts comments on them and makes sure if someone posts on my profile that he posts on "HIS" profile saying he is in love with me to leave me alone. (HE IS A REAL FREAK NOW). I try and stay away from him in our town as much as possible. Last I heard he was moving away which is great. I know he won't find me here though.......lol......well that is my pathetic story....lol...have a great one everyone

Roseville, CA
age: 27
Some people are seriously crazy. Well if he finds you here just block him!

Amesbury, MA
age: 57
I divorced after 38 years of marriage,to a guy that slept in more beds than Washington.I kept forgiving him thinking some how it was my fault.But I woke up.It takes some people longer I guess.