Eugene, OR
age: 41
I recently got out of a relationship that just didn't work out. I cared and loved the woman, but she was just not ready for a healthy solid relationship so consequently we went our seperate ways. When I brought some of her stuff back to her, I wrote a nice poem for her on a card that had a blue jay on the front of it. I said something along the lines of spreading your wings and flying to her dreams. I wanted to let her know that even though it didn't work out, I still cared about her anyway. About three weeks later I was out walking around wondering if I had really done everything I possibly could for her. Just then a blue jay landed on the ground in front of me and just sat there. I knew it was God saying...Yes, you did. God is so good to me..I almost cried on the spot.
P.S I had an awesome time in church today just simply praising him for everything he has done for us.
[Edited 11/18/2007 9:13:39 PM]

Syracuse, NY
age: 50 online now!
Thank you for sharing that my Brother;
Playing guitar in the choir is generally an uplifting experience all the time. Singing in the choir is the same. Speaking to the people who listen to the music and knowing that they too were lifted up is exultingly unbelievable! It is said that songs of praise are twice the prayers. I know that if I feel the way I do from how the music makes the others feel. then how much more so does the Creator feel from all the glorification and prayers?
And when viewing God within all those we meet, anywhere that we meet, is hearing God in them and through them.
In His Peace and Love my Brother, I am with you.

Fitchburg, MA
age: 45
One day i was playing with my little dog. He is like my only child, I have no children. I was feeding him a treat and having fun with him. I said to him pray, He sat up and put his paws together. I almost fell out of my seat. He does it to this day. Ill post a pic of him doing it soon as a scan one. it's the cutest thing you ever saw. God is great. I love when He does things like he did for you and me.

Woonsocket, RI
age: 48
Thank for sharing guys!!!!! Every moment that my ears and eyes are open to Him,He reveals Himself to me,no matter where I am or what I am doing!
Lord I Lift Your Name on High!!!!..........peace