11/18/2007 5:53:08 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55 online now!
yep lured, they do that to us. Pretty smile, that look in thier eyes, the smell as you walk by, the gentle touch on the arm.. I like it too, but not on a tests..
Later, Blu
11/18/2007 5:54:56 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
You guys, not a test ....... just trying to understand Men... what was I thinkin' 
11/18/2007 5:58:30 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Johnstown, PA
age: 53 online now!
i think with one you should get the other
11/18/2007 6:02:26 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55 online now!
Come closer !!!!!!!!
11/18/2007 6:05:46 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
......come get me 
11/18/2007 6:08:47 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55 online now!
651 miles Hmmmm..
My Biker Granny always said,(about women) don't try to understand them. Just love and enjoy them.....
Later, Blu
11/18/2007 6:10:42 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
You had a biker Granny?
11/18/2007 6:19:24 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55 online now!
Granny was a Hit Women, Biker ane the wises women a know. But only in my mind, I never knew mime, so I made her up and she always got my back..
OK another test... Between my Granny and I, we know everything !!!!! , Really just ask me anything !!!!!
Later, Blu
11/18/2007 6:25:50 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
dang, you LURED me in on that one. 
Here I was picturing one of those ladies back in the day when they were pioneers of adventure when it wasn’t the thing “a lady would do” in those days.
Soooo, you make up little o’ladies in your older age?
11/18/2007 6:44:42 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Elsberry, MO
age: 55 online now!
Yes, I did and you came back !!!!
Soooo, you make up little o’ladies in your older age?
Without going into details. I made her up when I was very young. She loved me when I thought no one else did, kept me harm when I was cold and from crying myself to sleep many nights. Now she is that little voice between my head and heart, we all have in us....
Later, Blu: Be Happy, Safe and Many Blessing..
11/19/2007 4:53:35 AM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
Blu, I was lucky I had a german shepard for nights like that. Now I guess that helps comes from the Holy Spirit. But Granny's help too 
Have a great day!!
11/19/2007 11:57:38 AM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Bethlehem, PA
age: 61
If you have to ask, then you are lacking in some aspects of understanding and feelings. Love and respect go hand in hand in a spousal or boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. You can however have great respect for someone without love and later have love, but If someone you know is disrespectful do you expect that you will fall in love that person? If you love someone and later on they become disrespectful toward you will that not have some effect at all on your love? Will a slap in the face make you feel good or will flowers? So, would you agree that love and respect do go hand in hand?
11/19/2007 4:26:47 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
Please ....... I was asking because I was curious if the book was on target with what you guys think. Asking doesn't indicate that I lack feelings or understanding. 
But I respect your opinion. 
11/19/2007 4:42:34 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
Without one you do not have the other. At least this is the way I see it.

11/19/2007 5:03:22 PM |
Men do you want Respect or Love more in a relationship? |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
I think we all agree. 
It's just that I don't think women think much about the respect aspect. I think sometimes it gets overlooked in it's importance. jmo
[Edited 11/19/2007 5:04:31 PM]