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11/21/2007 5:16:11 AM |
Godincident of the day, week, month .......... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53 online now!
Have you heard of a GODincident; something that happened today or last week or month, anytime that showed you that the Lord is with your or someone you love. A reminder he is ever present in your life? It doesn't have to be something hugh, it can be something small. A song at the right time, a rainbow, a call from someone that gave you that lift or you run into someone that you have not seen in a long time and they lift your spirtts when you really needed it.
Sometimes we have to LOOK for them, we pass by them every day if we don't focus on God and other things crowd him out.
So think about it, look for it today and share with us, I'll do the same.
Happy Thanksgiving ! 
11/21/2007 4:06:54 PM |
Godincident of the day, week, month .......... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53 online now!
Well I had my Godincidents today .......
Sorry to say it's on a sad note, and as Godincidents are, the timing is so unreal.
I found out today at noon that my Uncle passed away yesterday 11/20/07. I was close to him and it hurts deeply.
I was sending my Aunt an e-mail, btw their last name is "Self" As my eyes glanced over e-mails I have received but not yet read, from yesterday a daily devotional I recieve, caught my eye, it was titled:
"The Burial Of Our Shimmering Self" 11/20/2007
I can't say the devotion was in connection of my Uncle passing but just the title makes me think that the Lord knows what I'm going through and he's telling me I'm not alone and the devotion is a way of telling me to move forward and be all I can be for me, myself.
11/21/2007 4:48:50 PM |
Godincident of the day, week, month .......... |

Galion, OH
age: 47
Dear, I am sorry for your pain. Even though we know they are now in a better place, the parting is still a deep sorrow.
11/21/2007 5:07:08 PM |
Godincident of the day, week, month .......... |

Utica, NY
age: 60
I'm sorry for your loss.
It is a wonderful way to travel in life, when we are in tune to those God incidents! Thank you for this new word. I love it! 
11/21/2007 5:18:48 PM |
Godincident of the day, week, month .......... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53 online now!
thank you dg.........
but i don't mean to not have others post their Godincident. I would like to see more post in this group.
11/21/2007 5:19:43 PM |
Godincident of the day, week, month .......... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53 online now!
thank you too Cottage..... you are so sweet.
11/22/2007 7:12:03 PM |
Godincident of the day, week, month .......... |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 53 online now!
Geez...I have had so many "Godincidents" in my life,
you wouldn't believe it! See...I don't believe in
coincidences in which,I know for a fact,God's hand
was the intervening factor.
To shorten things up:
I was handed a box full of groceries one year at my door.
Someone came over and fixed my car.
I have a 14 yr. old grandson.
Gee...just lots of things!
God is Great!!!
11/24/2007 8:49:25 AM |
Godincident of the day, week, month .......... |

Oxford, MI
age: 43
My Godincident happened a little over a week ago when I was driving to a Friend of the Court (Michigan's answer to keeping parents out of the circuit court rooms all the time) appearance because my ex-husband (E.H.)wanted his child support lowered. Our Court Ref. was not a very positive or motivational man and so I was not excited about this visit.
I pray outloud in my car on the way asking God to stay with me through this process and help me choose the right words to make my point positive and with keeping my children in mind. I also asked him to grant me peace and keep my anxiety level in check.
I arrived at the court office to find out that our normal Referree had retired (YEA! )and the interm Referree was a kind, even tempered man who I later came to realize was a Christian when he made reference to my E.H. that when we do good things, someone above will recognize that and grant good things to you.
The entire process went very well. (PS: Child Support wasn't reduced because the E.H. is currently unemployeed anyways.) I got back into my car, started it up and our local Christian music station came on my radio and my church Pastor was speaking. THe first word I heard from him was "forgiveness!" I was blown away and began to cry because it felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders.
To end, since this day, my E.H. and I have spoken on the phone in regards to the children and he has not been uptight, mean or verbally abusive as is the norm on other occassions. Just maybe God had His hand on my E.H. shoulder as well!
11/24/2007 12:29:04 PM |
Godincident of the day, week, month .......... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53 online now!
That's what I'm talkin' about !!!!! Thank You all.
I would hope that we would come here when one of us has a Godincident and share it, large or small. They may not happen everyday but if we know we have a place to share them, we will be more open to recieve and then they seem to come around more often or maybe we are noticing them instead of over looking them. 
God is Good!!
12/3/2007 1:54:14 PM |
Godincident of the day, week, month .......... |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 51
I have a good one. Last wk, i took my car to the brake shop, to have them checked out, because my brakes had been grabbing, and my brake light had popped on once, but, it went back off. I had already, chalked it up as another thing on my to do list. (smile) After checking out my brakes, the man, came out and said to me, i have good news, for you with a smile on his face, i said ok, because, i sure could use some good news rt about now. He said your brake pads that we put on your car this yr, was defective, so we're putting you some new rear brake pads on free of charge with no labor charge. I said praise the Lord. Thank you. (smile)
12/3/2007 2:50:36 PM |
Godincident of the day, week, month .......... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53 online now!
That is so 
God is Good !!!!